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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Vive La France. Massive results for RN. Squeaky bum time for the EU. 😄 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/22/emmanuel-macron-risks-triggering-frexit-warns-eu-chief/ It appears the left's strategy of demonizing every political opponent as "Far Right" is no longer working. Always loved the French. Where's the Chef's kiss emoji?
  2. Yes your posts often confuse me. Much like Biden's answers in fact. And why did you quote me twice?
  3. I doubt Biden could walk the length of a par 3 even without a golf bag. Jill had to hold his hand to keep him propped up as he slowly negotiated the 2 small steps of the stage after the recent debate.
  4. I thought Trump played it perfectly. Instead of attacking and insulting him which could have appeared unkind given Biden's cognitive state, it looked like he actually took pity on him. Allowing Biden to speak uninterrupted is great for Trump. The more Biden talks, the more inept he appears. I have no doubt that as Biden's answers descended into slurred drivel, the interviewer was getting orders in his earpiece from the producers "Cut him off for god's sake". Which is why he interjected "Thankyou Mr President" in an attempt to save his dignity. Unfortunately it was too little too late. No wonder the Dems are panicking.
  5. I hope they don't cut off Biden next time. Every time he started slurring his nonsense unintelligible drivel they interrupted and stopped him. Should have let him continue. He was digging his own grave. They did him a massive favour by cutting him off.
  6. Apart from the Dems panicking and looking for a new candidate of course. Unfortunately they are devoid of talent so they have to stick with the guy with dementia. Yes, many people have noted that his record is very short of amazing. The opposite of amazing in fact, despite all the lies he told about inflation, unemployment etc. during the debate.
  7. Doubtful. He needs to figure it out himself first. I no longer doubt that his father made tools.
  8. It was embarrassing, like a Mother on sports day telling her son he did great even though he came last in the egg and spoon race. She appears reluctant to admit her days as first lady are coming to an end. I'd imagine her and Hunter are the ones persuading him to stay on. They both need him, her for the lifestyle and him for the pardon for his crimes. Sad indeed.
  9. Where is the farang from walking street with the nice straight left when you need him? Mental illness is common is the trans community. Believing you are born in the wrong body is but a symptom of the mental illness. Attending any Pride rally will confirm this within 30 seconds.
  10. Hunter wants his pardon and the wife likes life at the white house. "Stay on Joe, you're fine".
  11. I'm still waiting to hear Starmer's position on just about everything.
  12. Good to see the adults back in the room. A wise ruling.
  13. I guess the gaslighting could only work for so long before someone states that the emperor has no clothes.
  14. One of them even has a link to a paper from a nutty professor at harvard to prove that women can have a penis 🤔 These "guys" are heavy hitters. 😄
  15. I see the left have done a complete 180 on Biden. I guess gaslighting only goes so far. Amazing how they were blind to it all before this debate. Almost like they were lying. Just like Joe in the debate.
  16. Let me know when Muslims calling for Jihad on the streets of London receive similar sentences.
  17. Seems like the left have finally found a home for their seething, sneering vitriol.
  18. As opposed to siding with those who demonise anyone who doesn't agree with their new world order/woke agenda? Not that odd given my pro free speech/libertarian stance.
  19. I'd be more concerned about the racist, intolerant first minister.
  20. The left must be absolutely terrified to use a stooge like this. Desperate stuff.😃
  21. Great observation. No flies on you. Hopefully it never will be. The tide is turning across Europe. The right is rising.
  22. Amazing how the left wing media are suddenly acknowledging this like it just happened. He's been stumbling and mumbling around for years and they finally saw it? After so much denial ? Laying the groundwork for a face saving switch on candidate I think.
  23. Congratulations Georgia. Lucky escape. I'm happy for you.
  24. Direct Democracy. EU style. Thank God we left.
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