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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. She has certainly focused on that side of her family now that it is politically advantageous to do so. I guess the black vote is more powerful than the Tamil vote...
  2. I would agree. He needs to pardon his gun toting crackhead son first.
  3. That members of the Labour party hang out with and party with Paedos.
  4. Well they still party with them. https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/splash-labour-mayor-partied-paedophile-councillor-after-learning-his-arrest-photos-reveal
  5. I don't doubt it all. Look at Labour in the 70's. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/mar/02/how-paedophiles-infiltrated-the-left-harriet-harman-patricia-hewitt And they still won't apologize to this day. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2567054/But-wont-say-sorry-Labours-Harman-Dromey-finally-break-silence-links-paedophile-group.html
  6. I asked for a link because I was genuinely interested if that was factual or not. As it turned out, it wasn't.
  7. You asked which words sprung to mind about the Bidens. Not which crimes. If you want the crimes of the Biden Crime Family, refer to my previous links.
  8. OK, so we have a rumour about a coversation where 25 (or 14 if you prefer) say Trump didn't say it and 1 person who says he did. Like I said, no more legit than overhearing Issan housewives gossiping over the garden fence. Desperate stuff.
  9. He said, she said. Trump has plenty of witnesses who said he didn't say it. It's a nothing burger. Idle gossip. Dynamic? 😃 The cackling riddler Kamala Harris? President DEI? California Psycho babbler who slept her way through the ranks? Don't make me laugh. Her only chance is to stop talking and hope her immutable characteristics get her enough votes. That won't happen. If she was a good candidate they'd have got rid of Biden months ago. They left it to the last minute for a reason. She's useless. Now the gaslighting about Biden being sharp as a tack is exposed, we get round 2 about Harris being some kind of genius. You guys...😄
  10. It is if you are lieing about crack cocaine possession, credit card fraud, lieing on a form to purchase a gun, prostitution etc. Please see the links I posted above for clarification. The Biden Crime family got form.
  11. Another leftist trait. They are exactly what they accuse you of being.
  12. Some old cantankerous general with an axe to grind. Awwww did Donald get the salute wrong, wear unpolished shoes or start off a march on the wrong foot? Zero evidence of this whatsoever. The equivalent of 2 Issan women gossiping over the garden fence. Yet the Dems hang their hat on it. Desperate stuff. 😄
  13. If I had to choose one word? Dishonesty. If I were allowed two? Dishonesty and Hypocrisy. Classic leftist traits.
  14. Yes, Pelosi told him to step down and he said "Yes Mrs Pelosi. May I go to the bathroom now?". What a pathetic way to go out. Big tough Joe Biden, bullied by an 84 year old woman.
  15. They are making hay while the sun shines. The illegal activity will be massively reduced once Biden goes.
  16. And if they haven't, they pout like a demented fish to make it look like they have. A strange phenomenon indeed.
  17. No, you made that up. More desperate stuff. Panic setting in. 😃
  18. More slander from the left. 25 people already confirmed he didn't say it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/09/15/trump-says-there-are-25-witnesses-disputing-atlantic-nope/ You guys are getting desperate.
  19. You use the term how you want. And I will continue to use it how I want. For the Biden Crime Family.
  20. If only. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2562555/Labours-child-sex-apologists-How-three-partys-senior-figures-campaigned-vile-paedophile-group-probed-police-abusing-children-industrial-scale.html
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