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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. New Zealand going from strength to strength since the #bekind tyrant Ardern left. Great to see.
  2. Totally agree. I'm not sure what happened but it's been far better the last couple of months. Whatever happened, it was a huge improvement so big thanks to whoever made that change. I wish the owners the best of luck with the merger.
  3. Unless it's Trump or his supporters, obviously. In fact, anyone you disagree with. 😃
  4. Great news if those principles come over to Aseannow. Sounds this this change will be a good one.
  5. Excellent news. I always love it when someone pinches something I was about to throw out, saves me going to the tip. Let's hope this leads to his titles being stripped. Long overdue.
  6. Oirish Joe telling porkies again. Just like his son died in Iraq, claims he used to be a truck driver, being arrested in the civil rights movement etc. He never lets the truth get in the way of a good yarn. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/20/politics/fact-check-biden-false-claims-first-year-2021/index.html You'd think he'd have learnt that fact checkers would be all over his false stories by now. Then again, he probably forgot.
  7. Hardly. Sunak did this months ago. They are following Westminster for once, and rightly so. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-66872452 Have you ever been to Scotland? 😃
  8. Wow. Finally the Scottish government gets something right. This pointless virtue signalling about the "climate emergency" by western governments at the expense of the their own citizens quality of life has to stop. Great to see the Scottish government follow Westminster's lead on this.
  9. Losing an MP? I guess everything is relative but it is hardly a disaster, especially when compared to your boy who is getting absolutely slaughtered at the polls and whose brother in law is being done for throwing someone off the top of a block of flats. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/04/14/imploding-snp-faces-electoral-disaster-scotland/
  10. Only when the sample size is 0.0006% of the voting population.
  11. 0.1% growth (UK) is better than 0.3% shrinking (Germany) for 2023 as a whole.
  12. Exactly. If they'd have won this then they'd just want more. A prayer room in every school, desks facing mecca, readings of the Koran during assembly, halal only school dinners, bans on pork in the canteen, lessons in Arabic etc. It would never be enough.
  13. A good decision. Schools are for learning, she can go to the mosque to pray.
  14. How is the UK not doing better than Germany? The fact is, only 4 years since Brexit there has been no "cliffedge" and the UK economy is outperforming the EU's largest economy, Germany. I'm just pointing out that Project Fear was a pack of lies. I said at the time it was, and now I have the figures to back it up. So yes, we did know what we were voting for. Could have been even better without Theresa May, but the losers/traitors were always going to make it difficult.
  15. That article is a prediction. Lots of "will be", "on course to be", "experts have predicted" etc. Better we stick with the facts on what has happened, as detailed in the OP. The UK doing very well compared to some of the EU's largest economies, like Germany and France. https://www.euronews.com/business/2024/04/16/germanys-economy-still-seen-to-be-suffering-the-most-in-europe France and Germany's economies are the worst-performing in Europe, while the UK is seen as doing moderately well. On the up side, Spain and Italy are seeing distinctly more positive signs. Seems like Project Fear was a load of rubbish. If only someone had said so at the time... Oh, wait a minute...😃
  16. Back on topic, seems like the police did a very good job dealing with this, although if he was really trying to drag her away then perhaps an arrest and charges of attempted kidnap might have reminded him of some fundamental principles.
  17. Good to see the UK continuing to do well post Brexit. Unfortunately a Labour government looks just around the corner so their "tax and spend" policies will likely undo a lot of the good work.
  18. Importing intolerant religious extremists and terrorists. Is that clear enough for you to understand?
  19. They have no desire to assimilate. They have found a new, soft battleground where instead of facing real justice for their acts of hatred they are enabled by a weak police force and hand wringing liberals. They can hack people up in public and the authorities refuse to even disclose their religion or their chant during the attack. If anyone speaks up they are labelled far right and if in Scotland, potentially jailed for 7 years. No wonder they see this as the golden land.
  20. Oh wow placeholder is back. Chomps obviously made enough from the 60+ womens charity cycling event to buy a new burner. Marvellous.
  21. Of course. And the judge will decide what is admissible, guide the jury, the defense, the prosecution etc. To suggest the judge has no influence on the outcome is for the birds. We saw that in the Fani Willys case. He was basically acting as her subordinate. He was her beeatch.
  22. I totally agree with Cotton. Of course the police should do it. But when the police consistently fail the people, this is what happens. The police are responsible for this scene, not citizens who have consistently been failed by them.
  23. You implied it was bizarre that someone could fancy her. Of course attractiveness is not all physical. It can also be personality. But we all know your argumentative nature and political views. So let's see the final piece of the jigsaw. Those over 60 feminist bike rides must have kept you in great shape so don't be shy. Post a pic, we can compare you to Truss since you think attractiveness is so important. We can judge you, as you judged her.
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