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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. I doubt very much, the land that they hold it on opposite the Temple is completely flooded due to the dam being at max capacity.

    In some places the water is lapping onto the road it is so high.

    uhh, what now? water is not lapping onto the road. this is the Pattaya forum, not the Bangkok forum ;)

    i will try to find out whats on this year on my way back into town this afternoon

    theres no weather or lake level related reason there shouldn't be anything on...........

  2. I doubt very much, the land that they hold it on opposite the Temple is completely flooded due to the dam being at max capacity.

    In some places the water is lapping onto the road it is so high.

    the land opposite the temple is not flooded

    the lake is not at maximum

    its true that its fuller than its been for a long time but not as full as i ever seen it

    i drive around it every day and have yet to see '''water is lapping onto the road'''

    if its ''lapping'' anywhere its not lake water, its pooled rainwater.......

  3. Update: As of 10 am Sunday, Marine Fresher is out of water. It appears they are out of bottles as people have bought out their entire stock of them and have yet to return many for replacement.

    so they are actually out of bottles then not water .........

    Come on Timekeeper don't spoil their fun, next you'll be saying the world isn't flat.

    you right, i fail to understand these alarmists

    as an example, i have just been to Marine Fresher on my way back from town, they say they have tanks and water, if i want them

    however, i always buy from there and am known to the guys

    perhaps they have just stopped selling to hoarders...........

  4. I have just got back from my daily shop in Friendship :

    Eggs large size 40 baht/half dozen, previously 36 baht

    Milk fridges are full

    Loads of freshly made bread from local bakeries and hotels.

    I have to congratulate the panic buyers, as all they have done is driven up prices and I am still able to buy all I want on a daily basis.

    Chicken Little eat your heart out.

    AGREE 100% RAB

    i was there yesterday morning and it was much the same as usual and as you have reported

    they also had two pallets of bottled water on offer but rationed.

    it wasn't that busy when i was there and there was no atmosphere of impending doom

    to the bosses credit he was bagging up on the tills when i checked out

    showed good leadership in my opinion.....

  5. Yes, Villa Market and Big C Extra (aka Carrefour) have them (if not all sold out yet).

    please give me a break with the alarmist nonsense

    theres food, water rice and all other staple foods all over town, including frozen pizzas

    thats even after folks like you have hoarded and filled up your ''manor house'' with as much stuff as you can possible buy and store

    i was with this pile of bottled water for sale on a main artery road in Pattaya at 3.50 pm today

    so much for shortages huh?


  6. I was in TOPs and asked the Manager, when I can expect to buy Drinking Water gain - he told me, he has no Informations and does not know any Timeframe

    It took me now 1 Hour to buy 8 Boxes of my LM Blue, 10 Bottles 500ccl Water and 2 SangSom at some local Thai Shops

    Some Tourists stopped me and asked, where the Hell I was able to buy that

    Should we start to worry now?

    theres water in tops under central

    here too! at 3.50 pm today


  7. i have been out in the last 3 days to Bourbon street, Rimpa Lapin, Jolly fisherman,and Hilton hotel

    no one had increased prices

    food was of the usual size and quality and all had water to sell at normal prices!

    my god, whats happening?

    if there's a shortage i have not noticed it

    sounds to me like some folks are panic buying......

  8. I was in TOPs and asked the Manager, when I can expect to buy Drinking Water gain - he told me, he has no Informations and does not know any Timeframe

    It took me now 1 Hour to buy 8 Boxes of my LM Blue, 10 Bottles 500ccl Water and 2 SangSom at some local Thai Shops

    Some Tourists stopped me and asked, where the Hell I was able to buy that

    Should we start to worry now?

    theres water in tops under central

  9. dont also forget to mention consular assistance , visiting the police station when a brit is nicked, Prison Visits, hospital visits, maybe some trade relations, the list goes on.....

    For FOUR FULL DAYS A WEEK? For two people?

    ... just what "consular assistance"?

    ... and just how many Brits are arrested each week and in the local jail on remand? Very few, particularly as the number of British tourists has plummeted in recent years, and there is little the Embassy can do for them anyway apart from pass messages to/from next of kin.

    ... "Hospital visits"? For what? If they can't pay the bills there's nothing the Embassy can do except contact a relative in the UK and ask them to pay, or translate if staff in the hospital don't speak English (hardly a problem in Pattaya).

    ... "trade relations" ? At local Consul level? That's the job of the British trade delegation and the British Chamber of Commerce.

    ..."the list goes on". I'm sure it does if you have enough imagination.

    don't forget the visits to the morgue to view remains, often from motor accidents or falls, not pleasant..........

