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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. The dessert and the bread alone retail in Pattaya would have been 500 baht.

    That may well be true, but it only goes to show how absurdly high some prices are in Pattaya.

    It is perfectly true that many prices are higher here than they are in the UK or Europe, and there is no possible justification for that at all. Luckily there are also many places here that dont charge absurdly high prices. The trick is to frequent the right places.

    When a buffet lunch at the Hilton costs the same as a burger and a designer coffee at McDonalds, there is something seriously out of kilter. And it isn't the buffet price.

    I think the only thing out of kilter is your perception on what is overpriced. To judge other restaurants' prices by an exceptionally low priced promo lunch buffet at the Hilton is ridiculous.

    Fortunately you have choices here in Pattaya and you can avoid McDonalds. I don't suppose you ever considered the high prices and royalties for these foreign franchises when you look at their prices.

    you look ridiculous

    it was never a '' exceptionally low priced promo lunch buffet''

    keep saying it will not make it so........

  2. I understood the 300 baht lunch price was temporary. A way to get lot's of people into the brand new hotel.

    Lunch buffet was 300 baht, out the door, including tax & free water.

    Deal of the century.

    Still is at the new price.

    easy to assume that Paul but it was never called or referred to as a promotional price.

    despite less informed members saying it was.......

  3. 300 baht was a ridiculously cheap promotional price. It would make sense they should charge for drinks, including bottled drinking water.

    it was never a promotional price

    it was always intended to be 300 baht including ++

    the recent price rise reflects the rising costs of produce .

    Nonsense. 300 baht was always a promotional price. It won't stay at 350/450 for long either.

    you are the one that is talking completely uniformed nonsense

    it was never ever referred to as a promotional price

    as completely incorrect & uninformed as your last comment

    the current pricing is:

    350 baht Monday to Thursday and Saturdays

    Fridays is 400 baht

    Sundays is 1200 baht

    No, it is you who is "talking completely uniformed nonsense".

    The 300 baht intro was a promo, which would have been obvious to anyone with half a brain. The price is now sneaking up to the full price, but it isn't there yet.

    in your last comment you could not even get the current price right

    you said ''It won't stay at 350/450 for long either.''

    its actually :

    350 Monday Tuesday Wednesday & Thursday

    400 on Fridays

    350 on Saturdays

    1200 on Sundays

    its not 450 on any day of the week.

    so much for the extent of your knowledge ...............

    ps best you call them to clarify the facts, oh i see you had to..........

  4. 300 baht was a ridiculously cheap promotional price. It would make sense they should charge for drinks, including bottled drinking water.

    it was never a promotional price

    it was always intended to be 300 baht including ++

    the recent price rise reflects the rising costs of produce .

    Nonsense. 300 baht was always a promotional price. It won't stay at 350/450 for long either.

    you are the one that is talking completely uniformed nonsense

    it was never ever referred to as a promotional price

    as completely incorrect & uninformed as your last comment

    the current pricing is:

    350 baht Monday to Thursday and Saturdays

    Fridays is 400 baht

    Sundays is 1200 baht

    No, it is you who is "talking completely uniformed nonsense".

    The 300 baht intro was a promo, which would have been obvious to anyone with half a brain. The price is now sneaking up to the full price, but it isn't there yet.

    i have more than half a brain and it does not make ASSumptions

    only ASSes make ASSumptions

    one must ASSume you have only half a brain if you have not even thought about how i might be so sure of my facts

    i can tell you categorically it was never a promotional price.

    trust me on this, i do know this and you do not know this

    in this instance, you are wrong and all the name calling in the world won't change that.......

  5. 300 baht was a ridiculously cheap promotional price. It would make sense they should charge for drinks, including bottled drinking water.

    it was never a promotional price

    it was always intended to be 300 baht including ++

    the recent price rise reflects the rising costs of produce .

    Nonsense. 300 baht was always a promotional price. It won't stay at 350/450 for long either.

    It was 300 yesterday. And a bottle of water 27 if I remember correctly. But the water might have been 29 baht.

    you had a result then Kerry, i should have been 350

    call and ask them how much for a Monday lunch Buffet in the Edge if you wish

    038 2530 00

  6. 300 baht was a ridiculously cheap promotional price. It would make sense they should charge for drinks, including bottled drinking water.

    it was never a promotional price

    it was always intended to be 300 baht including ++

    the recent price rise reflects the rising costs of produce .

