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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Sorry that is incorrect. You might search and learn a bit about GPS. It might help you to communicate your location to drivers.
  2. Proper descriptions??? Never knew there was a World Wide standard.
  3. Flexible for far away delivery call at a slack time so they are free to chat
  4. Oh no, not another one of those. Where are these creatures coming from?
  5. You are whining, that’s what is going on.
  6. Four dogs attacked Mike so which one do you want to put down?
  7. They will fix this when the office becomes overloaded with people having to go in. Remember when there was a big queue
  8. More correctly by the fluctuations of it’s components. Just knowing the comments really doesn’t help to know the movement.
  9. How do you know they do nothing? I have seen places where it pad been cleaned up.
  10. Probably there every day since it is a 5 day a week branch, not 7 day week like KSK.
  11. You watch him put in the casing pipe and record how many lengths of pipe go in then you know.
  12. You can smoke it and eat it as you wish but it is against the law to be stoned.
  13. Except for the fact that it is not yours, not on your property
  14. Thai gold bars are not 99.9% not not not
  15. Post it with pp photo page
  16. Do you?
  17. It is then working without a work permit
  18. Are you an escapee?
  19. Yes good and good value. Pastas too.
  20. Even if you install?
  21. Not same for all countries. Not to worry they will catch you in the end.
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