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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. If you are trying to eliminate meat from your diet then protein sources are limited; I tend to consume milk, eggs, tuna and bits and bobs like tofu. And in that list, eggs are by far the most versatile.

    I tend to eat fish and squid instead of meat. Seems to do the trick. Also widely available in Thai dishes, which make up 90% of what I eat anyway.

    And to another poster above, I would be tempted to remove bacon from your diet as much as possible before starting to fret over egg consumption. I understand the more up to date medical boffins frown on regular cured meat consumption

    If I'm the "other poster", I dont fret about eggs. In fact I dont fret about anything. I just dont eat many of them for reasons that were explained.

    I do eat a small amount of bacon. Why? For the same reason that I eat one egg: I like it. Apart from that I never eat cured meat.

    Moderation is the key, I think.

    I wish I knew why people keep on fretting about me fretting. :unsure:

    people are such a caring and thoughtful lot on TV.........

  2. For those that are interested, I just came back from Friendship Suoermarket 5pm, seemed fully stocked, even had plenty of eggs (jingjing) B40 for 6, freezers, meat, veg, bread, cheese and butter, well everything really.

    I am just trying to put at ease people that might just be flying out.

    To the <deleted> walking around in the store without your shirt on, please we don't want to see your <deleted> tattoo's, show respect to the Thai people. I wanted to take him to task, but he was bigger than me lol, looked a bit Neanderthal. So I thought I'd be a keyboard warrior instead

    i am very sorry to have caused offense bartender

    i will consider myself told and put my shirt on next time...........

  3. not central festival shopping centre pattaya

    the vicinity of central pattaya............

    I never remember the name of this shop.... The spring water bottles I saw on Saturday were at the shopping center located in the ground floor of Central Festival... No idea the name of it :)

    About the bottles you saw, I don't know were it was exactly, I don't remember you told about it...

    its called Tops

    its in the basement of the Central Festival Centre on beach road/second road

    the bottles you saw were an Australian spring water brand

    you are right, i did not say where that stock of bottles in the picture was

    no one asked for three days and then only one asked when i pointed out no one had asked

    people are so desperate for stuff Huh?

  4. on Saturday afternoon i posted this picture (below) of a huge stack of water for sale in Central Pattaya

    i deliberately left out the location.

    Yes, I saw it. We had as well a few messages about water bottles in Central.

    you know what?

    not one single person on or off Thaivisa has asked me where it is!

    so much for serious problems and people taking it seriously.......

    And it's quite a good sign as well. It means they are not dying :)

    Anyway I think things are slowly back to normal, a lot of people returned to Bangkok and it seems the government imported a lot of things and tried to synchronise the big retailers to deliver to the shops.

    Let's hope we are heading to the end of this.

    not central festival shopping centre pattaya

    the vicinity of central pattaya............

  5. i suggest you read back over the thread

    i and others like RabC have contributed loads of tips, reports and locations to get supplies but few want to listen or pay attention to whats offered

    on Saturday afternoon i posted this picture (below) of a huge stack of water for sale in Central Pattaya

    i deliberately left out the location.

    you know what?

    not one single person on or off Thaivisa has asked me where it is!

    so much for serious problems and people taking it seriously.......

    Where is this water please?

    if you are serious PM me please

    i am not in a terribly helpful mood with the other folk on this forum........

  6. Guys, can you please open your own thread for your flaming? This is serious visual pollution.

    I'm trying to see if the shops have stocks back and how the situation is, and that's why this own thread is made for.

    It seems things are slowly coming back to normal, but I will be happy if people continue posting their shopping experience here.

    For those interested, I saw farm eggs yesterday in the Siam Country Club market.

    Cheers to everyone especially for those who have difficult times.

    i suggest you read back over the thread

    i and others like RabC have contributed loads of tips, reports and locations to get supplies but few on here want to listen or pay attention to whats being offered

    God only knows why they bother asking for help and then ignore it or want to challenge its authenticity or question its source, in an insulting smart-ass manner

    then not even apologize when the they are proven to be 100% wrong about their stupid assertions

    on Saturday afternoon i posted this picture (below) of a huge stack of water for sale in Central Pattaya

    i deliberately left out the location.

    you know what?

    not one single person on or off Thaivisa has asked me where it is!

    so much for serious problems and people taking it seriously.......


  7. note to other posters

    please let janverbreem have the last word

    the poor guy can't get to the shops until 4 pm already

    if you keep him posting he will surely starve to death.......

