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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 2 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Even if that’s the case — it’s their right to do that. If you want to change it, elect a parliament and government that will not keep the UK in the EU. That’s how the process works. 

    That's what we'd like to do. But Parliament will block the General Election for as long as possible as well (via the fixed term parliament act which requires a 2/3 Parliamentary majority to vote for an election) because they know they'd lose their seats. So they...


    Block the deal.

    Block No Deal.

    Block an election to remove them.


    Parliament dragging the country down to their level. A shambles and an embarrassment, not fit for purpose.

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  2. It looks like Leavers might have to settle in for the long haul. Obviously it would be better to get it sorted soon but with a Remain Parliament blocking a deal and also blocking no deal, (despite the wishes of a Leave electorate), and the fixed term parliament act requiring 2 thirds of Parliament to vote for a GE (Parliament won't vote for it as they know a load of them would lose their seats due to their appalling behaviour), the Remainers can drag this mess on for years, and probably will.


    Terrible for the pound, terrible for the economy, terrible for the reputation of the country. But if this is the game Remainers wish to play, then I will wait. I've waited 3 years already, I can wait many more. ???? 



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  3. 1 minute ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    Exactly posting avidly on an obscure expat internet forum a bigger definition of impotent it would be hard to find. It is the modern day equivalent of shouting at the telly. This leaver has a good as grasp on the truth as many a leaver here. Plus he can spell. 



    555 so what are you doing here then?


    I just wanted him to admit that he doesn't care about Democracy as long as he gets what he wants. He admitted it in the end, so at least he's being honest about it now. I wasn't expecting Boris Johnson to reply. ????

  4. 6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    You're counting on the fact that there will be a rebel motion.

    Which there won't be, because Remainers know that if put to the public the Tories will smash them.


    So these cowards will continue obstructing the process from the seats that they won based upon a false premise, continue to go against the manifestos on which they were elected and against article 50 which they themselves enacted, to delay Brexit and avoid the "peoples vote" that they were pretending they wanted.

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