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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Trump haters always know what other people "really" think 😃.
  2. Don't worry, middle class liberals are fine. It's working class, conservative, partiotic white men that are public enemy number 1. Which is ironic considering the people Labour used to represent.
  3. I would agree. But that does not mean that disliking women is a form of extremism. Only a fool like Cooper could make such a ridiculous statement.
  4. Indeed. Lots of people laughing at the UK right now. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/joe-rogan-blasts-uk-free-speech-crackdown-by-drawing-comparison-with-soviet-russia-elon-musk-and-british-govt-react-101723221703751.html Labour really is embarrassing the nation on a global scale. No matter what you may think of Rogan (I am sure that will be the line of attack to my post), he has massive reach and his scathing comments on the UK are not only valid, but seen around the world. Labour took a month to be more disliked than the Tories were in 14 years. Worse than even I could have imagined. I hope the American voters are taking note. You could be next under Harris.
  5. Not surprising, given that voicing disapproval gets you 3 years in the gulag.
  6. Wait until they make hating white conservative men a form of extremism. The gulag awaits...
  7. Yes you are god's gift to women I am sure. Let me guess, Thai wife? Issan?
  8. So why mention them specifically? You must find them especially disgusting...
  9. More than a bit racist... What have you got against Indians and Arabs?
  10. Oh dear. So you're a celebrity and more sought after than the likes of Hugh Grant. 😃 And I'm the fantasist. 😂 Good stuff....
  11. Of course they do. You seem to think you are god's gift to women and the only man who can get it for free. Some men can, but can't be bothered. Or maybe they already get it for free and fancy a change? Let them carry on with it. Their lives.
  12. Charlie isn't your type? 😃 No problem, doesn't mean every woman would feel that way. What about the millionaire actor Hugh Grant? During that period in time I dare say most women would take him over you yet he chose to pay for it as well.
  13. Yes. The use of the term far right again. Everyone is at it, not only you. I guess you can take some comfort from that at least.
  14. Straw man. I didn't say he is a role model.😂 I said he could get it for free. Chooses not to. Same as many wealthy celebs, sports stars etc. In fact I bet most of them are at it, we only hear about the ones that get caught with their pants down (excuse the pun). Which completely disproves your theory that only desperados who have to pay use those services.
  15. LIke I said, not everyone wants the same meal for breakfast lunch and dinner. Up to them. Live and let live.
  16. Well, you are one of the worst offenders so it's fitting that you'd use the term in virtually every post. Including the one above. 😃
  17. Nothing to do with race. Or wealth. Plenty of Thai guys where I work on relatively low salaries who partake. Men like women and if they can get some without spending weeks wining and dining someone then many will take that option. Nothing to do with being desperate either. You think Hugh Grant was desperate? Charlie Sheen? Tiger Woods? Plenty of good looking, charismatic celebrities partake. It's just easy. Like grabbing a McDonalds when you can't be bothered to book a table at a fancy restaurant.
  18. Harris supported the Defund the Police campaign in 2020. She's a left wing radical. That's why they won't let her do proper interviews.
  19. I'd say that's nonsense. Especially in Thailand. In my experience the only foreign males I've met in Thailand that didn't have a gf or a wife were gay. Some people just don't want steak mignon for every meal. Up to them.
  20. You do realize that most P4P in Thailand is between Thais? White guilt is a terrible affliction.
  21. If you count reading from teleprompters, dancing and cackling as "Campaigning". Let's see if she does any meaningful interviews or debates, or whether she'll suddenly come down with Covid like Biden did when the heat got turned up.
  22. Senior figures within the Democrats campaign team. If you don't know their names, feel free to google them.
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