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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 9 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    Why keep rabbiting on about what you consider to be democracy?  Because it's in Britain's interest for MPs to decide what's best. That's democracy in action.   

    Because I enjoy watching anti democrats tying themselves in knots to try and justify overturning the biggest Democratic exercise in UK history, simply because they lost the vote and refuse to accept it.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Opl said:

    It's getting so incomprehensible by the day, that maybe to maintain the status quo would be the most evolutive solution

    You mean simply give up on Democracy because a few hundred MP's are bringing the country to it's knees because they won't accept losing? If everyone was that weak there would be no Democracy to give up on.

    • Like 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    They did respect the result of the first one. they invoked Article 50.


    From that point onwards MPs had the ability to act as per their roles, ie act in the best interests of the country. As it became obvius from the deals/no deals that were proposed to parliament, it became obvious, even to a blind man, that leaving under any of the scenarios on offer wasn't in the best interests of the country. Ergo remain.

    So you think standing and being elected on a manifesto to respect the vote, enacting article 50 and then immediately doing a 180 and plotting for 2 years to stop Brexit is respecting the result? What a twisted view you have.


    PS there is not a deal of any kind proposed. There is a treaty. Any "deal" will come later, after we have left. 


    • Like 1
  4. On 10/25/2019 at 9:08 PM, thaiguzzi said:

    Different strokes for different folks.

    Just the thought makes me want to retch.

    A 4 cylinder 250 4 stroke.

    What could be worse?

    I'd rather have an MZ 250 2T single. No word of a lie.

    For that sort of money, i would snap Vocal Neal's 250 Honda 2T NSR off his hands.

    Better pedigree, better everything.

    Inline 4's are loads of fun. High revving, high performance, howling exhaust, what's not to like?


    I like twins and triples as well, but there's something about the silky smooth performance of an i4 that's awesome. I still regret selling my GSXR.


    The NSR250 is a great bike, but as I found out with my CR125R it can be a bit of a pain keeping old 2 strokes running well in Thailand unless you have a lot of free time and can do the work yourself. 

  5. 21 hours ago, eisfeld said:

    Kawasaki did it. A 250cc inline four... https://www.asphaltandrubber.com/bikes/2020-kawasaki-zx-25r-tokyo/

    $9500 estimated which makes it a bit ridicolous for what it is. But hey, many people were demanding another 250cc four so there ya go ????

    That looks awesome. 9500 USD is about 285,000 Baht. Considering that an R3 is 195,000 Baht I don't think that would be too crazy if they could sell it in Thailand at that price, considering that it's basically got the spec of a 600cc supersport (power modes, traction control, Showa suspension, quickshifter etc.) with a 250cc inline 4 engine.


    Of course, it's highly unlikely that it will be sold here and if it is, it will be 10-20% more than the US price but I bet that is a seriously fun bike.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

     Nigel Farage is an ass.


    He blabs and blabs about Brexit but he can't deliver anything as he has no power or representation in the House of Commons, he is all hot air and bluster. He does not have the means or capability to do anything except shoot his mouth off.


    Everything has been done to achieve Brexit but if those in the House of Commons keep blocking it, as it is full of remainers who are not listening to the voters, then the ridiculous stalemate will continue to damage business and the economy.


    They do not want to pass any Brexit legislation because they don't want to leave.


    They don't want a General election to let the people decide either as they are terrified that Boris Johnson will get the backing of the British public and return with a large majority.


    There is no peoples vote, the people voted already in 2016.


    Every filthy trick in the book has been used to prevent the UK following a democratic path and the will of the majority of the people.




    I agree with your views on the disgraceful behaviour of Remain MP's trying to thwart Democracy. Very well said.


    However, I disagree about Farage having no power. The power he exerted through UKIP and now The Brexit Party has directly led to policy changes in the government of that time. There's no way the Tories would be so hard line re. Brexit if they didn't have The Brexit Party breathing down their necks.


    Also, his presence in the European Parliament has certainly made a lot of Europhiles very uncomfortable. If the EU extend again despite Johnson's request not to, I'm hoping he is made the UK's EU Commissioner. That would be hilarious.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

    The Poms are hilarious - as far as us Aussies can see.  So there was a Referendum to decide and the result was Yes. Since then there has been a lot of delaying and schemeing and PM changes because they all did not deliver a 'leave' solution. So Boris was annointed on the basis that he will leave the EU and he set 31st October as the 'drop dead' date. So now the UK Pollies are refusing to vote on the deal Boris negotiated, just like they 'blocked' all the previous deals.  And they even refused to allow Boris to call an election to decide whether UK realy really really wants to leave ????.


    Seems to me that the Pollies do not want to be 'counted' as voting against leaving - and that more of them inside the Tories are being 'outed' since Boris took over - and they hate him for it.  And here I was thinking the Swamp was deep in the USA - they aint got nothing on these UK pollies.  Many Tories have been lieing and scheming ever since the Referendum to stop Brexit - the dirty sneaky buggers. At least the Labour people have been honest about it all.


    UK politics is getting very very interesting and entertaining - so is USA at the minute.  Us Aussies think it is hilarious and we love it. It is so much better than I Can Cook Cr*p, or Watch Me Fix This Cr*p, or 'Lets Dance Like Richardheads, and all the rest.  Our Pollies are dead set boring - and half brain dead - which is just the way we like them ????


    It's good to get a neutral view. You're correct, the MP's trying to block the result of the referendum after standing on manifestos to respect the outcome are an absolute disgrace.


    As someone who enjoyed living in Australia for a while and has quite a few Australian friends, I hope you are never blighted by such traitorous politicians scheming against the wishes of their own electorate.


    • Like 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    I guess in the Brexiteers‘ world, judges would have to be elected through manipulated opinion polls so that they can ignore the wrongdoings of a government. 

    Desperate, desperate stuff ????.


    Like most things in the UK, it was working fine until Remainers decided that they wouldn't give losers consent after losing the 2016 referendum. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Erm, you missed the bit in the middle.


    The democracy bit, where people who disagree have a right to oppose and if they succeed reverse decisions regardless of how far down the line the implementation has travelled.



    When's the last time the party that won a General Election had the result overturned before they took power? You think if that happened it would be Democratic?

  10. 1 minute ago, sandyf said:

    One day you will realise why they will never happen, the EU does not need sub standard goods and can continue to trade with the US and China as they do.

    The US is the UK's biggest trading partner apart from the EU, what makes people think it would be any better as an FTA. The US are pushing as they see the UK as an easy target without the EU protection.

    Free trade deals are never free. 

    Make your minds up. One minute the UK will collapse without trade deals, the next minute it's fine (for the EU) not to have them. ????

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The question I asked was:


    You’ve confirmed you do not.

    I'll simplify it as it seems my answer was too complicated. The process is this.


    • One side wins the vote.
    • The result of the vote is implemented.
    • If required, after the first vote is implemented another vote can take place at a later date (normally several years after the first vote was implemented).
    • The result of the vote is one again implemented.
    • And so on and so on.

    It's not complicated. Please pay attention to the parts in bold. If you still don't understand, please refer to General Elections over the past 50 years for examples.


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