    "not pleasant", but just WHY is a Consul visiting a morgue to view "remains" of any description? This is no part of a Consul's job and if/where "viewing" occurred it was totally self-inflicted and by choice. What could the Consul possibly do? Identify the body? Not unless he was a next-of-kin or knew them personally and was asked to do so (as anyone could be). Declare them dead or perform an autopsy? It is entirely a Thai Police responsibility to identify any foreigners' remains, inform the Consul/Embassy, transport the body to Bangkok for an autopsy (if necessary) and release it to next-of-kin once the Embassy has confirmed who the next-of-kin is. I've been involved as a friend identifying bodies more than once here and subsequently informing the next-of-kin abroad and the only Embassy involvement was to note my confirmation of who it was and to tell the police officially to release the body to the next-of-kin or for burial. Any Consul's/Embassy's only involvement is to inform next-of-kin abroad if there are no relatives or friends here to do so, and this is anything but a frequent occurence.

    Let's get real - there was enough for an HONORARY Consul like Barry or Howard to do with a part-time Thai assistant, and there are always volunteer hospital/prison visitors, but a FULL TIME and FULLY PAID (albeit locally-employed) Vice-Consul and full time Thai assistant? Jobs for the boys and their friends or in-laws, and we're the ones paying for it.

    Sure, it's nice not to have to go to Bangkok for a retirement/pension letter, but realistically there is nothing else that the office does apart from supply a few pamphlets and forms. Outside the office? See above. You only have to look around Immigration to see just how few Brit expats there are left here now or to take a walk down Walking Street, where almost the only people still speaking English are the bar girls. What an absolute crock ....

    wow, you are a balanced individual, a chip on both shoulders

    did they turn you down for the job?......

  10. i visit most farang friendly stores on my regular shopping day as i can't get everything i want in one place

    at this juncture i would like to commend Edwin, the owner of Foodland

    under his orders, they started rationing water and rice about 12 days ago

    he knew what was coming and showed some social responsibility

    last week i visited Best, Friendship, Big C Ex and Central Tops and saw no other store rationing anything

    Foodland gets my vote........

  11. If you start drinking seawater you'll be dead in about 4 days. I hope you were joking !

    just returned from a trip into pattaya for dinner

    traffic was a pain, took an hour to get in from the lake

    anyway its a water subject so i happened to call in at family mart on the corner of the soi where the jolly friar and china garden is

    i didn't go in for water but noted they had loads in those thin plastic bottles and were restricted to x2 per person price was 15baht

    i thought, if they have bottled water on offer in the heart of the soi bacuao tourist area then surely there can't be much of a problem elsewhere?

    Pattaya is going to be a cluster-<snip> for some time until all the Bangkok refugees return home; so another benefit of stocking up on stuff is you can eat at home, get caught up on your reading or video viewing, and not have to deal with the horrendous traffic jams. :D

    you do have a knack of stating the obvious but i will be damned if i am forced into being a prisoner in my own guilded cage by a few refugees ........

  12. If you start drinking seawater you'll be dead in about 4 days. I hope you were joking !

    just returned from a trip into pattaya for dinner

    traffic was a pain, took an hour to get in from the lake

    anyway its a water subject so i happened to call in at family mart on the corner of the soi where the jolly friar and china garden is

    i didn't go in for water but noted they had loads in those thin plastic bottles and were restricted to x2 per person price was 15baht

    i thought, if they have bottled water on offer in the heart of the soi bacuao tourist area then surely there can't be much of a problem elsewhere?

  13. Frankly, i admire this guy Gil, already

    to have the balls to throw himself into this hostile environment on Thai Visa shows committment and a determination to succeed

    it sounds like some members already have an axe to grind and hes not even open yet!

    like many on here, i have been to all the Mexican restaurants on offer in these parts and like many have said, i have found them lacking

    so as one who is often in search of something to tickle his taste buds, he can count on me as one of the first visitors

    i wish him good luck with his venture

  14. PTT gas station in Huay yai is still giving free 2ltrs per car fill-up.

    What are all the water bottle cartons doing outside the police stations?

    these are collection points for good hearted folks to contribute water and food stuffs to the victims of the floods

  15. Same as that.

    The two ladies were extemely helpful & seemed vey intent on being as efficient as possible. Fair play to them

    Good news that its "business as usual" and that they can now even do a same day service.

