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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Yes, he does. More about Americans, but there is no doubt Trump would be good for the British as well. Oh I can afford it, but I think Elon has him covered and I have some other causes that I am supporting right now.
  2. Hopefully some of the lefty loving "Swifties" will see this and it will finally sink in what can happen when you fail to control immigration and invite intolerance and extremism into your country. Fortunately the authorities foiled this one, otherwise they might have experienced it first hand like the Ariana Grande fans in Manchester. Maybe "Tay Tay" will be intelligent to work this out for herself and drop all the political posturing? Doubtful, but hope springs eternal. Probably too late for much of Europe, but there might still be hope for the US if the Dems are outed in November.
  3. This is what can happen when you allow your desire to virtue signal over-ride your ability to consider longer term consequences. Same with the children drowning in the English channel crossings. Failing to control your borders has many negative consequences.
  4. Not really. The Home Office is already declaring the people arrested as criminals before they've even gone to trial. Prejudicial much? Guilty until proven innocent appears to be Starmer's motto. At least Starmer could give them their day in court before locking them up for publicly disagreeing with him.
  5. I'm not defending him. As I said I think he is a complete idiot. I beleive in the presumption of innocence. If he did it I'll be happy to see him locked up, it just seems that they've spent an awful lot of time and effort going after him and still don't seem to be able to find anything of note. I suspect he might be found guilty of something like money laundering. Anything to keep him quiet.
  6. Too late. They have been a massive failure and everyone can see it.
  7. Taking care of ordinary Americans. As always.
  8. Highly unlikely. More likely she will reclassify them as "refugees" and give them a free house with the heating allowance Labour took away from old pensioners.
  9. Yeah, it's only the people that disagree with his failing policies that are racist. The classic leftist trope.
  10. Pragmatic? 😃 His approach has been deeply authoritarian. Calling the people of Northern Ireland racist. Calling for long prison sentences for FaceBook posts and rushing them through. Trying to scare people into silence instead of addressing the real issues. Free speech? Not under Starmer. His approach to free speech is like that of Idi Amin.
  11. Amazing how it's the ultra Woke, virtue signalling, money printing machines like Disney that seem to have the least amount of morality. I'm always wary of people/businesses who love to show the world how benevolent they are. They are often the worst type.
  12. I also dislike him. I think he is an idiot. However he's already been locked up for several months and nothing was found. He was released. Now he is being raided again. Much as I dislike him, I think he is being hounded due to his outspoken and often unpalatable beliefs. Let's see what happens, last time it was nothing and I suspect it will be the same again.
  13. No he didn't. He chanted a rude song. Quite offensive actually. But being offensive is not an offense. Britain does not have blasphemy laws. If you have evidence of any physical violence, please post it.
  14. No surprise. Tate has some controversial and often distasteful views. There are many who wish to see him sent to the gulag for expressing these views. These allegations will no doubt continue until he agrees to hold the "correct" opinions.
  15. Dave Spring. 61 years old. Chanted "who the F is Allah?". 18 months in jail. For singing a rude song. https://decripto.org/en/uk-arrests-shouts-who-the-<deleted>-is-allah-at-demonstration-in-london-pensioner-sentenced-to-18-months-in-prison/
  16. We are discussing the guy who was jailed for a FB post. He didn't even leave his house let alone riot. Do try to keep up.
  17. Yes he was. Just because an uneducated individual pleads guilty does not mean they are actually guilty. Coerced confessions are common. By your reckoning Huwe Burton should have been locked up for life. Many other famous cases of coerced confessions. Had he been more aware of the law he would never had confessed to anything since his posts were ill judged but pretty innocuous - but that's why they go after the low hanging fruit. The fact you support lengthy jail terms being rushed through the courts in a matter of days for such unremarkable posts on FaceBook says as much about you as it does the UK legal system.
  18. Just say it was his twin brother, who later died. He can't remember his name. Worked with the watches.
  19. He wasn't' "hating" he was expressing concerns about levels of immigration. From his own home on FaceBook. Re-read the actual posts, there is no racist language. The left just define it as "hate" to justify locking up people who disagree with their policies. It's a method to silence people. Nothing more. The fact that you defend the suppression of human rights and freedom of speech is no surprise though. It's the left's M.O and has been for decades. Instead of addressing ths issues associated with the failed policies, they lock up people who draw attention to the issues.
  20. When you consider the absolute drivel that comes out of her mouth when she talks, it's a good strategy. Harris ; "We've been to the border" Holt ; "You haven't been to the border" Harris ; "And I haven't been to Europe". Seriously, she needs to stay silent until the election to stand any chance.
  21. Fascinating, maybe you could use one of the many Trump threads to vent your anger? But since you mentioned it, Trump doesn't get behind the wheel of a car drunk and endanger the lives of members of the public. Unlike Walz.
  22. Good to see US Police dealing with these violent Pro-Palestine/leftist thugs. I hope the UK police are watching and taking notes. They simply join in with the chants of "River to the Sea" in London.
  23. Indeed. Not only nice, but unusual. It will be interesting to see how they deal with someone in their ranks talking some common sense for once. Uncharted territory for the Dems. I wonder if it could be the start of more serious fractures in the party.
  24. Of course it happens. The clue is in the name. Positive discrimination. They are discriminating against white applicants because they want more BAME officers. There is nothing positive about it, it's just racism against white people instead of black people. Equally abhorrent. The politics of revenge. The belief that the answer to racism is more racism. The dumbest idea ever. The net result is a lower standard of officers since they are no longer choosing the best applicant irrespective of race, but excluding certain applicants because of their race. You end up with members of the Met Police singing "from the river to the sea" at Pro Palestine marches. If it wasn't so ridiculous it would be amusing.
  25. Musk is a legend. I'd love to see him on Trump's team although it probably couldn't happen due to his business interests.
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