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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Nothing screams democracy like lawfare and assassination attempts. How exactly will Trump end Democracy after being elected by the people for the second time?
  2. Is he still here? What are they waiting for? Been waiting for the headline for 2 days now. Surely he is still capable of a signature?
  3. Israel is teaching the world how to deal with Muslim extremism. The UN should shut tf up and get back to siphoning money off for the extravagant lifestyles of their senior figures. Focus on what they are good at.
  4. I wish this crackhead would just shut up and start making arrangements for his father's care home. The world has had enough of the Biden crime family.
  5. Scary for the Dems. I don't recall a political campaign of gaslighting so egregious as the one that the left have committed to in terms of pretending Biden is OK. It needs to reach a natural conclusion with resounding defeat so that it never happens again. Let this be a lesson.
  6. You've already exonerated her on the unfounded notion that someone "might" have once referred to the Asian woman as Asian. I always wonder what makes people empathise with people that kill their own children. Especially given the definition of empathy. A fascinating phenomenon. More than a bit weird, but fascinating none the less.
  7. I really hope he stays. The Dems have gone so far down this road and they really need to see how it ends.
  8. Wow. Joe not even pretending to be a good guy anymore. What a piece of work.
  9. She killed her own child. I have sympathy for many people. Child killers are not in that list. Interesting that you have so much empathy for her though.
  10. Cressida is going to be shocked when there is no tofu or avocado on the menu.
  11. He was indeed wise. Incredibly intelligent man. That's exactly why he was demonised using a single quote taken out of context.
  12. Israel is showing the world how to deal with Muslim extremists. Attack is sometimes the best form of defence. Credit where it is due, Biden is providing the weapons. Thanks Joe.
  13. I'd throw a St. George's flag over the lot of them. Guaranteed the police would be in there cracking heads immediately.
  14. Maybe they are not trying to justify/excuse the disgraceful scenes like you are? We have due process in the UK. Whether they were rioting over child protection services, a late benefits payment or an incident thousands of miles away, it doesn't really matter.
  15. You keep crying those tears for the child killer.
  16. Whether or not you agree with DEI quotas (I 100% don't), it is obvious that certain jobs, ones that involve human life (such as security, surgeon, pilot etc.) need to be excluded from the hairbrained idea. Pick the best, most suitable person for the job irrespective or race/age/gender and you can avoid embarrassments like the Trump assassination attempt. With Kimberley Cheatle as head of the secret service you end up with someone with an assault rifle 150 metres awway, clearly visible to everyone given 15 minutes to line up their shot on the former (and future) president. Her excuse? The roof was so sloped that it was a health and safety risk to have someone up there 😃. If that wasn't bad enough, it was followed by this...
  17. Not triggered at all. But when a mother kills her 7 year old son, my empathy is primarily with the child rather than the mother. I don't try and blame it on the indigenous population of the country she chose to emigrate to either. Your attempts to excuse her actions based on your completely unfounded theory that she (an Asian woman) may have been called "Asian" by those nasty Welsh chaps is quite frankly ridiculous. Being an apologist for a someone who committed Filicide is not a position I wish to take.
  18. Social services were trying to remove a 7 month old baby that had sustained head injuries having apparently been dropped out of a window. So presumably this is your excuse for the riots that ensued?
  19. Excellent news. I'm sure the EU will adopt the same position swiftly. They just have to sort out the red tape, tariffs and regulations, so no later than 2050. 😃
  20. Of course he was. That's why he is labelled a Nazi, fascist, racist etc. They can't argue against his position, so they demonize him instead.
  21. Matt Hensley. A pioneer of street skating who later went on to play in the band Flogging Molly. Supremely talented and all round good guy.
  22. I'm not sure how much more cultural enrichment the people of Leeds can take. Fortunately Rayner has a good heart and is going to ensure that every city gets their "fair share" of this type of thing. So for those jealous of Leeds, don't fear, the love and good will is going to be spread around and coming to a neighbourhood near you shortly. Just keep repeating the mantra. "Diversity is our greatest strength".
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