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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Russia is absolutely correct. Not only did Biden demand he be put in the bullseye, here is another "Democrat" demanding he be "eliminated". It's at 2:25 for those on demanding posting quotas. Shocking rhetoric from the "Democrats". No wonder the nutjobs are coming out of the woodwork.
  2. Republican assassin? 😃 Your gaslighting really has no bounds. I guess it's all you have at this point.
  3. He won't have to. In case you hadn't noticed, it is Biden demanding his political opponent be put in the bullseye days before the assassination attempt. Not Trump.
  4. I hope he has a good legal team and a bullet proof vest. The "Democrats" play dirty.
  5. If I was him I'd be reviewing security. Footage showed many in the crowd pointing out the shooter to the authorities and they did nothing. With all the dangerous rhetoric about him being a threat to Democracy, putting him in the bullseye, eliminating him, calling him a Nazi etc. the next lefist nut job is surely around the corner. Because nothing screams Democracy louder than taking him out via the legal system and when that fails, a bullet to the head.
  6. Getting his excuses in early, before he ruins the currently healthy UK economy. Typical Labour.
  7. At least you're accepting he said it, unlike our resident pedant. However he meant it, such poorly worded rhetoric is totally inappropriate in the current climate and could easily be misinterpreted by the violent Antifa/BLM types, he needs to tone it down. If Trump had said such a thing everyone would be claiming it was a call for assassination and a threat to Democracy etc etc. Biden says it and it's no worries, just a metaphor, nothing to see here. The double standards are astounding.
  8. You mean the ones that showed my quote of Biden to be 100% accurate?
  9. That's what Biden would have done as well.😄 Trump behaved like a leader. A rockstar. Like Terry Butcher against Sweden in '89. That's what leaders do.
  10. I didn't bother because everyone knows he said it. It's like asking for a link to prove Trump is a Republican. Boring in the extreme. But to satisfy your indefatigable pedantry and lust for links, see below. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/13/biden-trump-bullseye-quote/74397121007/ https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/07/08/congress/defiant-biden-tells-donors-were-done-with-the-debate-00166834
  11. No Surprise. Many lefties on this very forum have been wishing he was shot, hung, locked up for ever etc. There's even one on this thread lamenting that it only hit his ear. The left are exactly what they accuse you of being.
  12. The courts failed. The guns failed. What will the left try next?
  13. Unless It goes against the consensus of course. Then it is "hate speech". Or as Orwell labelled it, "Wrongspeak". Clooney is famous, rich and left wing. His freedom of speech is indeed protected. He is well aware of that. I have no problem with his freedom to express his opinions. As long as those with differing opinions have the same freedoms.
  14. Produce a movie. Hire the armourer. Take gun from armourer. Do not check it. Point it at the cinematographer during a break. Pull the trigger. Kill her. Case dismissed. I'm starting to see why narcissistic celebrities become vocal Democrat supporters/donators.
  15. Exactly. It wasn't a take. The girl shot wasn't even an actress on the movie. He picked up the gun from the person he hired without checking it, aimed it and fired it at the help. She died. Case dismissed by the judge. Democrat supporter and donor. Deeply indebted Banana Republic ruled by a cadaver.
  16. I could accept him being found not guilty by a jury. I would disagree but after OJ I wouldn't be shocked. But case dismissed by the judge? Wow. The serf got 18 months to protect the elite. Blame the low hanging fruit. Americans should refrain from criticising Thai courts from now on. Same same. Banana republics.
  17. Who pointed the gun at the help and pulled the trigger without checking it? Who hired the person who loaded the gun?
  18. This was obvious the minute the judge ruled the fact that he was a producer of the movie was not relevant. Left wing celebs above the law.
  19. Introducing Zelensky as Putin at a conference where his main aim was to prove everyone wrong. 😄 You couldn't make this up. What was that Verve song? "The drugs don't work" 😃 Please stay Joe. It's comedy gold.
  20. Clooney is of course 100% right for once. However, he should stay in his lane and stop preaching about politics. What is it about celebrities that they suddenly think they need to use their influence for political point scoring. I hope Biden stays until November. Teach the Democrats a lesson that gaslighting is not a long term strategy for success. They deserve him.
  21. It is not a free country. You are free to criticize Trump. That doesn't mean you are free to say similar things about Muslims, lgbt rainbow people, ethic minorities etc. That's a hate crime. You are only free to criticize people that the authorities classify as bad. That is not freedom.
  22. This is what happens when left wing politicians whip up hatred in the useful idiots with antisemitic rhetoric about genocide of Palestinians. Dianne Abbott will be along shortly to tell us statues of ginger people also get defaced in the same way so it's not actually racist. Shame on the instigators and enablers of such antisemitic hate crimes.
  23. Social housing. Next to the working class that the likes of Emily Thornberry despise.
  24. Good points. There are grey areas. Is a man that is attracted to a woman bodybuilder built like Arnold Schwarzanegger less gay than a man attracted to a ladyboy that looks like Lisa Blackpink? Who knows? Either way I believe this paedo DaShawn is claiming to be gay to garner sympathy from a Woke Liberal judge. Why tick one box when you can tick two? The sad thing is that it will work. It already has to some degree since the hate part has been dismissed. If I was him I'd turn up for sentencing in drag with a pride flag and a BLM headband. He'd probably walk.
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