    Nonsense. 300 baht was always a promotional price. It won't stay at 350/450 for long either.

    you are the one that is talking completely uniformed nonsense

    it was never ever referred to as a promotional price

    as completely incorrect & uninformed as your last comment

    the current pricing is:

    350 baht Monday to Thursday and Saturdays

    Fridays is 400 baht

    Sundays is 1200 baht

  7. '''

    do try to keep up Tropo.....

    I've been away for a month and I'm not that concerned if my comment has been covered before or not.

    you were concerned enough to make it and try to make yourself look informed by correcting other peoples contributions.......

  8. Free drinking water is hardly limited to American culture. Go the typical Thai street restaurant and there is ... free water. Guzzling water? Are you kidding?

    At an all you can eat BUFFET of any price level, my feeling is that free drinking water is totally expected all over the world. You are saying the Hilton really doesn't offer that? That's sleazy.

    300 baht was a ridiculously cheap promotional price. It would make sense they should charge for drinks, including bottled drinking water.

    it was never a promotional price

    it was always intended to be 300 baht including ++

    the recent price rise reflects the rising costs of produce .

  9. its 400 on seafood lunch Fridays now

    Presumably that has also increased by 50B.

    that is correct Darrel

    seafood day was always 50 baht dearer than other days

    It wasn't. For many months it was the same price on Fridays.

    already said and self corrected here at post #17:

    ''sorry Darrel, you are correct

    when it was first opened it was 300 baht for the lunch every day except Sunday

    then the price for the Friday seafood buffet rose to 400 Baht around March/April i think

    the price rose by 50 baht on October 1st to 350 baht for everyday but Friday and Sunday

    so its still 400 baht on Fridays

    i stand corrected

    still great value though.......... '''

    do try to keep up Tropo.....

  10. as i understand it, there will someone coming from the Embassy in BKK to Pattaya once a week

    i expect they will accept applications for proof of pensions etc during that time of opening and return with them, to be collected the following week

    wether you have to go to Bangkok will depend on how much time you have in hand before your application is due.

  11. It is truly amazing to me how many low lifers rate the quality of a

    buffet or any other food (look for the "best breakfast in Pattaya"

    thread) by price alone.

    Some peoples taste buds appear to be wired to their wallet. If

    it is more than 65 baht, it taste bad ....

    Never mind about the ingredients of food, or the type of oil used.

    But I guess if you smoke 2 packs a day, you taste buds are dead

    anyway ... and you cant afford more than 110 baht for any type of


    Anybody looking for food advice on this board is lost ... go and

    try for yourself and ignore all the crap posted here. I have given

    up on any food advice from this board ....



    Sometimes pictures speak louder than words.

    thanks Kerry

    that array of desserts would go nicely with the Pukka Pie, chips, peas and gravy i have just had at home

  12. This discusion about the food at the Hilton and the size of the prawns has become to exciting for me ,i dont think i can take any more :whistling:

    Shrimp Monday lunch buffet, today.

    congratulations Kerry, look like you lost your Hilton cherry.....

  13. This discusion about the food at the Hilton and the size of the prawns has become to exciting for me ,i dont think i can take any more :whistling:

    try this....


  14. I don't believe it was a good idea to appoint such a prominent local businessman to this position in the first place.

    Plus the fact that he is leaving immediately, without serving any notice, also implies, to me at least, he wasn't right for the role, i.e. what happened to working your notice period ?

    Good luck to the next guy.



    he was right for the role for 15 months regardless of his position as a prominent local businessman

    his business interests had not changed during his term so one can assume it was acceptable to the British Government during his stewardship

    maybe things changed in the working conditions

    maybe there were some characteristics of the new position that did not suit him

    maybe he felt duty bound to resign now rather than later

    i found him to be a Honorable man, i expect he had his reasons and as it was a voluntary position, not a job, why would you think he had to ''work'' any notice

    if the ''next guy '' does not have a working knowledge of how things work in Pattaya then it could be an unmitigated disaster for the British community here

    last thing we need is some stiff Oxford graduate with a diplomat bag and a high opinion of himself, stumbling around immigration trying to sort out right from wrong

    people like Howard Miller and Barry Kenyon are in a small minority who can cope with this kind of work

    dealing with the ''Thai face'' every day is a refined skill that should not be underestimated............

  15. the foods great on any day


    monday is wraps and sandwiches

    tuesday is pizza pasta

    wednesday international burgers

    thursday asian noodles

    I've looked at all of these, with no enthusiasm. The only one I would go to is the Friday seafood one, though it is slightly more expensive.

