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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. No chance of the cultural enrichers being brought to justice. It doesn't fit the left's narrative. If you commit similar offenses with a short haircut and heaven forbid, an England shirt or flag you will feel the full weight of the law however. Two tier Britain. Thank god I left.
  2. The defining moment will be when she starts to do proper interviews and debates. The house of cards will quickly fall when the US public are reminded how vacuous she is.
  3. Conveniently ignoring the fact that she has been VP of the Dems for the last few years. Why wait until now? Was Joe not on board with this ambitious economic vision?
  4. Mcdonald's would be better. Reminds me of the Ian Brown song "you're a social chameleon what on earth we gonna do with you?" Harris is a political chameleon. A skin for every occasion depending on who is close by or who is voting.
  5. Scheduled being the key word. I'm seeing covid in my crystal ball same as Biden just before he was ejected.
  6. She likes talking. She loves it in fact. But her paymasters, the same guys controlling Biden have told her it makes her look stupid. So she has agreed to shut up until the election.
  7. Yeah and people's sons and daughters were killed by drunk drivers like Walz. Of course he is holier than thou now like most leftists.
  8. Given Labours absolutely disastrous start I wouldn't be annoying the military too much. I mean, has a British government ever had a more chaotic authoritarian start? I thought this was the honeymoon period? They might need the military power. And I'm not talking about illegally invading Iraq like the last Labour government.
  9. I guess that's why she's doing interviews with everyone else. She's clueless and needs to hide the fact for another couple of months.
  10. Silly old fool. No coincidence you are hitting women, any bloke would lay you out. Hope he is prosecuted but very unlikely given his position.
  11. Drink drivers are the lowest of the low. They ruin lives. No surprise Walz would do this. Classic fake nice guy.
  12. Harris doesn't do interviews or debates. Too risky. Her stupidity will be exposed. Stick to reading autocue, cackling and dancing like a performing monkey for her paymasters.
  13. Sport is great at grass roots level. Encourages competition and self discipline. Increases confidence and self worth in those who compete. Especially youngsters. I learnt many lessons on the football and rugby pitch. Of course you get the prima donnas once money gets involved at the elite level but that's true in every profession. If you don't consider breakdancing a sport I suggest you watch some on YouTube. It's equivalent to gymnastics at the highest level maybe even better.
  14. If he didn't, he would allow the full inspection. All we have now is a xy chromosome, elevated testosterone levels, a disqualification from the boxing world championships based on failing the sex test, and a gold medal in beating up women following a political decision to allow him to compete by the Woke IOC. Oh and he clearly looks like a bloke. Hope you enjoyed the male on female violence though.
  15. Assuming her objective was to embarrass herself her country and her sport? Yes. Mission accomplished.
  16. Actually breakdancing at the highest level is incredible. Easily comparable to the top gymnasts. This woman on the other hand was awful. Some kind of stupid woke interpretation that totally failed on every level like most Woke ideas. IMO she deserves the negative reaction. It was embarrassingly bad and mocked a sport that many dedicate their lives to. It might even be the nail in the coffin that sees the sport removed from future Olympics, putting the sport back years.
  17. Totally agree. Musk is a legend. I wish he was British although Starmers stasi army might have locked him up by now if he was.
  18. If thats the best Aussie women can do she makes a great case for men competing in women's sports. 😆 Absolutely awful. An embarrassment to Australia. Worse than Eddie the eagle all those years back.
  19. Too busy policing the Internet for hurty words. While intimidating the public with their "knock knock" tweets.
  20. Yes I am sure you are enjoying seeing anyone with differing political opinions arrested charged and sentenced to lengthy jail terms within a week. It's hardly surprising to see you revelling in all this 😃
  21. When laws are enforced brutally against only those with differing political opinions and dissent is crushed against one specific group only? If you think this is all going away due to a couple of show trials I have some bad news for you. Starmers Stalin impersonation is a really bad idea. I can see why you are revelling in it though.
  22. Amazing how the left adopt such an authoritarian fascist stance once they get a whiff of power. The boot of Stalin will crush all dissent.
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