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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 7 hours ago, samran said:

    Love the emotive language though 'EXTREMIST!!!', like she's going to blow up something shortly. She sailed a boat across the Atlantic <deleted>. Hardly extremist.

    You seem to be confusing the word extremist with the word terrorist. Nobody is calling her a terrorist. A lot of the views she has been force fed could be considered fairly extreme IMO.


    She seems a nice enough kid, but I can't help thinking she should be out having fun with her friends at that age rather than being promoted as some kind of Messiah by the Climate Change cultists, especially given her mental health issues described by her parents.



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  2. 2 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    And, having been presented by the facts on both sides, the international courts would adjudicate in the EU's favour. What then? Nobody likes a welcher.

    That's a huge IF. But IF that happened then the UK would pay.


    Far more likely is the court decides on the UK side, reduces the 39 Billion to single digit Billions and the EU go sulking and refuse to discuss a trade deal for a couple of years.

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