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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. You were supportive of Biden and dismissed claims that he was incapable. Of course I'm not going to waste my time going through your hundreds of posts every day to see if you used the exact phrase "sharp as a tack" (that's why I used inverted commas to convey that was the general message) but that was the theme of your posts. "Nothing to see here, he's fine". (note the inverted commas again, so please don't ask me to find a post of yours using that exact phrase). Now, you've thrown him under the bus to gaslight about Harris being a serious, competent human being. It's as predicatable as it is dishonest.
  2. The EU really is becoming quite fascistic. Maybe they should make it clear upon joining that all member states must share the same political opinions as Von Der Leyen or face Zee Consequences.
  3. Ahh, throwing him under the bus now I see. He's served his purpose. Time to gaslight about Harris. Utterly predictable. Just as predictable as your attempts to dismiss all criticism of Harris as either sexist or racist.
  4. He can't even tell the truth about why he withdrew. He's told so many lies he probably wouldn't even recognize the truth any more. I wonder who is actually running the US right now. Because it cannot be this shell of a man.
  5. I have no issue with her being mixed race. My issue is with the cynical attempts by the Democrats to pass her off as a "black woman" to get the black vote. Pretty much dismissing her Indian heritage. It is dishonest and disrespectful. But then, it's the Dems so I shouldn't be surprised. 3 weeks ago you were all claiming Biden was sharp as a tack and now you're claiming Harris is a strong, intelligent black woman. You wouldn't know the truth if it fell on you from 50ft.
  6. Roughly translated as "I haven't got a counter argument so I will post a GIF and hope someone likes it'.
  7. Slept her way up. With Willie Brown who was 30 years her senior. Classy.
  8. I see you also have nothing of substance to contradict my points. Got any more GIF's? They're about your level... I repeat. Harris is mixed race, mainly Indian, playing the black card for the black vote.
  9. I note you have nothing of substance to contradict my points. Just gifs and emojis.
  10. That's true. It's also true that we have no control over what our ancestors may or may not have done. Liberals would do well to remember that because it can come back to bite them. My point stands. Harris is a descendant of slave owners.
  11. What hole? She's mixed race. Indian and Jamaican/Irish. The Dems call her black to get the black vote. Cue lots of emojis from the Libs but no actual contradiction of my statement. 😃
  12. Digging? What you talking about. As I said all along she's mixed race. You were the one denying it. Indian name, Indian features, grew up in Indian culture. But she now focuses on the black part of her heritage to try and get the black vote. The Dems always banging on about how she's a 'strong black woman' but never 'a strong Indian woman'. The cringe video she did recently where she started acting like she was from the hood was like watching Ali G doing a skit. It was Cosplay. Embarrassing. Deeply cynical. Disingenuous. Quite disrespectful as well. But hey it's the Dems so I expect no more of them.
  13. Finally!! That only took about 20 posts to acknowledge that. 😄 Strange then that she focuses on the "black" part. Clearly to try to get the black vote. Very cynical. Still, she's a Dem so what do you expect... Perfectly clear Chomps. Are you clear on the fact that Harris is a mixed race descendant of slave owners?
  14. It's nothing to do with the likes of Andrew Tate. It's more to do with the attitudes that hundreds of thousands of immigrants are bringing with them. Specifically, Muslim immigrants and their prehistoric attitudes to women. The Rotherham grooming gangs etc. Same in France with the recent gang rape of the Australian woman.
  15. Why do you focus only on number 1 and cut out number 3? So by your definition, Harris is both Asian and black (and part white) since her father is Jamaican/Irish and her mother is Indian. In other words, she is mixed race.
  16. Yes. Harris is Indian mixed with Irish/Jamaican. I guess Geography might not be your thing.
  17. Your ignorance knows no bounds. Harris is mixed race - Indian mixed with Jamaican. She is also the descendent of Irish slave owners. Bet you didn't know that... https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2024/07/23/kamala-harris-is-a-descendant-of-an-irish-slave-owner-in-jamaica/#:~:text=Presumptive Democratic nominee and US,Shyamala Gopalan Harris from India.
  18. Another genius 😃 Taino are from the Caribbean by the way, not Africa you donut.
  19. Yes she seems to be very flexible about her race depending on who the audience is and what stands to be gained. A lot like Markle.
  20. Well her father is Jamaican and her mother is Indian. I don't believe Jamaica or India are in Africa.
  21. I haven't seen any racist or sexist attacks on Harris. All I have seen is Democrats trying to reframe valid criticism of Harris as racist and sexist attacks.
  22. She's mixed race. The Indian village her mother hailed from seems very proud of her. Lovely story... https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c9037j47pyzo It's a real shame she seems so keen to dismiss this side of her heritage to try and get the black vote. But given her affair with Willie to get promotion, it doesn't seem that morality is really her thing.
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