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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Trial by Daily Mail ????.


    Actually given the courts farcical ruling on Prorogation last week, your probably better off being judged by the media than by the likes of Judge Hale in her Kangaroo court ????.



  2. 17 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    Only the delusional would think that there is a great deal to be had with either the US or China, there is a valid reason why both countries have failed with the EU.


    "So it's not going to be very difficult to get something that is better than nothing, is it?"

    How very true, ask any street girl.


    Yes there's a valid reason those talks failed, it called the EU negotiating stance of "Here's a bad deal, take it or leave it". Most leave it.


    As for street girls, sorry I don't mix in that type of company so I'll have to take your word for it.

  3. 17 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    I respect your (incendiary) views, but do not agree with them, mainly because it's not factual as at TODAY (not 2016) when 53% of the 77 combined voting population polls indicate a remain outcome.


    Which means at a GE the LD party would be given a free rein to contest all marginal tory seats and should gain about 15 more seats than already. So, there won't be a parliament overflowing with leavers - not by a long chalk.


    Brexiteers could harp all they like, but it doesn't alter the fact they're in a minority nowadays - a fact that posters on here and johnson chooses to ignore.  



    Polls? ???? How were those polls before the 2016 referendum?


    You might think that Leavers are a minority. I suspect that's because they go quietly about their business and wait until elections to make their opinion known. Remainers on the other hand are a vocal minority, shouting from the rooftops to anyone that will listen, until they get slaughtered at the election and then claim it doesn't count ????.

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  4. 37 minutes ago, Boatfreak said:

    The UK is a sinking ship, it's whole economy is collapsing, I feel sorry for the Brits that were intelligent enough to understand that this was a bad move, I feel sorry for the young generation that will have to endure the decision of an older generation that will only suffer the consequences for a few years,  but the rotten apple has to be removed from the basket so Europe can go on with more important stuff. 

    Yep, plenty of important stuff for the EU to deal with, even The Guardian acknowledges it.





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  5. 7 minutes ago, Boatfreak said:

    We have heard this before. Brexit was going to be an easy deal. 3 years later......

    That was with the EU, a protectionist racket acting like a woman scorned. 


    I'm talking about doing trade deals with the more mature governments around the world. With leaders that don't cut off their nose to spite their face.

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  6. 30 minutes ago, dimitriv said:


    I googled. And made the conclusion that the UK could not get a better deal.


    Now tell me...  Why do you think that the UK will get a better deal with the US and China ?  They already don't have enough power to negotiate anything better with something small like South Korea.

    The EU doesn't have a proper trade deal with US and China. That was my point. 


    So it's not going to be very difficult to get something that is better than nothing, is it?

  7. 5 minutes ago, dimitriv said:


    Quote: "The agreement is roughly in line with the terms of the existing Korea-EU free trade deal."


    Where's the better deal?

    I'm not your secretary, google the details if you want to know.


    Given that we're not paying a Billion a month for OUR trade deal with Korea, not surrendering our fishing waters and opening our borders, I'll take that one rather than the one the EU negotiated on our behalf thanks.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    You do realise that the UK has trade deals with over 40 countries outside the EU as a virtue of being in the EU? 

    All of these would have to be renegotiated. And if you consider the USA to be a suitable trading partner, I don't share that opinion. Their health standards are abysmal and well below the EU and UK.

    Many have already been negotiated but we cannot sign until we leave. South Korea for example.





    Yes I consider the US to be a suitable trading partner. 




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  9. 9 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    And then what? You do realise that there is NO clean break. There would be continuing negotiations with the EU  - because they're not going away - on all the unresolved issues, including future trading agreements and the Irish borders. To think otherwise is not thinking.


    In other words, you can check out anytime, but you can never leave.  

    Yes we'd need to sort out a trade deal. Until then we can deal with them on WTO terms.


    No need to get hysterical about it.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

    Isn't this kind of nonsense why Britain wants to leave the EU. Non elected officials melding in politics?

    Non elected officials meddling in politics? Sounds like the Miller case. 


    Don't like a government decision? Got money for lawyers and media coverage? No problem, take the government to court and let the unelected, unaccountable and unrepresentative judges over-rule the decision.   


    Another gift to Democracy from Remainers who cannot accept losing.



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  11. I've bought 3 pairs of boots from Paddock and the soles fell off all of them. One pair lasted 3 rides.


    By far the best quality stuff I have bought in Thailand is Dainese on Pradit Manutham Road. Great quality, comfy and durable. Staff are helpful as well. 


    320SP is good if you want stuff that is cheap and cheerful. Not genuine but OK quality.


    Rev'It stuff is OK, it is durable but not as comfy as Dainese. The grade of leather is not as good. 

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