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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. BANGKOK:-- [thaivisa.com] After the confusion surrounding the news that all foreigners in Thailand are required to carry their passport with them at all times, Thaivisa.com has today obtained official clarification on this matter.

    Earlier this afternoon, Thaivisa.com spoke to Deputy Commander and Police Colonel Voravat Amornvivat, a senior official at Immigration headquarters in Bangkok.

    Deputy Commander Voravat wanted to reassure the expat community in Thailand about the current situation.

    He told Thaivsia.com that information in an article published by The Nation on 31 July 2014, was incorrect.

    Deputy Commander Voravat confirmed that foreign tourists and expats do not need to carry their passports with them at all times.

    He said that tourists can of course leave their passports locked in their hotel safe and enjoy their holiday in Thailand without worrying about the need to carry their original passport.

    Deputy Commander Voravat also said that for expats living here, a Thai driving license or photocopy of your passport can be used as a form of identification.

    However, if Immigration Police suspect an individual to be overstaying in Thailand or being involved in illegal activity, then the individual would be required to produce their original passport promptly.

    Deputy Commander Voravat referred to Section 58, which reads as follows:

    Any alien who has no lawful document for entering the Kingdom under section 12(1);....under this Act; and has no identification in accordance with the Law on Alien registration, is considered to have entered the Kingdom in violation of the Act.

    Entering or staying in Thailand without holding a valid passport and visa/extension is subject a fine and possible prison sentence.

    by law you are supposed to carry your passport at all times and it is an offence not to do so .

    Nope,read the post above.

  2. This would be OK if they had a good system of public transport. The lack of metered taxis here is a real pain.

    Sure but that still does not excuse drinking and driving.. sure you will get gouged for hiring a baht bus but if you can afford to get drunk you can afford that ride too. You might even take a cheap hotel to sleep it off.

    Agreed. But 2 beers in an hour or so puts you over the limit and at risk of going to jail. It's been documented these devices are not 100% accurate here. Impossible to get a baht bus near my house. And very difficult to get them if you are away from Central Pattaya. Try finding any sort of transport near the lake after midnight. Very difficult, and no hotels are right next to many of these establishments.

    Again, lack of metered taxis, like in Bangkok, is a real problem.

    motorbike taxi on every corner.

    (Often drunk) motorbike taxi on every corner................................

  3. Many overstayers are from 3rd world countries which is why the fine is 20,000baht.

    Or perhaps many of the members on this site would prefer another 2 tier system in this country based upon skin color?

    The fine was set 30+ years ago.

    Isn't it 500 baht a day with a maximum of 20,000 ?

    The fine for overstaying is a maximum of 20,000 baht. But anyone, even with a 1 day overstay, could be fined 20k. It is immigrations choice to charge it in 500 baht daily increments, not law.

    So why doesn`t IO charge overstayers more often for 20.000 baht ?

  4. The guy is a nut:


    Putin Explores Legal Loopholes to Take Back the Baltic Nations


    Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says


    Putin 'privately threatened to invade Poland, Romania and the Baltic states'German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung reports that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko told European Commission that Putin made the threat in a recent conversation

    He would in deed be a nut if he decided to retake the above mentioned countries which all,except from Finland are NATO members.So this is just a part of the Western scaremongering and propaganda going on.

  5. These murders are becoming common events. It seems the police are losing their hold on the thugs. If not careful Thailand will find it`s self in the same situation as the UK, where young thugs run riot and claim areas as their own where they are let off with a slap on the wrist or the courts only issuing them with light sentences. Nip it in the bud now before it becomes completely out of hand and a huge social problem.

    Phuket has always been a little "shady". I was there 7-8 years ago and it seems it's gotten a lot worse since. won't be going back.

    Do you go to Thailand at all then ? Incidents like this are unfortunately happening all over Thailand,it`s not only a Phuket or Pattaya problem.

    Never happened once in The city I lived in. Of course, that city is not BKK/Patpong, Samui, Pattaya, Koh Tao, Phuket, etc.

    I certainly am not an expert on Red Light districts you're (probably) talking about?

    I have seen the ping pong show. Gross.

    Sorry,hard to understand what you`re trying to say........can you please give it another try coffee1.gif ??

  6. These murders are becoming common events. It seems the police are losing their hold on the thugs. If not careful Thailand will find it`s self in the same situation as the UK, where young thugs run riot and claim areas as their own where they are let off with a slap on the wrist or the courts only issuing them with light sentences. Nip it in the bud now before it becomes completely out of hand and a huge social problem.

    Phuket has always been a little "shady". I was there 7-8 years ago and it seems it's gotten a lot worse since. won't be going back.

    Do you go to Thailand at all then ? Incidents like this are unfortunately happening all over Thailand,it`s not only a Phuket or Pattaya problem.

  7. When are the knife attackers going to learn? Almost every attack had been thwarted by 5.56mm brass until they look like Swiss cheese.

    Perhaps they will learn when the Israeli government ends its illegal occupation of someone else's land and gives Palestinians their human, civil and economic rights, so that they have hope for the future.

    "Give me liberty or give me death!"

    I don`t think so.The hate they have for jews is rooted in the Quaran and it will not stop even in the unlikely event that the Palestinians get their own country.

    Yes and no. It is true that the Muslims hating Jews can be read in the Islam holy book but that doesn't mean Islam (or any religious texts) NEEDS to be followed literally in this modern era. In any case even if there is a miracle of a real two state solution, that would just be the beginning as far as healing and building trust between the sides.