    Well actually I'm always late because i had my watch repaired by the certified Rolex dealer you advised a while ago on this forum and houses in the smelly market in South Pattaya.Same as then I take your comments very serious.

    is that really the best you can do?

    keep repeating that old chestnut?

    why not ask your mother to remove the google filter so that you can search for some really badass things to say to me

    however, i digress...

    you are wrong again as you usually are and for the second time you have misquoted me about this matter

    so for the record, i will repeat myself.....again

    i never said he was a ''certified rolex dealer''

    i said he , he (being the person) & (not the booth..) was certified as Rolex repairer having worked at the ROLEX AD (that means Authorised Dealer) in Bangkok

    and he still services my Rolex..........

    no problems with my vision courtesy of laser vision at BPH

    ps jinerboom, did i get it wrong again?

    i can see how one might imagine i was doing it on purpose to annoy you


  8. you went at 4pm?

    ever heard of the expression ''early bird catches the worm''?.........

    Ever heard about supermarkets reorganising their entire floor twice every day?

    Most deliveries are made in the early morning as the trucks drive through the night when the roads are quieter, so until these bigger supermarkets get back to their normal ammounts of product being delivered, you need to be in there early.

    So finally you agree that there are shortages.:jap:

    No, only a problem with deliveries to the larger supermarkets, as posted several times - there are plenty supplies if you know (and pay attention when you are told) where to look! :thumbsup:

    dam_n you lenny, if you don't let him have the last word, he will never get out to do any shopping

    we will be reading of his demise on pattaya one........


  9. And it clearly does as they can't even stock their shelves anymore and most of the people on here insist there is no shortage.Maybe the first sign of their failure.:whistling:

    you went at 4pm?

    ever heard of the expression ''early bird catches the worm''?.........

    Ever heard about supermarkets reorganising their entire floor twice every day?

    Most deliveries are made in the early morning as the trucks drive through the night when the roads are quieter, so until these bigger supermarkets get back to their normal ammounts of product being delivered, you need to be in there early.

    So finally you agree that there are shortages.:jap:

    note to other posters

    please let janverbreem have the last word

    the poor guy can't get to the shops until 4 pm already

    if you keep him posting he will surely starve to death.......

  10. so after wasting time reading through more bitching posts - is it safe to assume I'm not going to starve or die of thirst when I come back to Pattaya on Friday, I think that is what this thread is about - right

    It all depends on your attitude, if you are willing to be flexible with where and when you shop then you will be fine, if not then like many posters on here you will starve because there is nothing to be had anywhere. whistling.gif

    LOL :D

  11. so after wasting time reading through more bitching posts - is it safe to assume I'm not going to starve or die of thirst when I come back to Pattaya on Friday, I think that is what this thread is about - right

    yes, i think its safe to assume that

    have a good trip.....

  12. i trust that any issues that william osborne, janverbeam and thaicbr may have with me have been resolved by an intervention by the mods

    i would hate to waste good material on the likes of you unnecessarily......

  13. And it clearly does as they can't even stock their shelves anymore and most of the people on here insist there is no shortage.Maybe the first sign of their failure.:whistling:

    you went at 4pm?

    ever heard of the expression ''early bird catches the worm''?.........

    Ever heard about supermarkets reorganising their entire floor twice every day?


    wheres your source for that titbit?

  14. And it clearly does as they can't even stock their shelves anymore and most of the people on here insist there is no shortage.Maybe the first sign of their failure.:whistling:

    you went at 4pm?

    ever heard of the expression ''early bird catches the worm''?.........

  15. ^

    Well maybe you have some useful suggestions as how to shop but I've been at Makro 2 times this week and the total count for the same products was identical,and also was in Tesco lotus.Yeah of course we could switch to products that are in stock,but I prefer to choose what I put in my mouth.

    i have it on very good authority that macro this morning was busy but almost at pre panic stock levels........

  16. I also like Indian food but so far my experiences in Pattaya have not been great. The "thoroughbred" Indian places tend to have small portions at big prices and Western style restaurants try their hand at so called International ( British Colonial type) of curry not very successfully so far, IMHO.

    Driving down Soi Nern today I noticed in passing what seems to be a bit like a hole in the wall with a sign: Curry Station - Indian Food! Anyone knows/has tried the place?

