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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Totally agree. I wish him all the best with Covid (if he actually has it) and also with his other very obvious conditions. I don't recall seeing anyone wishing ill on him, they just want him out because he is no longer capable of running the country. Unlike the #bekind leftists, wishing jail and/or death upon Trump while accusing others of being the "bad guys". To be fair it's hardly surprising, the left are exactly what they accuse others of being.
  2. Because he's been denying his condition for so long. To admit it now would expose the lies of himself and those around him. He didn't get old overnight, it's been obvious for ages. They need a way to get him out while saving face and Covid is just the ticket.
  3. Great to see the Irish sticking up for themselves, their families and their way of life.
  4. Maybe they could install some free, clean, public toilets for tourists to use?
  5. Useful idiots might be more accuate. I'd have more sympathy if they hadn't painted themselves as the 'intelligent/informed' side.
  6. Should never have been there in the first place. These crossings are supposed to save lives, not to pander to people who choose to define themselves by their sexuality.
  7. The horror!! The poor soul!! Are you serious? I often hear the word "farang" muttered as I walk around Thailand. Sometimes, businesses even charge me more because I am "farang". I don't kill family members though. Stop trying to blame this on locals being 'mean'. She killed her own child. My sympathy is with the kid.
  8. They should start by informing the DEI hire that she is supposed to dive in front/on top of Trump to protect him, not cower behind him.
  9. No, I'm sure it will be easy to get an illegal to mow your lawn but the people that are leaving tend to be skilled individuals and they are being replaced by unskilled individuals, many of whom are illegals paying no tax. I guess the legal residents will be taxed more to make up for the shortfall. Yeah it's a crazy law. Leftists want the state to have control over other people's kids. I think he's been a tax resident of Texas for a couple of years already. I had a couple of friends who moved there primarily for the Motocross/enduro/off road scene about 10 years ago. They have left already, the green laws make legally riding incredibly difficult due to green laws, green stickers for bikes etc. and many of the tracks are being shut down due to noise, dust, emmissions etc. Not to mention the insane levels of taxation on just about everything. They sure know how to ruin a good thing.
  10. He's gaslighting just like his supporters. The whole "Democrat" facade is crumbling. I very much doubt he has Covid, probably just needs a week in bed.
  11. The exodus from California continues. I'm sure there will be plenty of illegals streaming across the border to replace him though.
  12. Totally agree. The issues with Biden have been obvious for at least 2 years now. They thought they could gaslight everyone until November, but it's staring everyone in the face and they have no idea what to do. Up the creek without a paddle. To admit he's unfit for the job now (after everyone else has been saying it for so long, and all their subsequent denials) would be a massive rollback, hugely embarrassing. That's why I suspect this case of "Covid" might be the "unexpected turn of events" that forces them to change. An attempt to pick someone else while saving face. Trouble is, Harris is VP.
  13. Yes it is. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/07/17/biden-says-he-will-quit-if-diagnosed-with-medical-condition/#:~:text=Joe Biden said he would,a growing rebellion among Democrats. Laying the groundwork for an exit.
  14. Good excuse to stay in bed for a few days after doing a speech reading from a teleprompter. Could also be the precursor to stepping away, he's changed his tune recently from "Only god can stop me" a few weeks ago to "I'd follow doctors advice if they told me to step down" in the last few days. Maybe we see a very bad case of "Covid" followed by a dignified exit on doctors orders. I hope not, the Republicans need him front and centre to secure a landslide.
  15. When in the bars, it can be amusing to occasionally pretend to be a newb on a 2 week holiday. That way you get more of the GFE. It's also entertaining to watch the act, hear all the stories etc.
  16. Lammy is the new Abbott. A complete imbecile. A real nasty piece of work masquerading as a #bekind liberal. Their mask always slips. Lammy's has on several occasions.
  17. She's pretty cute now she's lost the stupid blonde/blue mullet. Unfortunately she should just accept her sentence. She took the fall for the rich, famous, celebrity Democrat. She's low hanging fruit. A scapegoat. Like the Burmese labourers in the Koh Chang killing, stitched up by the system so the man with the power/status can walk. She's got no chance in the US justice legal system.
  18. No it was tongue in cheek. It was a dig at the UK for failing to protect it's borders, it's culture and ultimately the welfare of it's citizens. Like most jokes, it has an element of truth behind it.
  19. So you have a problem with people who went to public schools now? Does that apply to all public schoolboys? Or just white ones? Are public schoolgirls also on the list of those that generate outrage and jealousy in you? Or just the boys? I worked with a few public schoolboys and I can assure you they were well aware of all facets of society. Smart people. Down to earth. Far more common sense than the likes of Rayner or Nandy. They aren't all like the stereotype you seem to have built them up to be in your mind. Green eyed monster in play here.
  20. That was my first thought to be honest. Maybe someone who stood to gain financially from the death of the others and didn't want to commit the offense in Vietnam. Much better to go to a place where the police are more than happy to rule it a group suicide as to avoid the work involved in a real investigation. Or maybe I've read too many John Burdett novels? 😄
  21. I've posted plenty of evidence. Let's face it, I could post a picture of the portly Soccer Mom agent running away crying with a "DEI hire" badge on her lapel and you still wouldn't accept it. I can imagine your response now "Please post links to prove she wasn't trained to run away crying by the white partiarchy". 😃 The main thing is that Trump appears to have hired a new team based on their ability to protect him rather than tick boxes. He will need them, given the appallingly divisive and dangerous rhetoric from the left that culminated in the political violence that almost cost him his life.
  22. My perfect Bangkok afternoons start at 9am. An hour on the Playstation, an hour at the gym, off to the pub for a steak and chips or a roast, washed down with a few cold ones, then a massage and back home to watch Netflix. I absolutely love Bangkok. 16 years now and can't imagine being based anywhere else.
  23. Hunter bought them all. A shortage of supply always leads to higher prices.
  24. Watch the video of the attack. If you think this short portly woman is actually a deadly, ice cold Ninja posing as Karen the soccer Mom, you clearly know very little about security. Either that or you've watched Kung Fu Panda one too many times. Like I said, Trump will need a better security team if he is going to survive the violence from his political rivals in the lead up to the election.
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