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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. Cant understand your mentality ,come to live in Thailand and eat at European style overpriced buffets , f----- maddness.

    you are not alone, many fail to understand me but who really cares what you think........?

  2. glanville63, sssshhhhh its my local, yes its the best fish and chips about but its also my local watering hole. maybe its because he worked in michilin star restuarant and owned couple of hotels before he came here. was in one today off third road as i was in the area and it will be the last time. lakeside chips are the real mcCoy as in not out of a bag in a feezer, chips as they should be. but at 40 baht for san mig and good expat crowd with a view straight over the lake dont want it getting to popular. best have it timekeeprs way who has never been there and tried them and has a problem believing people.

    dear marston,

    you are making ASSumptions and only ASSes make ASSumptions

    '''best have it timekeeprs way who has never been there and tried them and has a problem believing people''

    marston, i can walk to the 9999 mini mart from my house and over the years, i have done so on very rare occasions to get unforeseen needed supplies but did not feel inclined to stay for a beer even when the only choice was going home to the stimulating company of the wife's visiting family

    i could join the crowd of expat cheap charlies that inhabit the plaice (pun intended) but i choose not to

    the fact that its morphed into a Lakeside chippy AND the 9999 minimart in the last two weeks with a little sitting area outside, does not make it any more attractive to me (sows ear/silk purse)

    having said that, the fish and chip area's concrete seats look marginally more inviting than the big red high chairs that you 32 baht Leo boys with the tough tonka trucks covet so much

    the cooling breezes ''straight over'' from the lake, i get for free everyday, not from the 45 degrees angle to it on a dust bowl corner, overlooking more grass than there is water

    so as familiarity breeds contempt, the view or breeze such that it is at 9999, is not quite as appealing for me, as it clearly is for you

    however, that said i hope it works for him/her (whoever it is and there are a few contenders in this thread), in fact i hope it grows into much more of a restaurant than the cheap charlie drinker it is now

    i might try it then, as it is, i personally i would rather drive for 30 minutes right past 9999 minimart into town to the Jolly Friar/Village Chippy/Gooses to get my occasional Brit feed and avoid the expat BS banter that so adversely affects my appetite ............

    You could always take your plates for them to warm as you live so close,then walk home alone with your fish and chips without speaking to anyone.

    No need to make a big issue about people who drink outside who most probably you know nothing about and accuse of chatting shit.....oh intellectual one blink.gif i see.

    dear Mr RED i think by noting your chosen RED forum name and your RED avatar and your proud announcement to be a RED shirt, even though i know nothing about you, i think i can make a sound judgement about you

    if 9999 welcomes such folk into their midst, its now sunk down even further in my estimation

    if this fish & chip restaurant now incorporated into 9999 survives & succeeds it will not be because of its current patrons

    it will be to the owners credit IN SPITE of its current patrons...........

    biggrin.gif Amazing Thailand,get down to the chippy you soft arse and stop moaning about a plaice that gives a choice to people in the community.

    Hey REDHEAD ,i am going to the chippy tonight as it happens

    i am grateful for the food choices offered in the Lakeside community that i live in (not just visit in my Tonka truck to get drunk on 32 baht Leo)

    so i will be exercising that choice and going to the THE JOLLY FRIAR in Pattaya

    i can only guess that the fish & chips are better than 9999, as i have never eaten at the 9999 CC drinker

    i know the Jolly Friar is cheaper than 9999 though from the information imparted in this thread

    another thing i know for sure, is that the company in The Jolly Friar will be more amiable..........

  3. Try Honda and Toyota there are many pictures of their cars swimming around.

    Buuut they're new and not supposed to be sold into the market, they're insurance write offs and should be scraped..

    TIT a few backhanders and hey pronto, the only thing being you need to export them.

    But my point is that the insurance company owns them now and they paid cost for them or will shortly which will also be a hold up, they'll have to make a full assessment and payoff first which will likely take months, not so sure the cars will be around that long.. So it would be useless to contact Honda or Toyota directly they have no say in the matter except maybe to tell you how to contact their insurance company maybe..

    ^^Kartman Africa, maybe the middle east in some parts, possibly even India..

    you are correct, the Thai insurers will be dealing with this for those who are insured

    i have already contacted them to show my willingness to buy their write offs, get them out of the Thai system and move this mess along quickly

    for those unfortunates who aren't fully insured, they will be looking to clean it up, dry it out and get rid of it asap

    auctions will bursting with cars for sale and this drive the market price of second hand vehicles down as sellers accept low ball bids to get rid

    so if you aren't doing this already, make a note of the provinces /areas that have been seriously flooded and keep it for reference

    soon there will be a glut of vehicles that were submarines on the market from those places

    i have seen this in the UK and the cars with only 3rd party insurance that were flooded out, then dried out and sold, were write offs inside a year anyway

    particularly those that had salt water damage

    they simply rotted away from the inside out and the buyer never knew until it came to MOT inspection time.......

    so caviat emptor folks..........