    A burger buffet is just too ghastly to even think about. :(

    so am i understanding this post correctly?

    you have never been to the Hilton?

    I have yet to cross its doors and am unlikely to do so purely on the basis of what has been said in this thread. As you seem to go there a lot (and anybody else who has been) is there any chance of actually reviewing the quality of the food and what is available in the buffets perhaps making a comparison to other Pattaya restaurants?

    I am sure this would be more interesting (even if not as amusing :) ) to other readers - well it would to me.

    I have often eaten in Hiltons in various countries and not always been impressed.

    try this review by the good doctor, he is a far better food critic than i


    and the sunday brunch


    i am known only to seafood and eat it....

  16. Flood damage may not really be that big of a deal unless it is salt water.

    I bought a flood damaged Toyota Corona Exsior from family in Phitsanulok province many years ago, the car had been completely submerged for 3 days.

    If I remember correctly I replaced the ECU, door cards, some electric switches and the odometer unit. Engine gearbox etc were all working OK.

    That car ran perfectly and I sold it for what I paid 5 years later (260,000 baht comes to mind), although the autobox did become a bit lazy at around 250,000km, not sure whether that was related to the flood damage or general wear and tear.

    But a friend bought a Nissan Frontier that turns out had been in the Tsunami - that was a whole different story and rotted along all the welds from the inside out within 2 years.

    thanks for the hands on insight kicker

    after this there will be thousands of vehicles headed to the scrap heap in 1-2 years

  17. the foods great on any day


    monday is wraps and sandwiches

    tuesday is pizza pasta

    wednesday international burgers

    thursday asian noodles

    I've looked at all of these, with no enthusiasm. The only one I would go to is the Friday seafood one, though it is slightly more expensive.

    A burger buffet is just too ghastly to even think about. :(

    so am i understanding this post correctly?

    you have never been to the Hilton?

  18. Which restaurant is the buffet in as the Hilton has a number of restaurants?

    What is in the Buffet Monday thru Thursday?

    Is the food any good and if so what did you eat?

    the foods great on any day

    the buffets are loosely themed in this manner

    monday is wraps and sandwiches

    tuesday is pizza pasta

    wednesday international burgers

    thursday asian noodles

  19. i have been known to guzzle three bottles when in stimulating company over the course of an evening so it would not be bad value in those circumstances.............

    wouldn't like to listen to you after 3 bottles of wine :blink: you're bad enough sober :whistling:

    don't worry, you would not be there

    you do not qualify as stimulating company...........

  20. Thanks TK, so you can pay extra for the vino every night then?


    that would appear to be the case, they call it a wine buffet

    dependent on your level of consumption , it doesn't sound so bad to me

    all you can drink for the price one bottle

    i have been known to guzzle three bottles when in stimulating company over the course of an evening so it would not be bad value in those circumstances.............

  21. So, peeps, when and how much is the buffet at The Hilton where it's free flow wine and beer?


    Jimmy The Font

    hi Jimmy

    the evening buffet is 800

    free flow wine (not beer) is a further 700 baht

    best TK

  22. Yes that's right and he could start selling champagne and maybe call it The Lakeside Hilton and that would keep everybody happy. LOL

    i am flattered you are stalking me on other threads Granville but please do not try to address things that are way above your pay grade

    i don't think there were be many takers for champagne in 9999 unless it was 32 baht a bottle.........

  23. Well there you have it. Yet again an innocent posting has been brought down to the lowest level by someone who has a chip on his shoulder. He's not tried the food and has only observed the customers from a distance but feels fully qualified to give an opinion as to the quality of the fair and the distinction of the patronage. Are we really going to take this person's opinions seriously. I don't think so.

    not innocent Granville , paid for in kind by your own admission

    so are we to take your ''innocent post'' seriously or view it as exactly it was made and what its intentions were

    it was free advertising on Thai Visa designed purely to promote your friends plaice and paid for by your own admission by the reciept of free goods and my you work cheap.......

    you can't read either, or can't remember, i told you i have been in 9999 before, i clearly stated it in an earlier post and having been in security work for 15 years, its not difficult to assess people with a mere glance

    even if i had never been in there, it does not take much to assess the supposed quality of the patrons when the bar is known all over the area as the cheap charlie bar

    seems to me you are a balanced person , you have a chip on both shoulders.........

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