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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Starmer would have supported Osama Bin Laden if he thought it would help him in his unscrupulous slide up the greasy pole to power. The snidest of politicians. Completely devoid of principles.
  2. I'd agree. I imagine these bouncers are protected, maybe even friends/relatives of the local police. Not worth ruining your holiday and risking a counter charge, fine, finger pointing in front of local journalists etc. Better to enjoy the rest of your holiday and if you're feeling bitter then give The Sun an exclusive interview when you get safely home to give your side of the story and pay for the holiday and any medical bills.
  3. In that case, presumably the climate has cooled since the spike of turbulence incidents in the 90's? Must have been REALLY hot between 1997 and 2003. 😃 2013 must have been freezing. https://icao.usmission.gov/air-carrier-turbulence-related-injuries-can-be-reduced-ntsb-finds/
  4. Good to see. Hopefully he gets an MRI scan as slow bleeds on the brain can take a while to get serious. Interesting that the guards still appear to be having ta go at them as they are leaving. As if the intitial beatdown was not enough. Real scumbags.
  5. More climate alarmism from the BBC. Is there anything they do not find a way to blame on climate change? 😄
  6. I guess that's possible, but having seen previous cases where the grizzly details and even pictures of the dead bodies have been released I'd say their motives are more likely to be protecting their image.
  7. I highy doubt the tabloids would use "manslaughter in Thailand" as the headline.
  8. If I had to guess, they probably all got chatting in the bar and then one guy leaves without paying and the bargirl didn't want to get stung for the upaid bill so tried to pin it on the other two. Curious that we haven't heard anything about the condition of the 2 guys that were beaten. Maybe the authorities are staying quiet for as long as possible and hoping they recover so this doesn't become another "murder in Thailand" story.
  9. I'd be bitter as well. Imagine having your husband humiliating you by cheating on you with a plump intern in front of the whole world, then work your whole life for something only to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with one bitchy comment. I'm not surprised she's bitter. She's looking to play a card, and as a priviliged Caucasian the only one she has is the woman card. Massive fail.
  10. By calling anyone with a different opinion to her, Deplorable? There's a difference between insulting millions of the electorate and speaking up for yourself. Hardly intelligent, as the election results showed. It's the type of behaviour I'd expect from two housewives arguing in Costco.
  11. OK, so far we've had the gender card and now the sick card. Anyone for the ageist card? Or how about the "own it" card?
  12. I agree that was made up. Pattaya 6 bargirls rarely have a nose to break, unless it's made of silicone. Seriously though, I doubt they would have punched a girl, if they had it would have kicked off much sooner and the girls would have been joining in instead of trying to stop it. More likely they were acting like typical louts on any British Saturday night out and expected a similar sort of outcome i.e. maybe a couple of punches, a black eye, followed by shouting/swearing/posturing and everyone moves on. Unfortunately Thais do not fight like that and security went WAY too far. Let's hope reports that one of them died are untrue. Let's also hope security face jail time.
  13. The beating was totally over the top and charges need to be brought against those guards. Jail time. Having said that, I have met some real scumbag farangs in Pattaya. Arrogant, smug, insulting, confrontational. And that's just the bar owners, the punters are often worse 😃. Let's hope these two recover fully from this, although I suspect it will be a long recovery for the one who took the worst of it. I enjoy a good afternoon/night out and I've been ripped off maybe 5-10 times in 17 years. It's only a few hundred Baht, it's better to pay it, calmy tell them that you are aware of the rip off and won't be returning, then go somewhere else.
  14. Agree. Just like Brexit, she learnt the painful lesson that insulting people with a different opinion to you is not a great way to garner votes. Thank god she said it. 😄
  15. By deplorables, of course you mean people with a different opinion/stance. The left love diversity of everything except opinion.
  16. Feminist nonsense. The problem is the quality of the female politicians. AOC, Hilary, Kamala etc. If they focused on policies and not only bitchy insults and inane cackling/babbling they might get more respect from the electorate.
  17. When you make the same mistakes as the UK, expect the same consequences. Australia should have seen what happened to Britain/mainland Europe and re-considered their immigration policy. Too late now. You reap what you sow.
  18. Perhaps they could make 5 years national service a mandatory requirement for gaining citizenship? 10 years if you came illegally by boat...
  19. Clinton playing the gender card because she's too stupid to admit that insulting potential voters as 'deplorable' is not a great vote winner.
  20. The UK police are a disgrace, especially in London under Khan. Knife crime rampant, but post a joke about LGBTQ and they're in like Flynn. Call for Jihad and the police will redefne Jihad as to not be offensive. Try to walk down the street as a Jew and be threatened with arrest for being 'openly Jewish'. Police openinly shouting Pro Palestine chants. They never miss the opportunity to dance at Pride or take the knee to BLM though. Pathetic.
  21. Or as Markle allegedly quipped, we are one plane crash away from the throne. I guess she doesn't know that they don't put the whole line of succession of one plane. Keep flogging the jam, Markle. Once that fails, you can merch the kids.
  22. So he is claiming he thinks Corbyn is not an anti semite. That does not mean he supports him, neither does it make me a corbynite as claimed. I wonder how he feels about Corbyns ex mistress Abbott and her claims that being Jewish is like being teased about being ginger?
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