    In real life, on a human level, Muslim people and Jewish people can get along and have a gay old time.

    Trust me on that.

    So all hope is not lost. Just in the case of the Israel - Palestinians political conflict, most of it is at least for the shorter term.

    Unfortunately their fellow arab neighbours and countries is more interested in collecting money for the families of Palestinian suicide bombers etc. than in helping for a solution on this gridlocked situation (big refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon is one example of their "solidarity").

    The Palestinians unfortunately reminds me a bit of that silly little kid which many of us can relate too,the one in the group who was sent out to fight another group or to steal sweets in the shop.The moment everything went bad in the fight or he got spotted in the shop the rest of the group ditched him.

  8. Now we have a walrus problem?

    How are the poor polar bears holding out or has their 15 minutes simply expired?

    ..................and next year it`s gonna be those damned seals who gonna get their 15 minutes of fame ................

    Global warming or not, pollution needs to be reduced regardless!

    Agree and Im more worried about pollution in forms like chemicals and additives that creeps into our food and water supplies,than for rising temperatures and sea levels.

  9. In a strange way, after listening to tons of news on ISIS and radical jihadists, drug cartels almost seem honorable in how they conduct business. Almost.

    I think if you watch the video's on the internet of the Mexican Drug Gangs at their work such as 5 guy's using fire axes on 5 kneeling women to chop them up bit by bit, or the man and woman completely peeling the skin from another mans head you would re-think your statement that it is 'honourable'. In fact compared to some of the drug gangs in Mexico ISIS are pussies.

    These Mexican drug gangs and cartels are really the lowest of the low when it comes to the definition of cowardly scum !!

    http://www.borderlandbeat.com/ is a good site for info of the madness going on there.

  10. Some facts for the Trumped posters:

    1. Nearly the half of the refugees are persued Chistians.

    2. Another group of refugees persued are non Sunnits.

    3. Many of the Syrian refugees are moderate Muslims with good school and instruction.


    Germany accepted already 3 millions of East Germany refugees looking for better econonomic conditions,

    In Switzerland and Austria the Hotels were happy too for cheap workers.


    I understand Trump. The Europeans immigrants came to America to take the land of the indigenous people

    killing them if they resisted. Now he scares the vengeance of people who are not blond with blue eyes and thumb

    like him.


    Another fact: The USA have a lot of "terrorists". Fanatics of abberrant Christain sects, fighters for the old slave

    States, Sociopathic rassist cops, etc.

    Nice try,but unfortunately not many facts here.

  11. What will they do with thousands of foreign criminals not being able to enter, hide, and party here for years at a time? There needs to be road checkpoints to also check for valid visas . They could catch hundreds daily . Time to build more prisons to hold all the foreign criminals hiding here. I won,t mention the cities where these scum are located. I might hurt someones feelingsgiggle.gif

    Dream on,checkpoints in-or out of f.ex Pattaya on the Sukhumvit will lead to gridlock.In many cases police knows where the riff raff are located and every now and then they arrest them........more easy.

  12. When are the knife attackers going to learn? Almost every attack had been thwarted by 5.56mm brass until they look like Swiss cheese.

    Perhaps they will learn when the Israeli government ends its illegal occupation of someone else's land and gives Palestinians their human, civil and economic rights, so that they have hope for the future.

    "Give me liberty or give me death!"

    I don`t think so.The hate they have for jews is rooted in the Quaran and it will not stop even in the unlikely event that the Palestinians get their own country.

  13. So a butt plug was slipped into the OP's pocket and he was going to be apprehended by the BiB outside, and presumably accused of being a dangerous pervert??

    Nope, I don't understand either.

    What's not to understand. Drugs planted on a mark, police waiting, scare the shit out of the mark and demand big bucks. I've even heard about this at gas stations, pump attendant puts a small quantity of drugs inside the petrol flap and just by chance there is a road check just down the road.

    But how common are these schemes here in Thailand,in my 20 years here this one of the first times I`ve heard about it ? I know it was quite common in some South American countries before.

    "But how common are these schemes here in Thailand" - the jet ski scam has been allowed to run for years, and has many victims.

    Same with the Time Share scam, despite warning signs.

    The "music police" raids on bars have been around for while. Here's a recent story on that scam.


    It must be remembered that the victims of these scams, that involve corrupt police, do not want the allegation to esculate, and have been offered a quick "make it go away" option. Therefore, on many occasions, it doesn't make the news.

    The 3 above mentioned scams Im well aware off,but the planting of drugs scheme must be a new one for Thailand.Only place I`ve heard of they are common are certain countries in South-and Central America.

  14. So a butt plug was slipped into the OP's pocket and he was going to be apprehended by the BiB outside, and presumably accused of being a dangerous pervert??

    Nope, I don't understand either.

    What's not to understand. Drugs planted on a mark, police waiting, scare the shit out of the mark and demand big bucks. I've even heard about this at gas stations, pump attendant puts a small quantity of drugs inside the petrol flap and just by chance there is a road check just down the road.

    But how common are these schemes here in Thailand,in my 20 years here this one of the first times I`ve heard about it ? I know it was quite common in some South American countries before.

  15. What is the news in this story? An old guy with medical issues dies and it gets publicised? Are we all going to hit the news if we keel over? What's to discuss?

    Agree with you............and with every sad story like this you ALWAYS get the god ole` punters speculating in foul play.According to some people here on TV it`s impossible to die of natural or self inflicted causes in Thailand anymore.

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