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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 16 minutes ago, samran said:

    You mean those deal with Tunisia, the Faeroe Islands and the Palestinian Authority? Yeah, major trade partners those...


    The EU Canada FTA started in 2004, finally got over the line in 2016 from memory.


    Nafta was signed in 1992, after 6 years of negotiation and first proposed in 1980.


    So you’ll need 20 years to get the deals and a patchwork of non comparable trade deals, just to get back what you’ve lost from throwing away the seamless access you have to the EU. 

    Yeah, so they take a while. Not project fear, just history and fact. Hope it isn’t too much reality all in one post for you on your barstool. 




    Well we all know how quick the EU are at securing trade deals. They make a sloth look dynamic.


    We've done around 15 deals so far but then we haven't even left yet. We have continuity deals with the likes of Norway, Switzerland, South Korea, Central America etc. Many others in the pipeline.


    As for the barstool comment, not very original, not particularly amusing. "A" for effort, "D" for attainment. ????.

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  2. 47 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Its not the fifth its the 7th (still not a bad feat) But like you said later on it will probably get worse and worse. Those idiot nationalists are shooting themselves in the foot. 



    It's not at all surprising that someone who supported the overthrowing of the Democratically elected government in Thailand by a Military Junta would also start insulting people who have very real concerns about the undemocratic nature of the EU.


    Labeling Brexit supporters "idiot nationalists" while simultaneously supporting Military generals illegally taking power in the name of national security does seem a tad inconsistent though ????.

  3. 47 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Its not the fifth its the 7th (still not a bad feat) But like you said later on it will probably get worse and worse. Those idiot nationalists are shooting themselves in the foot. 



    It's not at all surprising that someone who supported the overthrowing of the Democratically elected government in Thailand by a Military Junta would also start insulting people who have very real concerns about the undemocratic nature of the EU.


    Labeling Brexit supporters "idiot nationalists" while simultaneously supporting Military generals illegally taking power in the name of national security does seem a tad inconsistent though ????.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, samran said:

    You don't 'agree' tariffs with the WTO.


    You have your own listed set - for all imports into the UK.


    And...you face the stated lists that each country in the world/trading bloc has.


    The only way to get away from these stated schedual of tariffs is to negotiating an FTA.


    So you'll be facing EU tariffs from day one, cause you wont have an FTA, and you'll begin to face the standard tariff rates of each of the countries where you used to have an FTA via the EU's FTAs. Inevitably, these standard tariff rates will be higher and more punitive.


    But fear not, with a good 20 years worth of negotiations you'll be able to get FTAs up and running with these countries again, but on lesser terms given you haven't got the benefit of being part of a huge trading bloc which can press a better deal.


    But being plucky brits, winding up with a half arsed trade deal less preferential from what you already have now will be worth it no doubt.

    20 years???????


    We've done a few already and we haven't even left yet. You Project Fear peddlers are like a maniacal religious cult ????. Once we're out of the EU we'll be able to sign FTA's very quickly, we won't have a chain attached to the cumbersome intransigent monolithic 'empire' that is the EU. 


    Until then, yes, tariffs BOTH WAYS with the EU. Not an attractive proposition for the German car makers as their economy teeters on the brink of recession. 






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  5. 10 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Do you understand the process for WTO membership? Take us through it.


    Because the UK isn't a WTO member the EU is.


    So many Brexiters repeat WTO like demented parrots - because Farage, Gove and Johnson also do.


    So please, for the benefit of everyone, explain exactly what the process is?

    ???? What a load of nonsense ????.


    The process is to agree tariffs with WTO after we've left. We are a member of WTO now and will remain a member. Sheesh, I thought Remainers were supposed to be the smart ones ????.


    What do you think will happen November 1st with No Deal? You think all trade between the UK and the rest of the world will stop? ????‍♂️????



  6. 7 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Because johnson is a habitual liar who cannot be trusted.

    So pass a simple one line bill which sets the date of the election (before 31 October).


    No? Why not? Oh that's right, because these traitors know the public is sick of their behaviour and will vote them out of their seats at the first opportunity. So they keep making excuses to deny the right of the electorate to show what they think of them. Utter cowards. But as Geoffrey Cox so eloquently stated, the time will come when even these turkeys cannot prevent Christmas.



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  7. 1 hour ago, nauseus said:

    Yes, very simple.

    Indeed, So basically we are still doing ok despite the Uncertainty caused by the attempts of Remain MP’s, the speaker of the house, Gina Miller and the judiciary to frustrate the process and leave us in limbo for x more years.


    We are like a horse chomping at the bit. Bercow, Miller, Hale, Swineson, Grieve et al. holding us back. refusing to let go of the reins.


    if No Deal is allowed by the elites, the pound will be back above 50 within 12 months and we’ll be comparing Brexit to the millennium bug.

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  8. A few malls now have "Superbike parking" instead of "Big Bike" parking. Central Eastville is one example, the superbike parking is in a covered area right next to the main entrance so you're in the mall within 20 seconds of leaving the bike. There is a security guard in the area at all times. Not sure of the criteria for getting in but the smallest bike I've seen in there is a CB650, generally it is Triumph's, BMW's, Ducati's etc.


    I''m all for this. These spots are designed for people with decent bikes that park them carefully and expect others to do the same. I don't want some kid on a modified R15 scratching up against my bike as he parks it, or sitting on it on the stand (playing with the kill switch, full beam etc.), smoking a cigarette/popping his zits in my mirror while he waits for someone ????.

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