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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Some will be immigrants while others will be the descendants of immigrants. Are you saying that if second/third generation immigrants are disproportionately responsible for a knife crime pandemic, then that has nothing to do with immigration and must not be linked to immigration in any way?
  2. I never claimed they were immigrants, so why would I need to demonstrate that? They could be immigrants, or alternatively they could be the descendants of immigrants. Given that the indigenous population of Britain is white, that is undeniable.
  3. Anecdotal information is supported by the stats. An unfortunate truth for the Wokies. https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/mopac_knife_crime_strategy_june_2017.pdf
  4. Thanks for proving my point so effectively. 😃
  5. Sounds like the politicians/generals and their offspring want their private playgrounds back.
  6. No surprise. The US has a long history of abandoning it's allies and withdrawing from overseas conflicts when the going gets tough or support from US voters appears to be waning. Add to the fact that Joe can't remember what he said 5 minutes ago, let alone last year and we can all see the writing is on the wall here.
  7. A great way to defeat political opponents. Label them "far right" and then take out of via the court system. Not unlike what the Dems are doing in the good ol' US of A.
  8. Good news for ecstasy dealers. When I was there many moons ago MDMA was the drug of choice at the clubs. But maybe that's the plan? After all, not many people go looking for fights after a pill or two. Much more likely to randomly hug a stranger than attack one.
  9. That's no way to talk about Nancy. Oh sorry, you said shank. 😃
  10. Maybe you could save such a comment for a relevant thread?
  11. I wore trousers and a collared shirt. But there were 2 other foreigners also receiving theirs on the same day and one them had knee length shorts and a tshirt. As long as you are clean, don't dress like a backpacker and act politely it will not be an issue. I found that their attitude was excellent. Treated me very nicely, like I was a paying customer for a product they were keen to sell (which I was). I was expecting them to begrudgingly slap it on the table like an immigration official stamping me in at the airport but it was much better than expected.
  12. I believe that was never proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
  13. It's hardly an endorsement of the EU that 3 years after leaving, the UK is out performing the EU's largest economy, a country that remained. I thought Britain was supposed to go off the "cliff edge" and lose around 8% of GDP? Surely you're not saying that was all a pack of lies to scare people into voting Remain? 😄
  14. So 4% of the population are committing 18% of the murders? Surely that can't be correct?
  15. 40 years for assault? Ridiculous. Politically motivated to send a message about messing with politicians, particularly the liberal elites like Pelosi. If some street hood had done a similar thing during the 'mostly peaceful' BLM riots he'd have likely got a slap on the wrist.
  16. Oh look, the UK having left the EU is doing better than Germany who remained. Project Fear 😆.
  17. Not for the Rwandans that are already here. Given their reluctance to deport them, what makes you believe they will be tough on future illegals? Seems to me they are more than happy for anyone to come and stay here. But then, they won't be living in Islington so it's not their problem...
  18. Not if the crime involves tweeting jokes about the LGBT community. They're all over that. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-hampshire-62352502
  19. Allowing illegal immigrants to stay in Britain instead of deporting them is not "dealing with the problem", neither is it an act of kindness. It is causing damage to Britain and the British people.
  20. Give the British police a break. They clearly have more important things to attend to. Like controlling movement for the crime of being "openly Jewish", getting on their knees for BLM, ignoring/redefining calls for Jihad and making fools of themselves at gay pride events.
  21. Another example of how a Labour government will continue to put the interests of often illegal immigrants ahead of the interests of hard working, law abiding, British people - should they be elected. One can only hope that the British people wake up before the election is called. If they don't, I'm afraid to say they will deserve what they get.
  22. Many of us predicted this would happen once we freed ourselves from the shackles of the EU and all it's rules and regulations. Project Fear shown once again to be lying scare tactics. Fortunately enough people saw through it. Viva Brexit.
  23. She's female so expect a light sentence. The lads probably enjoyed it, right? Had she ticked more DEI boxes (racial/religious minority or alphabet people) she would have walked, in the unlikely event it even got this far. Unfortunately she is guilty of being white and thus far she has only served 30 years of her crime.
  24. Not only the British. The Irish are sick of it as well. Local communities are rising up against the betrayal by their elected officials. And why shouldn't they? Indigenous populations should be protected and prioritized like they are in the East. The Libs have already ruined the West and Biden recently went as far as to insult the likes of Japan for standing up for their own citizens. What a clown show.
  25. I don't remember the IRA killing and raping and burning 1200 people in one day. Then parading victims around the streets. I don't believe the IRA were integrated with the Irish government either. This was a declaration of war. They wanted it and they got it. Now they are losing badly and trying to walk it back. Doesn't really work like that.
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