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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Elevated testosterone levels? XY chromosome? I think I am seeing a pattern here.
  2. Poor thing. Maybe you can bake him a cake and deliver it to him in jail. Or maybe you could direct your empathy to the parents of the 3 slaughtered girls? Your choice.
  3. UK schools to brainwash other people's children in left wing ideology. Welcome to Starmer's Britain. Or is that Stalin?
  4. Heard you the first time dear... Beta blockers can prevent the shakes... just saying.
  5. Pretend? You could never pretend to be anything other than an extreme leftist. Someone who supports discrimination on racial terms on the pretense it is positive discrimination. Discrimination on racial grounds? I think there is a name for that starting with R. Own it. That's exactly what you are. The thing you accuse others of being. Nothing worse than a self loathing liberal.
  6. Absolute nonsense. I'm so glad your ilk have no say in Thai politics so that well intentioned peace loving people like me can move to a country free of radical leftists and the carnage they bring.
  7. Not hacking up 3 pre teen children with a machete at the age of 17 with the intention of killing many more. I suggest you learn a bit about recent Rwandan history before suggesting the cultures are similar
  8. The idea that a couple from somewhere like Rawanda can land in Britain and give birth to a child and that child will hold British values and integrate is ridiculous.
  9. You are mistaking hate for pity. You are also assuming I care much more than I do. I would be disappointed if Harris ruined the US but being British i am more concerned with my own country. Having said that, I believe Harris has no chance once she starts doing interviews. The honeymoon is drawing to an end.
  10. A terrible president finally beaten up by an old lady Pelosi. A crack addicted cooker afficted son. What a legacy for the head of the Biden crime family. Pathetic. Good riddance.
  11. Same here. I left in 2006. The only consolation is that the idiots who just voted for Labour are going to be the same ones who can no longer afford to buy houses, get a doctors appointment or send their kids to a decent school. I am grateful to have experienced the 70s 80s and 90s Britain before it was ruined by immigration. I am also extremely grateful to be able to live in Thailand away from the wokeists and liberalism that is destroying the West.
  12. Wait until she starts doing real interviews. It will all crumble like Biden after the debate. What a shame if Harris becomes the first female president. You wait all that time, so many brilliant women in America and then you get a cackling DEI imbecile.
  13. I care. I am extremely interested in Sadiq's wellbeing.
  14. He's a Britsh Muslim who has a convoy of range rovers with security funded by the state. So essentially he has the police (which he controls as mayor) the law and wealth on his side. The definition of privilege. It is Britain that should fear him not the other way around.
  15. I'm sure they are all having a good laugh about it at the station. "Look, we needed to appear impartial and you are the sacrificial lamb. Would you like 2 or 3 sugars sir?".
  16. Walz is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Forget the image of a fat old giggling white man who looks like an out of work insurance salesman. He is a dangerous extreme leftist. Americans should be very afraid.
  17. Humza is an angry little racist man. I can imagine him ranting now. "Owner of X? WHAITE!!!!!" Crawl back into your racist little hole Humza. Britain doesn't need your hate.
  18. Another liberal attempting to defend the indefensible. Quelle surprise.
  19. The left are far more authoritarian than the right these days. Censorship and clamping down on freedom of speech. Jailing protesters but only those from the right etc. But yes they lack nationalism. The left prefer authoritarian globalism these days. Stalinism - 2024 style.
  20. Trump is right. The age at which Liberals wish to kill unborn children should not be a deciding factor in the election.
  21. Actually foxes are a pest. They will kill 100 chickens and eat one. If you saw a chicken coop after a fox visited you would understand indiscriminate killing. Many of the chickens still alive and bleeding to death slowly, missing limbs etc. Comparing fox/pest removal to the torture and rape of animals by ex BBC employees just shows how far down the anti Royal rabbit hole you have gone. Fortunately the SNP are no longer a serious political force. Your anti British anti Royal rhetoric is going down with them.
  22. Agree. Killing animals at a young age is a great indicator of psychopathy. Many serial killer started with animals. Just like the ex BBC zoologist recently convicted for harming dogs. Although it seems a penchant for harming children or animals ticks one of the many boxes required to work for the state funded leftist propaganda machine that is the BBC.
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