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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. You could go digg in the Pattaya mail archive,don't know if it goes back that far,as this "bar story " was posted in there.

    During Songkran the postal services are closed,however they haven't managed it yet to prevent people from posting items during that period,and so the burning will probably have occured when the holidays were behind.

    Because YOU haven't had any issues does that mean the OTHER people can't have issues with the postal system? Oh,and no they don't remove items from enveloppes to then send the reminder to the addressee,they just lose the whole thing.

    ''Because YOU haven't had any issues does that mean the OTHER people can't have issues with the postal system?''

    just a thought? maybe i put my correct address for my incoming mail to be delivered to?

    ''Oh,and no they don't remove items from enveloppes to then send the reminder to the addressee,they just lose the whole thing.''

    if they lose the whole thing and you never see it, how do you know that they did or didn't remove the item in the envelope before they lost it?

    are you psychiatric?

    did you have a vision?

    do you have next weeks lottery numbers.......?

    I'm not gonne argue anymore as I remember how big an issue you made of it on this forum a few years ago when you claimed that the booth selling copy watches at the smelly market in south pattaya was cerified by Rolex to service Rolex watches,and every one else on this forum had a laugh at you. :lol:

    it was never an argument for me JB

    i was simply taking the piss out of you and you made yourself such an easy target

    you are still doing so......

    i am flattered you remember me with such affection, its nice to know i left such a lasting impression on you, thank you

    unfortunately despite you making over 1000 posts, i don't recall you making any outstanding contribution to any thread/post on TV where your opinion might have been significant enough to be remembered..............by anyone

    this post won't make the grade either

    however out of sympathy to your ineptitude, i will help you try to make your point

    what i actually said in response to the now banned member i was in conflict with on the watch service thread, was that the husband of the lady at the shop in the market at Wat Chaiwatmongkol was Rolex trained and certified

    i never once said '' that the booth selling copy watches at the smelly market in south pattaya was cerified by Rolex to service Rolex watches''

    apparently a booth is an inanimate object.

    just be sure of that, according to a reference on Websters On-line Dictionary, a booth is :

    1: a temporary shelter for livestock or field workers 2: a stall or stand (as at a fair) for the sale or exhibition of goods

    so from that description it doesn't sound like a 'booth' would be capable of actually being certified to service anything, never mind a Rolex watch

    as to you claiming to be speaking on behalf of over 80,000 TV members by making the claim that ''everyone'' was laughing at me, is clearly as inaccurate as were your observations about the Thai Postal Service

    so based on your dismal scoreline in this current exchange, i think its probably best to put your shovel away and stop digging this hole for yourself

    for me its just an exercise in mental dextority to keep me tuned up but for you it looks like a huge effort for you to try to keep up

    it might even result in something terminal

    so save your stamina for someone you can pay to be more amicable, your wasting valuable heartbeats trying to best me...........

  2. Honda?

    is that a serious question or are you drunk already? :lol:

    i am serious

    i gave an obvious answer to a obvious question

    but let me think about it again whilst i freshen my Gin & Tonic

    err (as he scratches chin looking puzzled)

    Honda Key needed huh?

    how about eeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr trying...........HONDA ?

    I bow to your vast knowledge and words of wisdom!! Perhaps I should have been more precise in my question but i didn't want to make it that hard for the brains in TV...knowing that you would possibly answer with your highly revered knowledge base....perhaps there are other options besides a Honda bike shop?

    p.s. Isnt Gin and Tonic a lady drink?:jap:

    ok, how about a key shop?

    the G & T helps keep the malaria at bay for men and woman

    it was standard fare in the British colony's

    i like it with my salmon and cucumber sandwiches........

  3. Honda?

    is that a serious question or are you drunk already? :lol:

    i am serious

    i gave an obvious answer to a obvious question

    but let me think about it again whilst i freshen my Gin & Tonic

    err (as he scratches chin looking puzzled)

    Honda Key needed huh?

    how about eeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr trying...........HONDA ?

  4. Went for my extension on tuesday, nothing different, had a copy of my rental agreement and the officer, just stamped me and never said a word. The fellow in the chair next to me had nothing and the officer just asked him next time please bring proof of address, thank you, good bye. So I think it has to do if you shoot your mouth off or just go quietly and not make waves?whistling.gif

    i was there with my nervous friend for a 90 day check in last Thursday

    usual paperwork and business as usual

  5. finally, let me get this right, you say;

    '''During Songkran the postal services are closed,however they haven't managed it yet to prevent people from posting items during that period''

    so how do they post items when the postal service is closed?

    do they break into the closed post offices and throw the mail on the desk and hope for the best?

    maybe they kidnap a holidaying postal worker and make him open up the office just to accept the mail?

    maybe they just leave it outside the office and hope someone will deal with it when they open up again?

    maybe give it to a neighbouring shop and hope they will pop it in for you when they re-open?

    so many questions, closed office, no staff, no access ? shades of Houdini.....

    dam_n! how can they stop this happening?

