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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 10 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

    They can initiate talks - so far I believe they have South Korea, Israel and Chile in ‘rollover’ talks - whilst the Marshall Islands are playing hardball ???? 


    Trade deals with major nations will still take years to create. 


    However you didn’t answer the question - if the EU and U.K. are offering the same product the EU’s considerable financial muscle compared to the U.K. (GDP $17t v $3t) tells you all you need to know. 

    Yep, seems the EU's financial muscle is working a treat. ????







    10 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

    Plus the WTO (the leavers trade body of choice) has just given ol Trump (the leavers trading partner of choice)  the green light to slap $7.5 billion of tariffs on all European countries incl the U.K. ( because we’re European) - howls of protest from the U.K. government today. 


    So how are those trade deals going with the big boys ? ????

    Another good reason to make our own deal with the US instead of getting dragged down with the EU's failed attempts.


    • Like 2
  2. 15 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    A friend had his house built in Hua Hin in a well known developpment, and despite the good quality of the construction, the final requests and upgrades are taking ages to finish. The developpers just don't seem to care, do not answer his messages and it's a weekly battle with the developpers to have the slightest task finished for which he has already paid for. As  for the prices of the houses, they are shamefully inflated and definately not a good deal to purchase in the first place.


    As said often, in real estate in Thailand, for  a house or condo, think twice....rent, avoid buying.

    Well buying a poorly built project at inflated prices is a bad idea anywhere in the world. If you buy the right place at the right time there are many advantages...


    1. You don't pay rent, an immediate saving.

    2. You can decorate it nicely according to your own tastes.

    3. You are secure in the knowledge that you won't be asked to leave at the next contract renewal, with all the associated hassles of moving.

    4. You don't have to worry about rental increases, deposits not being returned etc.

    5. You don't have to deal with a landlord, and in my experience landlords in Thailand can be quite difficult.

    6. You have a say in juristic affairs and are treated more seriously when raising issues as an owner.


    As someone who is used to owning the property they live in, I hated renting and regret not buying here sooner.

    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    No one is not letting you leave. You’re requesting the extensions. 


    Well, the PM is bound by law to request an extension due to Benn's shameful surrender bill.


    The EU know the country doesn't want it and they know the UK government doesn't want it. It's only the traitorous MP's like Grieve and Benn who are forcing it upon us, essentially taking the side of the EU (who also want us to extend) against of the electorate and the government (who want to leave at the end of October). So once again we come back to this disgrace of a Parliament being led by odious politicians like Benn and Grieve.  

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, damascase said:

    News for you: the EU can’t stop you leaving.

    I said "Let" us leave. By refusing the extension request.


    They can't "stop" us leaving.  Well, not officially. Colluding with UK Remainer MP's kind of stops us but I blame the traitourous UK MP'S for that. The EU is only looking after itself. I have way more respect for them than I do for the likes of Dominic Grieve selling out his own countrymen to a French/German led federal project.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    If only we could cull the unrepentant leavers then we could finally get our country back. But they would probably taste quite bitter and tough so I'll have to make do with tariff free New Zealand lamb in our brave new Brexit Land of Lies.....

    A Remainer talking about getting their country back? From Leavers?


    The type of confusion that happens when satire meets hypocrisy.


    Keep fighting the good fight to make us a state of federal Europe. Then you can have your country back.????

  6. 47 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

    Government rules through Parliament. Supreme Court enforces that. Have another go.

    Sent from my SM-N935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Separation of powers. The Judiciary should not over-rule the government on political decisions. Proroguing is a political decision, not justiciable. If the prerogative power to prorogue can be changed by judges then almost anything can be.


    You may support it now, but you know it's a dangerous precedent, and wrong. You'll pretend it's fine because the verdict went your way, this time.


    • Sad 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    Now you really are posting absolute rubbish, as is obvious by your incendiary retorts on this forum today. Take a sedative, a deep breath, and calm down.  

    Perfectly calm thanks. Sorry you find facts incendiary. Here are some more for ya...


    Keep believing those polls though ????





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  8. 47 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

    Exactly, it seems like the posters only sees the Bt50,000,nothing else. How often do expats transfer large sums out of Thailand? 

    Most expats working here could transfer more than that home pretty frequently.


    I really don't see the point of this, I already had all my documents checked and filled in a million forms when I set up the International Transfers on my Bangkok Bank iBanking. They already limit my annual amount for transfer to 70% of my salary. Now I have to get it checked again at both ends every time I send more than 50k home? Or send 49,999 multiple times and incur the fees multiple times.


    I've been reasonably confident keeping money in Thai banks up until now, but announcements like this out of the blue making it more difficult to repatriate money make me feel nervous. I know there are ways around it like BitCoin etc. but why do we have to constantly find "ways around" doing simple, perfectly legal things? 

    • Thanks 2
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