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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. So your takeaway from the quote below was the word "especially", at which point you link to a Buddhist born in Harrow? 😄 Right-O.
  2. Diversity is a Western liberal obsession. More intelligent cultures do not have such an obsession, nor should they.
  3. Let me help you a little bit. Buddhists don't tend to pursue the Islamic cause. It's a Muslim thing.
  4. That's the trouble with left wing governments. They don't give a toss about their own citizens.
  5. The left essentially conspired by tactically withdrawing candidates. If they think this is a long term strategy to win the hearts and minds of French patriots I suspect they are in for a massive shock.
  6. Braverman does not pursue the Islamic cause. She is Buddhist.
  7. I suppose you think the children blown to pieces at the Ariana Grande concert are wimps?
  8. I 100% disagree with you. It is undemocratic to call for another vote before the result of the first one is implemented, simply because you do not like the result. People like you think it's Ok in some circumstances (when you lose) but not OK in other circumstances (when you win). It's deeply hypocritical. But then you are left wing, so I guess it's par for the course.
  9. The fact check is quite clear and concise. You should read it. One does not have to be deranged to realize Biden was telling lies and half truths. As Trump does. So looking at it logically, who is deranged here? The person who accepts they both lie? Or the one who claims one tells the truth and the other lies (when the facts show otherwise)?
  10. Where have I denied it? I haven't, you're making it up. 😃 Where have I denied the right to change their minds after the result of the first referendum was implemented? I haven't. You're making it up.
  11. Well, it proves my point that they called for a second referendum before the first was implemented. So it has literally everything to do with it.😄 It shouldn't. If a party can get elected on a promise to hold a Rejoin referendum then I would accept that. How did you reach that conclusion? I accept the Labour win 100%. Just as I accepted the Leave vote. How does that suggest an "allergy to Democracy". It's quite the opposite given my disdain for Labour. If I was demanding another election before Labour were allowed to take power you would have a point. But I am not. Therefore, you do not have a point.
  12. Seems like a trend in US politics. https://www.factcheck.org/2024/07/factchecking-bidens-post-debate-tv-interview/
  13. Indeed. The "Democrats" have gone the wrong way up a one way street.
  14. What a silly comment. Remainers were calling for a "people's vote" long before we left. But you already knew that.
  15. You can't have a second referendum before the result of the first one is implemented. This is what Remainers were proposing. That would be like me proposing having another general election in 18 months because I didn't like the result of this one (but insisting the Tories stay in power until then). Unlike salty Remainers, I respect Democracy too much to make such a ridiculous, entitled demand. So in fact, my translation was not only accurate, but highlighted the inane hypocrisy of the Remainers position post Brexit. I hope you are able to understand the point this time.
  16. So do most people who hate Britain.
  17. Blair back in power with Starmer as his puppet. I wonder if we will hear rumours of WMD in Israel soon?
  18. Lammy is a complete fool. The new version of Dianne Abbott. Here is an excellent article which sums him up very well. https://www.spiked-online.com/2019/04/15/the-madness-of-david-lammy/
  19. The trouble is he not "with it". Far from it, and deteriorating before our eyes. So unless he quits he has 2 choices. 1. Continue to embarrass himself. 2. Stop doing interviews and keep reading from teleprompters. It's far from ideal and the main concern is who is actually running the country (especially considering who is VP, his wife and his crackhead son), because he is clearly in no state to do so. He couldn't even remember if he had watched the debate back. He is a shell of a man. It's actually sad at this point.
  20. ITV should take note. Inflicting the embarrasingly useless Eni Aluko on us at the expense of the brilliant Clive Tyldesley was a crime against humanity.
  21. Harris is VP, so he can't quit. The woman is a disaster.
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