    I think they more than likely just pop it into one of those red post boxes you see around marked Thai Post.

    Works for me.

    that's a distinct possibility

    do they then set fire to the box when its full?

  6. tumshee?

    Urban Dictionary says of a Tumshee:

    a Tumshee is a good fairy in a children's story.

    Errrr, nope.

    A tumshee is a Scottish word, perhaps slang, for a turnip or swede (I forget which, but that doesn't really matter in this context).

    I called have called him a baw-bag ;) .

    i will ask my scottish ''stoney'' friend about these terms of endearment

    he is always going on about ''neeps and tatties''.......

  7. You could go digg in the Pattaya mail archive,don't know if it goes back that far,as this "bar story " was posted in there.

    During Songkran the postal services are closed,however they haven't managed it yet to prevent people from posting items during that period,and so the burning will probably have occured when the holidays were behind.

    Because YOU haven't had any issues does that mean the OTHER people can't have issues with the postal system? Oh,and no they don't remove items from enveloppes to then send the reminder to the addressee,they just lose the whole thing.

    ''Because YOU haven't had any issues does that mean the OTHER people can't have issues with the postal system?''

    just a thought? maybe i put my correct address for my incoming mail to be delivered to?

    ''Oh,and no they don't remove items from enveloppes to then send the reminder to the addressee,they just lose the whole thing.''

    if they lose the whole thing and you never see it, how do you know that they did or didn't remove the item in the envelope before they lost it?

    are you psychiatric?

    did you have a vision?

    do you have next weeks lottery numbers.......?

  8. You could go digg in the Pattaya mail archive,don't know if it goes back that far,as this "bar story " was posted in there.

    During Songkran the postal services are closed,however they haven't managed it yet to prevent people from posting items during that period,and so the burning will probably have occured when the holidays were behind.

    Because YOU haven't had any issues does that mean the OTHER people can't have issues with the postal system? Oh,and no they don't remove items from enveloppes to then send the reminder to the addressee,they just lose the whole thing.

    Wait JB!, you first said; ''Ok,next you gonne say that there are no problems with Thai post and that things don't go missing if the enveloppe feels as having things inside that could be of value.''

    now you are saying; '' Oh,and no they don't remove items from enveloppes to then send the reminder to the addressee,they just lose the whole thing.''

    so which is it?

    (see next post to expand on the issue)

    was it simply a bar story about the burning then?

    i ''digg'' all over Google but could not find a trace of a story of a burning ''' Postal Pyre in Pattaya '' (try saying that fast 3 times...) sounds like a headline from The Sun.....

    finally, let me get this right, you say;

    '''During Songkran the postal services are closed,however they haven't managed it yet to prevent people from posting items during that period''

    so how do they post items when the postal service is closed?

    do they break into the closed post offices and throw the mail on the desk and hope for the best?

    maybe they kidnap a holidaying postal worker and make him open up the office just to accept the mail?

    maybe they just leave it outside the office and hope someone will deal with it when they open up again?

    maybe give it to a neighbouring shop and hope they will pop it in for you when they re-open?

    so many questions, closed office, no staff, no access ? shades of Houdini.....

    dam_n! how can they stop this happening?

    do these people not know the damage they are doing to the reputation of the Thai Postal System?

    depositing mail at a closed post office during holidays and in such quantities, that the Post Office have to burn it when the workers return to work, should be a crime!

    these people who circumvent the regular system are a bloody nuisance and should be fined

    no wonder some people imagine that its all the post offices fault

    clearly its these bloody farang, no foreigners , ''people'' that are sneaking mail into an already overloaded system that are creating the problem not the Thai post Office........

  9. What a dick ! and I hate it when these idiots turn out to be (fellow) Brits :angry:

    He probably has a very small penis.

    I would have locked him up overnight for being a complete tumshee.


    lol.....so that's news? The girls in Cowboy tell me that Brits and Japs are the same size but don't tip as well......:lol:

    as the Thai girls in Soi Cowboy are likely to have equipment the size of an entry to an motorway underpass , i hardly think their opinion should be taken as gospel............