    It does beg the question, though, that if they can do the job in one morning (4 hours) a week then what are the new full-time Consular Officer and Vice Consul going to do for the remaining 32 hours of their 36 hour week? The Vice Consul's being paid ten times the honorarium that Barrie and Howard got, and far from being more Brits in Pattaya than before its obvious to anyone here that the number of Brits on holiday is a fraction of what it was 10 years ago. Passports and visas? Nationality enquiries? The Embassy in Bangkok don't even do those. Recommending lawyers? Notifying next-of-kin? .... hardly full-time jobs.

    Sounds more and more like "jobs for the boys" (or the "in-laws") and no wonder that it costs twice as much to get a passport from here as it does in UK.

    dont also forget to mention consular assistance , visiting the police station when a brit is nicked, Prison Visits, hospital visits, maybe some trade relations, the list goes on.....

    don't forget the visits to the morgue to view remains, often from motor accidents or falls, not pleasant..........

  16. i believe it as i know 100% it was never intended to be a ''promo''

    you don't believe it even though you do really not know for sure and won't accept the possibility that you could in fact be wrong

    i would suggest that makes you something a good deal more unpleasant than naive......

    It's obvious you know nothing at all.

    There is absolutely no possible way that it was not a promo lunch, specifically offered to promote the new hotel.This is so obvious it's amazing we are even arguing about it.

    its obvious only to the uniformed

    you are only guessing about Hilton pricing policy re the Edge

    i am not.

    if its amazing to you that we are arguing about this then you really have a problem

    there are millions of far more amazing things than this to wonder at

    however, i can offer you a solution, if you don't want to argue about things that you actually know very little factually about and can only guess at them and present YOUR opinion, then simply go away and don't argue

    i will allow you to retain your misguided view of this matter and make allowances for your inadequacies and failings........

  17. I understood the 300 baht lunch price was temporary. A way to get lot's of people into the brand new hotel.

    Lunch buffet was 300 baht, out the door, including tax & free water.

    Deal of the century.

    Still is at the new price.

    easy to assume that Paul but it was never called or referred to as a promotional price.

    despite less informed members saying it was.......

    I see where you are confused. You believe a "promo" lunch should be named as such.

    Since it wasn't named as such you believe it wasn't.

    You certainly are naive....

    i believe it as i know 100% it was never intended to be a ''promo''

    you don't believe it even though you do really not know for sure and won't accept the possibility that you could in fact be wrong

    i would suggest that makes you something a good deal more unpleasant than naive......

  18. in your last comment you could not even get the current price right

    you said ''It won't stay at 350/450 for long either.''

    its actually :

    350 Monday Tuesday Wednesday & Thursday

    400 on Fridays

    350 on Saturdays

    1200 on Sundays

    its not 450 on any day of the week.

    so much for the extent of your knowledge ...............

    ps best you call them to clarify the facts, oh i see you had to..........

    Give it a break Mr Timekeeper. You like people to keep up, so keep up. A few threads earlier I stated that I called the Hilton (today) and stated the current prices. The 450 was mentioned because some people earlier in the thread were suggesting that Fridays may have increased proportionately - at a time when I hadn't kept up.

    You think that the 300 baht initial price of this buffet earlier this year was not an introductory (promo) price. You're entitled to your opinion, but that is plain nonsense. Back then they were offering copious quantities of smoked and raw salmon too.

    its not an opinion, its a fact

    it was never intended as a ''introductory promo price''

    i know that to be true and you do not know any different

    you are only guessing, imagining, dreaming or whatever you like to call it

    just for fun lets say, if it was a ''introductory promo'' it lasted 9+ months, (long ''intro promo'')

    do you think if it was launched only as a ''promo'' it would have been deemed a success by Hilton well before October 1st 2011?

    you couldn't get a table inside the Edge on some days in the summer, so if it was a ''intro promo'' as in your opinion it was, then it had worked.

    they had bookings of 200+ Asian groups on some days, most days it was very busy with 250+ covers

    so there was no need to continue with the '' intro promo'' when it was that busy

    i will say it again, it continued at 300 baht because that was the intended long term price from day one

    it was never considered to be a promotional offer to attract customers as an introduction to the Hilton, although many like you thought it was

    its understandable, but its simply not true.

    to call something plain nonsense simply because you think its not true but do not really know for sure says more about your mental heath than mine

    making fixed statements in an absolute manner will always come back and bite you

    by the way, they still offer ''copious quantities of smoked salmon'' on certain days

    so you would be wrong again..................

  19. Yesterday was 300 baht so how do you know it is sneaking up?

    There must have been an error with your bill. I just called them and the price is 350 baht Mon - Thurs, Sat and 400 baht on Fridays.

    so you admit you had to telephone the Hilton so you would be sure about your facts?


    i thought so, now its been proved to be so......

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