    If it's the place near the muslim school about a kilometre up from suk, its called My Home. I think their food is pretty good and cheap but I'm no Indian food expert. The chicken tikka masala and saffron rice is a particular favorite.

    i tried it once

    it was ok, and it was cheap but not OK enough to go back

    theres a place on pratumank hill, on the corner of one of the soi going down to the Asia hotel i think

    i call it p*ki petes but its obviously not called that

    the indian food is good there

    It's on the corner of Soi 5 that goes down to Adriatic Palace Hotel.

    It's called Nawab and has Indian, Thai and Russian food.

    thank you for putting some meat on the bone......

  17. BTW, I haven't noticed any shortage or price increase for CHICKENS. I heard millions of chickens died in the floods. Do we really want to know the story behind the story of the ample supply of cheap chicken?

    whole roasted chicken was up from 89 baht to 129 in Big C at the weekend

  18. I also like Indian food but so far my experiences in Pattaya have not been great. The "thoroughbred" Indian places tend to have small portions at big prices and Western style restaurants try their hand at so called International ( British Colonial type) of curry not very successfully so far, IMHO.

    Driving down Soi Nern today I noticed in passing what seems to be a bit like a hole in the wall with a sign: Curry Station - Indian Food! Anyone knows/has tried the place?

    If it's the place near the muslim school about a kilometre up from suk, its called My Home. I think their food is pretty good and cheap but I'm no Indian food expert. The chicken tikka masala and saffron rice is a particular favorite.

    i tried it once

    it was ok, and it was cheap but not OK enough to go back

    theres a place on pratumank hill, on the corner of one of the soi going down to the Asia hotel i think

    i call it p*ki petes but its obviously not called that

    the indian food is good there

  19. People need to chill out --- there is no shortage of anything.

    Okay, you need to shop around ---- Or, horror of horror, actually ask some locals (Thai or Farang will be okay). Water is extremely plentiful.

    Storms in teacups, should stay in teacups.

    Qoute break

    How can you make a statement like that when every supermarket and 7/11 i've been to the last 2 weeks has empty shelves with notices stating

    no stock due to the floods, the problem is Pattaya is now full to the brim with people, and there are severe shortages of water,rice, eggs and milk,

    the staple foods that everyone needs.

    The main problem is their isn't enough stock for the amount of people here at the moment, the little stock that occasionally arrives is sold instantly on the spot

    by whoever is at the right place at the right time.

    So, why do people go to supermarkets ?? All that stuff is all over the place, if you know where to go. As I say ask a local.

    The idea that Thailand would be short of water or rice, is truly mind-boggling. Milk is in all the corner shops. Eggs are 70 baht for 10 at the market --- too expensive, so they can keep them.

    People like myself go to the supermarkets in search of the staple products that i mentioned but without success due to NO STOCK!

    So buy any other products that they need whilst they're still in stock.

    I still don't think that you understand that their are not enough products available for the amount of population in Pattaya right now.

    I shop at supermarkets all the time and am yet to find they are out of stock for what I am looking for and that includes rice, eggs and milk. I think my success is due to the fact I am there by about 08:00 before the hoarders and panic buyers wake up. I seriously believe that the shortages seen later in the day are due to the hoarding and panic buying.

    i agree with you Rab

    my shopping pattern has not changed since this ''crisis''

    i do a big shop once a week , i start early, visit four or five of the major farang supermarkets, get what i want from each (as i can't get everything i want from one) fit in lunch at the Hilton, then get the Waitrose luxury desirables in Central Tops and i am home by 4pm even in the traffic

    everything i normally buy every week is still on the shelves for me to buy

    including as you say, rice , milk and eggs

    i think some farangs spend too much time pontificating about shortages instead of getting out there and getting on with it...........

  20. i have been to freindship, foodland, central and big c extra this morning

    all had eggs, water and rice

    wheres the panic?

    Certainly none in your worldsaai.gif

    for sure, all's well as i look down from my ivory tower

    it would be so different if i had to live in red central

  21. The same place now has new signs saying "free glass of water: just ask".

    I dont know whether this is a response to possible shortages at the two nearby convenience stores, or a response to people (like me) who object to being charged for bottled water with a meal.

    maybe they monitor TV

    take care boys, big brother could be watching...................

  22. it would appear there are concerts on that land from 3-10 of November

    the headliner is Kater??

    with many well known support bands and singers

    (but not well known to me, sorry )

    i hope that helps


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