  4. Try Honda and Toyota there are many pictures of their cars swimming around.

    Buuut they're new and not supposed to be sold into the market, they're insurance write offs and should be scraped..

    Honda have already made an official statement to that effect

    Toyota have not lost significant vehicles due to floods

    they have ceased production due to parts shortages from suppliers who have been flooded

  5. Had another thought (bit far apart today :) ) how do you get around the fact any salvage if there is any will be priced in this market perhaps the dearest RHD, where are you going to export it to profitably ?

    there are many markets where spares parts prices for Asian manufactured cars are much higher than in Thailand

  6. i was in sizzler in central today for lunch

    we were told they had no french fries

    i joked with the server that they should nip downstairs and get some from Tops

    i saw them being wheeled in later, so i know the manager there and he was saying that these french fries came from the two branches in Rayong province that had closed due to floods and lack of supplies

    the manager from Rayong was there too, she looked very despondent

    its easy to forget simple things like this when you are not on the front line.......

  7. glanville63, sssshhhhh its my local, yes its the best fish and chips about but its also my local watering hole. maybe its because he worked in michilin star restuarant and owned couple of hotels before he came here. was in one today off third road as i was in the area and it will be the last time. lakeside chips are the real mcCoy as in not out of a bag in a feezer, chips as they should be. but at 40 baht for san mig and good expat crowd with a view straight over the lake dont want it getting to popular. best have it timekeeprs way who has never been there and tried them and has a problem believing people.

    dear marston,

    you are making ASSumptions and only ASSes make ASSumptions

    '''best have it timekeeprs way who has never been there and tried them and has a problem believing people''

    marston, i can walk to the 9999 mini mart from my house and over the years, i have done so on very rare occasions to get unforeseen needed supplies but did not feel inclined to stay for a beer even when the only choice was going home to the stimulating company of the wife's visiting family

    i could join the crowd of expat cheap charlies that inhabit the plaice (pun intended) but i choose not to

    the fact that its morphed into a Lakeside chippy AND the 9999 minimart in the last two weeks with a little sitting area outside, does not make it any more attractive to me (sows ear/silk purse)

    having said that, the fish and chip area's concrete seats look marginally more inviting than the big red high chairs that you 32 baht Leo boys with the tough tonka trucks covet so much

    the cooling breezes ''straight over'' from the lake, i get for free everyday, not from the 45 degrees angle to it on a dust bowl corner, overlooking more grass than there is water

    so as familiarity breeds contempt, the view or breeze such that it is at 9999, is not quite as appealing for me, as it clearly is for you

    however, that said i hope it works for him/her (whoever it is and there are a few contenders in this thread), in fact i hope it grows into much more of a restaurant than the cheap charlie drinker it is now

    i might try it then, as it is, i personally i would rather drive for 30 minutes right past 9999 minimart into town to the Jolly Friar/Village Chippy/Gooses to get my occasional Brit feed and avoid the expat BS banter that so adversely affects my appetite ............

    You could always take your plates for them to warm as you live so close,then walk home alone with your fish and chips without speaking to anyone.

    No need to make a big issue about people who drink outside who most probably you know nothing about and accuse of chatting shit.....oh intellectual one blink.gif i see.

    dear Mr RED i think by noting your chosen RED forum name and your RED avatar and your proud announcement to be a RED shirt, even though i know nothing about you, i think i can make a sound judgement about you

    if 9999 welcomes such folk into their midst, its now sunk down even further in my estimation

    if this fish & chip restaurant now incorporated into 9999 survives & succeeds it will not be because of its current patrons

    it will be to the owners credit IN SPITE of its current patrons...........

  8. i am looking to buy insurance write off flood damaged vehicles to export

    i have been in touch with a few major insurers and have made some headway.

    obviously it make take some time for them to get sorted

    so i may as well get started now

    anyone any thoughts on the matter....... ?

  9. Fish & Chips should look something like this:-

    Crinkle cut chips is an offence......pair that with non mushy peas and you've offended half of Yorkshire! ohmy.gif

    I can live with offending ALL of Yorkshire :D - Makro crinkle cut chips are the best consistent choice I have where I am.

    Beer battered Dory with 12mm crinkle cuts and Nookies mushy peas are the best substitute in Isaan that I can get for, what I was brought up on, Chip Pan Alley in Skeggie.

    i love Skeggie

    Butlins, Ingoldmells Beach, caravans as far as the eye can see......

