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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Still no details/action against his clients who frequently travelled with him to his Paedo island? And people still believe he killed himself while the CCTV was malfunctioning. No wonder they hate whistleblowers like Assange so much. Bunch of crooks.
  2. You'll excuse me if I don't take investment advice from randoms on expat internet forums. I have some knowledge of the stock market but I would concede I am no expert, which I why I use a renowned asset management company to manage my investments rather than pretending to be an expert by advising others what to invest their money in on t'internet. I wouldn't expect the UK economy to do well under a Labour government though. History shows that.
  3. A travel article about tours to locations in Europe 😃. Desperate stuff even by your standards 😄.
  4. Indeed, not so much deteriorating before our very eyes, rather decomposing.
  5. Well gaslighting was only going to take them so far. It was a huge mistake, as well as deeply dishonest.
  6. Could you provide a link to somewhere they promised "warm sunlit uplands" please. Otherwise, stop trolling. It's boring.
  7. I don't believe that was an option on the ballot paper, so it's a bit of a trolly question.
  8. A tipping point for them to admit it, not to see it. The left wing media had been trying to gaslight the public for the last couple of years until it became untenable. Then once one of them admitted it, they all crumbled within 24 hours like a house of cards. As did his cheerleaders on this forum. Folded like a cheap suit. As I said in the other thread, it was an "emperor has no clothes" moment. Now it's too late to rectify it. Prepare for Trump.
  9. Nonsense. As the adults in the room noted at the time, there would be some short term issues to sort out and then it would be business as usual. And look what happened. Just as we said. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/city-london-remains-top-global-financial-centre-own-survey-2024-01-24/
  10. Possibly. I still find it bizarre that they claim to have not seen his decline before that debate. There was a plethora of very clear signs that many of us were pointing out.
  11. It was a terrible mistake making Sunak PM. If there is one positive I can take from this it's that he will no longer be leading the country. Of course, that is far outweighed by the negative that it will likely be the product of a tool maker, Sir Keir.
  12. Dementia is a degenerative disease. If he is still the candidate in September and is allowed to do another debate by his handlers (both unlikely), you'll be looking back at June with fond memories about how articulate Joe once was.
  13. My asset management team deal with that. As for Thai expats (I don't believe you are one), I'd suggest they transfer any GBP to THB in the next 6 months before Labour wreck the economy, as they always do.
  14. Joe is crying like a baby because he can't eliminate the political opposition via the courts. Given he can barely string a sentence together that was his only chance. Now it's gone. Suck it up Joe, just like you do with your dinner.
  15. Great article. At last someone has the minerals to say it. Brexit has been a success. We are outperforming the EU's powerhouse Germany, signed many, many trade deals and no longer have to pay the failing federalist project that is the EU for the privilige of being told what to do by them. Well done Boris. Can't wait to see the EU crumble when France leave under Le Pen.
  16. The Tories have failed on a few issues. Immigration being the main one. That doesn't mean Labour are the answer. They'll just fail more absolutely.
  17. The future of America is more important than Jill's wish to stay in the White house and Hunter's need to be pardoned for his litany of crimes. It's time to get the Biden crime family, and their boss Joe out. Let Kamala run. She ticks all the boxes that the lefties like.
  18. Given such action would involve picking up a gun weighing several pounds and holding it steady enough to hit a target 2 metres away, highly unlikely.
  19. ... as long as you're a left wing socialist who hates British culture, believes in mass immigration and all things Woke. Otherwise they are a massive threat to Britain.
  20. His only policy appears to be not talking about policies. If only his toolmaker father had taken a day off on 2/9/62.
  21. When I went, there was a security guard on the steps where they sat, stopping people sitting there for a re-enactment pic which was a bit annoying. Great movie IMO, very under-rated. But yes, it doesn't paint Thailand or Thai people in a very good light.
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