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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. This won't calm anyone down, quite the opposite. It will reinforce the notion that there is two tier justice in Britain and that the indigenous people are on the wrong end of it. Starmer is pouring fuel on the fire. That's why in a matter of weeks we have seen the country in such chaos since he came to power. Not even I could have imagined it would be this bad under Labour. Riots. Burning. Looting. Violence from all spectrums. Absolute chaos. Well done Keir.
  2. She appears to have finally realized that she has no talent, and therefore her only way to make money is to spread lies about the family that provided her with her fame, platform and wealth. She has zero credibility at this point, even Harry seems to despise her.
  3. I know you lefties are fine with men beating on women as long as they are wearing a dress, but yes breaking a female police officer's nose is worse than nicking a six pack from the local convenience store. Interesting that they have not been charged, found guilty and sentenced yet. Two tier Britain.
  4. That was quick. Interesting how quickly the wheels of justice can turn when it's politically convenient. Two tier Keir sending out a strong message that nothing will get in the way of his anti Britain agenda and pouring more fuel on the fire in the process.
  5. That might appear clever and even witty, if you knew the difference between a hijab and a hajib 😃😂😄. Massive fail 😂
  6. It will be one rule for Paddy, and one rule for Aftab.
  7. I understood it perfectly thanks. I also understand that this will not be applied to Muslim protesters. Expect more two tiered policing, due to 'cultural/religious sensitivities'.
  8. Probably just a desperate cry for attention, like a lot of these alphabet types.
  9. No point competing with the Chinese junk currently being dumped on the Thai market.
  10. I won't stumble. Because I won't play your stupid game. I will use the pronouns I wish to use. Sue me.
  11. So a Burqa is OK but a Balaclava is not OK? Is that what you are saying? (your second sentence doesn't make sense).
  12. "Two-Tier Keir" 😂 Good stuff from Musk. Hope the name sticks.
  13. Difficult to say he was caught off guard when he predicted it way in advance. I think he's keeping his powder dry. He'll tear her apart a bit closer to the election, any longer than that and the Liberals will forget it before they vote, they're not known for their memory or intelligence.
  14. OK, how about the burqa? Surely we can't have one rule for Muslims and one rule for the rest? Oh, wait a minute... 😃
  15. I hate to be a smartarse but I could see just how dangerous they would be. That's why they didn't say anything in the build up to the election. In case the public worked it out. Starmer had them all silenced in case their lunacy was spotted. Musk is right. The UK is done.
  16. What's with the "they" pronoun? How many Hiltzs are there? Are we talking about twins? Triplets? Most confusing.
  17. No surprise. Police advising muslims how to avoid arrest for carrying dangerous weapons. Makes a change from singing anti-Israel songs I suppose.
  18. Too late. He beat her up as well. https://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/articles/cwy77419n37o edit - link added for whoever found the post confusing. He beat the Thai woman.
  19. Men beating up women in the name of progession 😆. He could clear this up very quickly with a full physical test, but he won't because he wants to get the gold medal for beating up women. He just beat up the Thai woman so now he's in the final. Liberals clearly think that men pretending to be women so they can beat up women (or rape them in women's jails) is something to be celebrated. Something to gloat about. Strange times indeed.
  20. Like you did when Biden malfunctioned against Trump?
  21. That's what I said, man. It's not all bad though. Big Willie Brown had a result. Imagine that, a woman half your age when you're 60. I'm sure it had nothing to do with his political influence though. I'm sure the married overweight 60 year old Willie was a real catch Irrespective of his influence, man. I'm really surprised they are no longer together. Seemed like a true romance, man.
  22. Yeah it is sad in this day and age, but she had to do what she had to do. Worked out well for her in the end.
  23. A tight contest? Harris will be pleased. I doubt she's experienced anything tight for a few years. Not since she started working her way up the political ladder anyway.
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