  10. glanville63, sssshhhhh its my local, yes its the best fish and chips about but its also my local watering hole. maybe its because he worked in michilin star restuarant and owned couple of hotels before he came here. was in one today off third road as i was in the area and it will be the last time. lakeside chips are the real mcCoy as in not out of a bag in a feezer, chips as they should be. but at 40 baht for san mig and good expat crowd with a view straight over the lake dont want it getting to popular. best have it timekeeprs way who has never been there and tried them and has a problem believing people.

    dear marston,

    you are making ASSumptions and only ASSes make ASSumptions

    '''best have it timekeeprs way who has never been there and tried them and has a problem believing people''

    marston, i can walk to the 9999 mini mart from my house and over the years, i have done so on very rare occasions to get unforeseen needed supplies but did not feel inclined to stay for a beer even when the only choice was going home to the stimulating company of the wife's visiting family

    i could join the crowd of expat cheap charlies that inhabit the plaice (pun intended) but i choose not to

    the fact that its morphed into a Lakeside chippy AND the 9999 minimart in the last two weeks with a little sitting area outside, does not make it any more attractive to me (sows ear/silk purse)

    having said that, the fish and chip area's concrete seats look marginally more inviting than the big red high chairs that you 32 baht Leo boys with the tough tonka trucks covet so much

    the cooling breezes ''straight over'' from the lake, i get for free everyday, not from the 45 degrees angle to it on a dust bowl corner, overlooking more grass than there is water

    so as familiarity breeds contempt, the view or breeze such that it is at 9999, is not quite as appealing for me, as it clearly is for you

    however, that said i hope it works for him/her (whoever it is and there are a few contenders in this thread), in fact i hope it grows into much more of a restaurant than the cheap charlie drinker it is now

    i might try it then, as it is, i personally i would rather drive for 30 minutes right past 9999 minimart into town to the Jolly Friar/Village Chippy/Gooses to get my occasional Brit feed and avoid the expat BS banter that so adversely affects my appetite ............

  11. I paid 150 baht for the dory and chips and I was pushed to finish it. Plaice was 200 baht including the chips. In reply to "timekeeper", I'm certainly not the owner. I just like to give some credit where it's due.

    ok glanville, not the owner,

    i noted you did not deny being a friend of the owner

    so you are a friend of the owner ?

  12. Yes I know there are a few chippies in Pattaya but the ones I've tried have been pretty naff, have given small portions and they don't have the cheap beer that this one offers. The fish and chips at The Lakeside Chippy was second to none, believe me.

    believing you is the problem glanville, its just too glowing a report to be made by anyone thats anything else but the owner or a friend of the owner.

    good luck with your promotion though.......

  13. hi Dario, Pattaya books above Tops at second road has a large German section of recently published books

    Thanks for both positive feedbacks! Timekeeper, I've been shopping so many times at Tops, but have never been upstairs, wouldn't even know how to get upstairs...

    no problem Dario, go up the escalator on your left as you enter the main Tops door from the car park side

    at the top, Pattaya books is the second unit along on the right hand side.

  14. What a GAY thread. Grown men arguing about what the best food is. Embarrassing to say the least.

    "Hot and Humid" now that's GAY GAY GAY...reminds me of a restaurant in San Francisco I used to frequent called "Hot and Hunky"! They had some of the best burgers and shakes in the City :lol:

    And for dessert, you could have the creme of sum yung gai.

    LOL :lol:

  15. i have been looking on line for a map that shows the areas that voted red in the last election and a map of the current flooded areas

    i was interested to see if there was any correlation between the two areas

    i know Thais have a saying that loosely means''if you give bad you get bad''

    its something akin to the'' what goes around comes around ''

    i know in England, we say ''the sun only shines on the righteous''

    i wondered if that applied here............

    And just how will Bangkok fit in your ideas? Not exactly a Red Village is it?

    Bangkok is not flooded in all areas and you think no one in Bangkok voted Red? '

    maybe its only the red areas in Bangkok that are flooded?

    maybe the non red rich folks can afford to live in areas where floods are unlikely to happen?

    who knows?

    it was just a theory........

  16. i have been looking on line for a map that shows the areas that voted red in the last election and a map of the current flooded areas

    i was interested to see if there was any correlation between the two areas

    i know Thais have a saying that loosely means''if you give bad you get bad''

    its something akin to the'' what goes around comes around ''

    i know in England, we say ''the sun only shines on the righteous''

    i wondered if that applied here............

  17. Villa Market at the Avenue use to aske me if I had their "Villa Market" card. I said no and asked for an application and this was like asking for a million dollars.(Blank look) "No haaaaaaaaaaaaaave application" -- So I emailed Villa Bangkok BKK and told them about the problem. They sent a card for me to their store in the Avenue complex. A year later, I still do not see applications for their Villa Market frequent shopping card at the check out.

    probably not worth promoting it, as there are no frequent shoppers at Villa.......

  18. Are you avin a laugh. What the hell are Airswimmers?????????

    i have seen them

    they are great fun for the kids

    not seen them here though Derek


  19. personally i think this thread should be closed

    TV is giving free publicity to an attraction that exploits animals

    if this kind of thing is going to exist then they should dam_n well be made to pay for the advertising for it

    i won't be going

    further to that i suggest TV members watch 'The Cove' then go and see the dolphins.........

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