  10. What a dick ! and I hate it when these idiots turn out to be (fellow) Brits :angry:

    He probably has a very small penis.

    I would have locked him up overnight for being a complete tumshee.



    Urban Dictionary says of a Tumshee:

    a Tumshee is a good fairy in a children's story.

    She helps the Flimptie save his world from the evil Zurtledurks

    ''Off Tumshee flew on a passing breeze

    Though she knew of the dangers ahead

    She shivered and shuddered with dread''

    Simon, you are a very nice man, a very, very nice man.......

  11. How come it took Chuwit to expose this?

    Why not the police, army or someone in the government?

    Why can Chuwit video them but no-one arrest them?

    Because payoffs are being made and obviously Chuwit is not part of the payoff scheme...

    I think he's moved on to bigger things, like being the thorn in the governments side.

    He doesn't need the money and as an opposition M.P. makes the government react every time he comes up with another exposure of corruption.

    He may have been corrupt, but now seems to be on a crusade. Good for him.

    the police, government officials and various hi-so's tried to assassinate him

    he went to the media to protect himself and spilled the beans to them

    now he has a platform from which to take revenge

    its payback time!

    i hope he lives long enough to enjoy it...........

  12. In the future you can always send it by regular post at a fraction of the price and take only slightly longer to arrive,somewhere in the range of ...............never.:D

    Janverbeem ,that is total and utter nonsense

    i have things arrive from UK by Royal Mail ''international to be signed for service'' without any problems

    it costs £5-7 pounds and the delivery time is 7-10 days

    i recently received a new security key pad from HSBC for my internet banking and a watch my friend wanted fixing

    also some medical materials i bought on Ebay

    the packets were not opened, not taxed, and let me say this again.....................no problems !!

    Ok,next you gonne say that there are no problems with Thai post and that things don't go missing if the enveloppe feels as having things inside that could be of value.

    I'm sure you also don't remember the huge pile of post they burned at Pattaya post office a number of years ago,simply because they hadn't enough room to stock it anymore due to the songkran holidays.

    i am going to say there have been no problems with my Thai post at this address of 3 years nor at my last one of 5 years

    i am also going to say that i have not had the experience of things going missing if they felt like something in the envelope could be of value

    i would also say that if something had gone missing from inside an envelope prior to you receiving it , how would you know when, where, and how it actually allegedly went missing? or if it was ever there at all?

    it may have been an Action Man deserter .........

    i am also going to say i am sure that i DO remember bar room rumors of the burning of postal items but read no official reports of it and as i did not lose anything then i chose not to worry about or believe the story as was told

    especially as the burning supposedly occurred during songkran HOLIDAYS

    how do you think the stock kept building up until there was ''no room to stock it'' as it was HOLIDAYS and the Post Office would have been closed for HOLIDAYS.....?

    anything else you would like me to say?

    apart from goodbye and leave you alone...........

  13. It's reliable while it's still in the UK but once it gets here, flip a coin.

    not true

    i have things arrive from UK by Royal Mail ''international to be signed for service'' all the time without any problems

    it costs £5-7 pounds and the delivery time is 7-10 days

    i recently received a new security key pad from HSBC for my internet banking and a watch my friend wanted fixing

    also some medical materials i bought on Ebay

    the packets were not opened, not taxed, and no problems

    its an on line trackable in UK and in Thailand postal service that i have found to be very reliable

    i can't recall ever losing anything that was sent in this manner

    i hope that helps

  14. In the future you can always send it by regular post at a fraction of the price and take only slightly longer to arrive,somewhere in the range of ...............never.:D

    Janverbeem ,that is total and utter nonsense

    i have things arrive from UK by Royal Mail ''international to be signed for service'' without any problems

    it costs £5-7 pounds and the delivery time is 7-10 days

    i recently received a new security key pad from HSBC for my internet banking and a watch my friend wanted fixing

    also some medical materials i bought on Ebay

    the packets were not opened, not taxed, and let me say this again.....................no problems !!

  15. this posturing regarding the military is intended only to try to protect the Thaksin PM clone and the red menace from a coup

    but antagonizing them may have exactly the effect that they are trying to avoid.

    lets not forget it is not only the reds who are still stinging from the deaths within their ranks............................

  16. Woravat has an idea to provide the tablets with basic specifications, but if any schools want higher or advanced specifications, they can apply for funds to get them.

    Curious to learn what these "basic and advanced specs" might be :rolleyes:

    basic model

    Excellent....have you heard the joke about Gary Glitter and the Etch-a-sketch ?

    no, only know about this glitter problem with PDF files


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