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Everything posted by djayz

  1. Thanks to everyone for the advice and recommendations. I think there's a Thaiwatsadu in Korat, so I'll take a look the next time I'm up there.
  2. Thank you. Much appreciated. Do you happen to know if the sell whole kits/sets? If not, I'll have to give 'em a miss as I don't have the foggiest idea what goes with what.
  3. I would like to install a solar powered irrigation system on our 3.5 rai plot to water young trees. I also want to add a timer so it'll automatically water when I'm away. As I know diddly squat about solar power systems or pumps, it would have to be a kit that includes everything I need to hook it up and start pumping. Do any of you guys have any suggestions where I could find such a kit? Is there a particular system/brand you use/recommend? I live in Korat, close to the Buriram border, if that makes any difference. Thank you.
  4. I have two Spanish Lisbon lemon trees, both producing fruit, most of which looks great. However, a few of the lemons look terrible (see photos). Does anyone know what's causing this? I find it strange that there's a mix of good, healthy fruit and sickly fruit growing on the same tree. The bad looking fruit is just as juicy as the good fruit and tastes the same. The only noticeable difference is the outer appearance of the fruit.
  5. Tell him it's over and he should leave her alone. If he fails to leave her alone, then report him to the police.
  6. Not even if she were the last woman on the planet.
  7. You must be real special ???? ????
  8. Good point. I hadn't thought of that actually. Reminds me of the 80s and 90s in my auld turf when more women started reporting rapes to the authorities. Initially, it looked like it was a wave of rapes, but in reality it was probably the normal rate, just more people overcoming the shame of having been a victim and reporting it. Perhaps the same is happening here. The fish has been rotten the whole time, only now the stench is starting to rise.
  9. Based on a few of your previous posts here, I think it's safe to say that most of us here at AN already knew you're a very "special" kind of guy.
  10. In my case at least, we only got soft drinks on special occasions, such as birthdays, Christmas and one or two other days of the year. We all had/still have a sweet tooth, so there were usually biscuits or cake in the afternoon for a snack. However, main meals were healthier, contained vegetables and a little meat, washed down with water. We apso cycled to school (approx. 1.5km), played football ever second we got, went for walks with our dogs and we were generally more active doing housework, helping the auld man on the farm or ma in the garden. The food they consume today is only a part of the issue. Soft drinks, super sweet "fruit juices", sweet shakes, etc. daily isn't good for anybody, but coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, they've got to be a killer. In addition to this, I think the modern lifestyle, where BOTH parents HAVE to work to make ends meet, is the biggest issue. They simply don't have the time to keep this stuff in check. I see this at our home. Both the missus and I are on the go non-stop from early dawn til late at night. It's difficult to raise children right these days.
  11. A fish rots from the head down as the ancient proverb goes. The whole country seems to be on a downward spiral and nobody here gives a rat's a$$ about it. Those who should be leading by example couldn't even be bothered living here.
  12. Don't understand what all the fuss is about, I get the same treatment every time I arrive back in Thailand and you don't see me reporting my car preferences.
  13. It's used to harness the sun's energy, which then powers the entire train network.
  14. Give us a break! Just tell us when the wheels hit the tarmac. He's coming home next month. No he's not. He's coming home next month. No he's not. He's coming home next month. No he's not. How many times have we heard this already?
  15. Are you happy with the situation you have created? Put a plug in it and close the door behind you.
  16. I think you mean "wasting food in any country" is a downright disgrace.
  17. How on god's green earth could they have made the same mistake twice?!?! While I really wanted to see these young politicians have a go at running the circus, I have absolutely no sympathy for a party that fxxks up twice in such a short time.
  18. Has absolutely nothing to do with empathy, and well you know it. Animals wandering around ownerless, malnourished, disease ridden, urinating and defecating on the streets and footpaths, barking at all hours of the night not to mention barking and occasionally attacking passerbys. Yes, that sounds just swell ???? the type of place you like to live in, is it then?
  19. One could argue that those in power during that period are directly responsible for the current debacle.
  20. Have been growing these trees for a few years now (bought from fellow Asean Now member GraftingKen) and am really happy with the crop this year. Nice big clusters of fruit on my Spanish Lisbon trees. I've gone ahead and thinned out some of the smaller fruit, just to give the others a little more space (and energy) to develop. Happy days! The other 2 sickly fruit (different tree) don't look like they are doing so well, which is a mystery to me as all trees get the same watering, manure, mulch and sweet loving care.
  21. Note to self: fill her up to the brim asap.
  22. Much more needs to be done to reduce the number of strays. Any dog or cat found roaming the streets should be caught and put down. There are simply too many.
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