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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. It was racist, pure and simple. If it was a white guy saying that about black/brown people you'd be calling them racist, bigoted etc. It is my job to report it. It is up to the authorities to decide whether they will/can prosecute or not. I did my job. They can do theirs. If they cannot prosecute this as a crime due to a legal technicality then maybe they will mark his record with a non crime hate incident which his future employers will see after the Scottish people remove him from his current position? They are actively encouraging people to report on others, so don't start crying when someone does.
  2. If you think reporting racist language is wasting police time I wonder why you support the bill? That's what it is for.
  3. The guy is power mad. A wannabe dictator. His vitriolic, nasty nature really shone through in the WHAITE rant. He hasn't thought this all through very well either. From later in that tweet... So he can't define hate and is leaving it to the police to decide. I mean, what could possibly go wrong with such a system? Absolutely no room for abuse of power there... 😄 What a clown (sorry if that is clownist but I don't believe clownism is one of the hate categories so I should escape 7 years in jail on that one).
  4. For someone who thinks anyone objecting to racist language is being overly sensitive, you do seem very easily upset 😄.
  5. It is not normal. You are trying to normalize it. There is no excuse for racially abusing police, nurses, firemen etc. Their jobs are hard enough without people making excuses for those racially abusing them while they work. Yes, and it won't be eliminated while people are trying to normalize it. If people were prosecuted for racial abuse they would be less likely to do it. I'm not saying lock her up and throw away the key, but maybe a fine and some community service cleaning up vomit from public transport (given her propensity for vomiting in taxis) and associated loss of face might make her think twice about her entitled, brattish, racist behaviour. Don't tell me... SAS? 😄 Actually don't tell me, because then you'd have to kill me .
  6. Totally agree. In Scotland, probably nothing. Unless you misgendered one of the attending officers, or were guilty of being WHAITE in a position of power, then I guess 7 years for hate crime.
  7. You deflection from the issues in Scotland re. the hate bill appears to be working quite well. Keep it going...
  8. Glaswegian football supporters tend to insult 3 groups. 1. Other working class white people (opposition supporters). 2. Jews, sorry I mean "Zionists". 3. Catholics/Protestants. I wouldn't hold my breath for action from the police about hate towards any of these groups. That's not what the law is designed for.
  9. Just Stop Oil have a history of endangering the public with their protests. Whether it be blocking people on their way to hospitals for emergency treatment, hanging huges banners over busy motorways etc. they are incredibly selfish and irresponsible. I see the sentence as one for endangering the public, not for protesting.
  10. William Wallace clearly didn't see Humza Yousaf in his crystal ball 😄
  11. Innovation? Like Xiaomi ripping off the Taycan? Hardly innovative.
  12. Sounds pretty irresponsible to me. What if it fell off onto a truck's windscreen or a motorcyclist going under the bridge in rush hour? There are ways to protest without endangering the lives of innocent people.
  13. Come again??? It will certainly go in the trash bin. We all know that. However, I can sleep at night knowing that I have done my part in reporting race hate as they requested. As someone who uses the term Gammon, you probably won't undertand that.
  14. A bit like left wing "anti racists" who use the term Gammon to insult white middle aged men?
  15. Watch the speech Chomps. It is what it is, racist. I didn't see anything on the website about not being allowed to report incidents before the law came into effect on April Fools Day of all days. If the law cannot apply, I would be happy with a non crime hate incident lodged against him. More than happy. Anyway I felt it was my duty to report such blatant racism when I see it, especially from someone in a high position of power.
  16. Well, enlighten us all Chomps. Don't be a tease... What exactly does it suggest?
  17. You yourself indicated there was no way the police would waste time on my report of Yousaf's racist rant. So it would appear this is one 'conspiracy' that you think has some truth to it. 😄
  18. That's exactly what it is. They are encouraging people to report incidents, to snitch on each other. Perhaps they should be more careful what they wish for. Especially when the first minister makes racist speeches.
  19. It's not a conspiracy. The speech is on YouTube. I already posted it here. The guidelines for what constitues hate speech are on the police website. The speech falls within that. They want people to report it, so I did. Where is the conspiracy?
  20. Yes I very much doubt they are going to investigate reports against a Muslim, son of Pakistani immigrants who happens to be the first minister making a racist speech against white people. This law clearly isn't designed for that type of racism. However, the vague nature and selective enforcement of this law is no reason for me not to report racism when I see or hear it. They are encouraging people to report hate speech. I obliged. The hate monster appears to have attacked Yousaf as I included in my report.
  21. I am not wasting police time. I found his speech extremely offensive and I would like action taken against him. If they cannot take legal action because the crime took place before the law, perhaps they will put a non crime hate incident on his record instead. Either way, I am entitled to report it. He is not exempt from the consequences of his hateful, racist speech.
  22. Whataboutism. This is about Yousaf's hate bill. I just logged an incident on their website about Yousaf's racist speech. I hope they get back to me swiftly.
  23. Well, left to their own devices they do seem to be becoming somewhat tyrannical. Just an observation. How the SNP got such horrible legislation over the line is irrelevant. We all know what type of deals can be done, Sturgeon showed us that.
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