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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 20 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    The referendum was over three years ago, and I'm sure you'll be first to agree  - as a democratic supporter - that the very expectation of what the 2016 vote represented at that time is certainly not the current no-deal option pursued by Johnson.  


    As will be the case with the next GE, hopefully soon. Time and opinions move on. 


    As for my position - I have always argued that the best place for Britain is to challenge the EU shortcomings - there are many, as well as supporting progressive enhancements, by having a seat at the table and a veto vote. 


    For a current example, the nutrition standards set by the EU and the UK are globally accepted as being far stricter than the USA's dismal record on health. And we're considering doing a produce deal with Trump?

    Ballot paper said Leave or Remain. Johnson is Leaving on 31 October with or without a deal. I see no contradiction that necessitates another vote.


    You are welcome to your position but if you are truly a Democrat then you should accept the result of the referendum. Only accepting the result if you win is not democratic no matter how you try to spin it.

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  2. 28 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    As has been explained repeatedly, the EU doesn't want to give the UK a deal which gives it too many benefits for too little in return. There are other European countries that have struck deals with the EU. But the UK rejects those models. 

    Exactly. The EU prefers deals where it gets all the benefits and gives NOTHING in return. The Withdrawal agreement is an excellent example. 39 Billion for nothing. 


    Unfortunately for them the soft touch Theresa has gone. Hope they had a good laugh and a few bottles of champagne after she had left the room having agreed to the surrender treaty because that party is well and truly over and the hangover is setting in. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    I guess he's referring to the Brexiter dislike for the EU doing deals which all member states benefit from and use; and that member states cannot do deals independently.


    Brexiters believe the UK on it's own will be able to negotiation better trade deals with non EU nations than the EU does.


    The fantastic success in negotiating Brexit is testimony to the skill, competence and effectiveness of Tory negotiators!


    No doubt Tories and their cronies will do well personally out of any deals. 

    Guess again Bro. Seems you and Chomps have the same comprehension issue. I was stating that the UK can't do deals with non EU countries until we've left the EU.



  4. 59 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Nope, the poster I quoted was happy to accept parliament rejecting mays deal but doesn’t seem to accept it rejecting a no deal.. I was exploring this apparent contradiction. 

    Parliament enacted (with a huge majority) article 50 which stipulates leaving Deal or No deal.


    Parliament rejected May's deal 3 times by record margins.


    Hope that clears it up.

    • Like 1
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  5. Surely your arms are sufficient to keep yourself in place for a one time emergency stop, even if they are slightly bent?


    I can't imagine the g-force from braking is that intense on a Raider 150. It's not like you're doing 30 laps with a set of Brembo M50's and slicks on there.


    Taking Guzzi's idea one step further, maybe you could get a double ended broom. One broom end into your stomach, the other end into the ignition area just below the bars. Not comfortable? Add a simple shock absorber in the middle (make sure it's preload adjustable)...



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  6. 2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    It's pretty simple. What the UK wants is the kind of deal that would make membership in the EU, on balance. much less attractive. Why be a member or some kind of associate when you can get so many benefits without being one? Repeatedly, before the election, the EU warned that what Brexit leaders were promising was simply out of the question. The EU leaders have never denied that Brexit will hurt the EU. It's Brexiters with their fantasies that improved access to markets elsewhere will fully or nearly compensate for the losses incurred by leaving the EU, who bear the responsibility for this mess.

    Incorrect. What the UK wants is to Leave with a clean break. None of this backstop, divorce settlement nonsense. Leave. After we have left we would like a sensible trade deal with the EU. That's it. No unicorns, no fairies, no special treatment, just a simple trade deal like the many of thousands of trade deals between countries around the globe.


    Given the EU has a 64 Billion pound trade surplus with the UK they should also want a trade deal with us. Thus, they must decide do they want to continue trading with us relatively freely (Win Win) or do they wish to punish us for leaving (Screw the UK while simultaneously screwing their own industries). In other words, are they happy to be slapped in the face 20 times in order to slap the UK in the face 25 times? Or do they want to act maturely, reluctantly shake hands and work together?


    My opinion? They will probably drag their feet/give us the cold shoulder for a couple of years after we have left (losing face is not only a Thai phenomenon) before the German car industry, French wine industry etc. gets their teeth into them and then they will swallow their pride and return to the table. 

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  7. I was stopped about a month ago outside The Robin Hood by Phrom Pong at about 11am Saturday morning. 2 cops, they were reasonably friendly, searched my bag and asked where I was going so I said to get Breakfast, he joked that it would be Brunch by now, bit of small talk and smiles and I was on my way. 


    Not sure if they were legally allowed to search me but I don't think creating a big scene about my human rights would have helped much. I did get a few unpleasant/suspicious looks from Thais walking past as if I was some kind of criminal but overall the cops were pretty professional. Would rather it didn't happen though.

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