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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Severe drought this past season might not greatly affect the first crop now that rain has appeared, he said, but the second crop will be hit because there’s so little water in reserve at the dams.

    Not in the paddies near our place in Korat. The first crop has already withered away. It started raining during the last week but too little too late as it's all dead. Not sure if they're planning on doing a "second" crop but it sounds like there might be no point if the dams are empty.


    There's certainly going to be a shortage of rice next year.

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  2. 22 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    One thing I've noticed that many Brexiters have difficulty understand is that under WTO rules, any tariffs imposed by the UK on EU goods and services will have to be equally imposed on all other trading entities not covered by a bilateral or multilateral trade agreement.

    Lucky we've started lining up trade agreements then.




    Many more in the pipeline...

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  3. 25 minutes ago, gearbox said:

    The Australian point based system? Hmm, good luck with that. Have you seen the AUD exchange rate? Our immigration system is just an entry point into the property based Ponzi economy. Stop the immigration and the house of cards goes down. In the end many of the highly qualified entrants eventually become taxi drivers or property renovators and flippers. You can renovate and sell your own property tax free, and then in the end can ride the OAP with little or without any contributions. 

    Well if you don't like it you can lobby the Australian government to join the EU. It only costs a few Billion per year to be in the club and then you can let them control all your trade and no need to worry about your points system after that since they will simply let anyone from those 27 countries into Australia to work for as long as they like.


    Sound good?

    • Thanks 1
  4. I see 3 ways of looking at this.


    1. He's gone soft and wants to reheat May's withdrawal treaty (relabel and soften the backstop). Very, very bad idea ????.

    2. He's just pretending to negotiate so he can say that he tried his best and then blame the EU when we leave with a glorious, clean break Brexit. Great idea ????.

    3. He's just pretending to favour a softer Brexit to bolster support amongst the predominantly Remain Parliament in anticipation of the impending Confidence vote. Once he's won that he'll lean back towards his more sensible, glorious, clean break Brexit. Pretty good idea ????.


    Hopefully it's 2 or 3.

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