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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Lame if you can’t get it in Surin and have to go to Pattaya.
  2. Go Fund Me page set up to get this guy out of here.
  3. Why don’t you call Thai Airlines?
  4. Not true. Regular mail works just fine for most. Got five that way so far this year.
  5. Of course it does just like filtering after it enters the house will affect it. Maybe not exactly the same effect but probably very close
  6. Bill97


    Oh sure we all know where that is.
  7. Have you been getting extensions on a Non IMM O or O-A?
  8. Where do you get these incorrect ideas that you post as truths?
  9. Best to go back to France and start over again.
  10. Yes Best Buy ringgit at kl airport
  11. If there are coconuts the cutter usually pays for them so the owner receives money and does not pay.
  12. Earlier you said 6 round trips a week which would be 12 trips a week or about 48 trips a month. Wouldn’t it? or do you do a round trip in one ride?
  13. Hope you get some someday.
  14. Just use your other passport, the one with the other name.
  15. Oh goodness. Very complex issue best get a lawyer. But you do need a letter from her mother.
  16. Well good chance he will be connecting to an extension somebody else paid for. So hard to call it a problem
  17. You should check with the PEA. The cable 20 meters away may not be available
  18. Very low limits last time I was there. Small value notes.
  19. Oh yes. And if not successful talk with the Phuu Yai Baan.
  20. Oh delusion on Saturday morning.
  21. That’s why your post is amazing
  22. Amazing what happens when you get out in the world
  23. Bamboo. There are a couple of other tall skinny ones to consider.
  24. Article says 48.9% leave in their first year so they are not old.
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