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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. That's why I used the word crime family. Because multiple members of the family are committing crimes like credit card fraud, gun crime, crack cocaine possession, prostitution etc. Which of the 3 words Biden, crime and family are causing you the issue here? I might be able to help.
  2. That's a shame. She was quite doable before she got all the ink. Not a big fan of tatts on women. Makes them look a bit skanky IMO.
  3. Days after saying "Only god can make me stop" and "It's just not gonna happen". A liar as well as a coward. That remark wasn't aimed at soldiers. The left made that up. What's really insulting is Biden using his dead son as political capital by claiming he died in Iraq when giving a speech to soliders when he actually died of cancer in the US. Nothing too low for crooked Joe.
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13518479/Bidens-Hunter-guilty-gun-conviction-crimes.html Lovely family. No crime there then. 😄
  5. It is for ex-Presidents. As crooked Joe will find out post November.
  6. Trump is right. And to top it all off he ran away like a dog with it's tail between it's legs as soon as Pelosi told him the gig was up. A cowardly man.
  7. Highly unlikely Labour are going to go after this type of thing. They are far more likely to take a soft approach to "minor attracted persons" or whatever flowery 'compassionate' label they put on them.
  8. I've posted links of the crimes of the Biden crime family here many times. All I get is "credit card fraud, gun crime, crack addiction, prostitution etc. don't count". And they're just the ones proven so far. Many more to come once Biden loses the power to bury everything. The Dems opened Pandora's box going after an ex-President via lawfare. Crooked Joe is in for a world of hurt post election, the only thing that might save him is his own natural expiry.
  9. More lefty conspiracy theories.😃 You've tried to jail him and tried to shoot him. Failed at both. The left are specialists in failure. Stop watching CNN and reading The Guardian, sweetypie.
  10. Rowling dropping truth bombs again. She used to be a darling of the left but a few home truths about trans issues and they've all turned on her like a pack of hyenas. 😃
  11. Wow you're getting really desperate with your conspiracy nonsense now Chomps. I thought it was right wing crazies that were conspiracy nuts? 😃
  12. How can anyone resist Harris? She's just so "real" 😃. Trying to be "street". So cringe.
  13. Stop with your silly conspiracy nonsense. What do you think it was? A fake blood pellet? 😄
  14. Trump took a bullet for Democracy. Biden couldn't even stand up to Nancy Pelosi. Harris will also crumble. DEI only takes you so far.
  15. "Privately" compared him to Hitler. In other words, the Dems made it up 😃.
  16. It's a well known fact she had an affair with Miller. Nothing misogynistic about the truth. I know how lefties hate the truth though. Just like all the denials about Biden's mental state and then he withdraws. Lies, lies and more lies from the Dems. So many in fact you lose track of them. At least you get to call everyone racist, sexist etc. for the next 4 months evey time someone criticizes her. It must be like all your Christmases came at once 😃. Boxing day might be a bit tough though when Trump has won a landslide because the cackling, psycho babbling fool was not "unburdened by what has been". If she's the best you have, it's sad times for the Dems.
  17. If I told you I drove a white car you'd claim that was racist 😃. Your demand for racism far outstrips the supply. You're like someone lost in the desert seeing water on every horizon. Harris is useless. She slept her way up the ladder with the likes of Miller who was still married. I supported Badenoch because of her abilities and policies. She's far 'blacker' than Harris could ever claim to be. You may have heard a famous quote about judging people on the content of their character? Can't recall who said it... If you want real racism, check Biden and his "If you vote Trump you aint black" comments as well as calling LL Cool J "Boy". Or check the link I posted above where Harris herself implied racism from Biden in a vicious put down. Your boring claims are simply a lame attempt to deflect from the fact that she is an imbecile.
  18. Yes so racist that I wanted Kemi Badenoch as leader of my own country.😃 Try harder Chomps.
  19. Harris herself criticized Biden's stance on race. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/27/harris-attacks-bidens-record-on-busing-and-working-with-segregationists.html Of course, they are best buddies now 😃.
  20. Out of arguments why Harris would make a great president already, I see 😃.
  21. I thought Biden said only God could stop him from running? Another lie? Or did he confuse Nancy Pelosi for the almighty? Either way, could we on our way to history with America's first DEI President?
  22. What a relief for all the gaslighters. You can drop the act now. He wasn't 'sharp as a tack'. Next mission - pretend Harris is competent. 1,2,3 Go!!!
  23. It's rhetoric like yours that leads to the horrible environment in US politics. Nazi fascist racist, end of Democracy blah blah blah. Then some nutjob on the Internet reads it and we get violence. You should give your head a wobble and reign it in. You are exactly the problem you talk about.
  24. She admitted to killing her child. You "empathize" with her. Not one word from you about the murdered child just some lame attempts to blame racist Welsh people when there was no mention of racism in the story. It would be funny if it wasn't so disturbing.
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