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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. I got to Swampy Immigration at 10pm one night on the last day of my stay to find an horrific queue. Finally got to the desk at 00.15 where the officer thought it quite funny to direct me to the overstay counter where I had a red stamp placed in my passport.

    I wonder if this happened now if it could gain somebody a one year ban from the kingdom?

    Not at all.The ban is for those who`s overstayed for months and years.

    • Like 1
  2. What's a "quality visitor" and how will they be screened?

    This is a good step though, and should be followed up with a total ban on visa runners who are abusing the regulations.

    So tell me.............what regulations are visa runners not obeying for them to deserve a ban ?? Immigration can easy stop them from re-entering,but in very few cases do so.Once they stamp them in,then they stay in Thailand legaly.

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  3. There are constant roadworks at Khao chee chan a stonethrow from the Chinese temple. Lot's of small diggers and the like. Perhaps the hole was ready and then filled manually.

    A few questions to the minidigger drivers may come up trumps.

    Doubtful, my understanding was the GPS said they were at that site for 2 hrs. Doesn't take 2 hours to fill a hole, they should have dug it before hand.

    " A lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes. But you gotta do it right. I mean, you gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk. Otherwise, you're talking about a half-hour to forty-five minutes worth of digging. And who knows who's gonna come along in that time Pretty soon, you gotta dig a few more holes. You could be there all f***in' night." thumbsup.gif

    Nicky Santoro "Casino"

  4. No matter how sofisticated your society pretends to be, food industry is top dog.

    well you put a lot of thought into that response, I eat chicken fish lamb cabage and beef and lots of other stuff, one thing I know is that most people don't eat dog cat primates and lots of other mamals that most of us generally consider as not on the menu

    It has been proven/understood and well documneted that Dolphins and whales are without doubt very inteligent - look in their eye - can they cry ? I imagine they can....................the weird thing is that they are vastly more inteligent than some posters on TVF - go figure

    Humans are good at slaughter but keep it to our shameful selves, leave these beautiful intelligent creatures alone

    I honestly feel ashamed of what man has done to whales and dolphins, it is a disgrace and I will add elephants to that sentiment, it is shameful sad.png

    So because some mammals are intelligent you shouldn`t hunt them ? Extensive research have found pigs to be intelligent as well..................................

  5. Disafected and disintegrated.The same old story with the followers of Islam,day in and day out we are constantly fed their sob stories........" can`t work,won`t work,not enough money,not enough halal,not enough mosques,give me give me bla bla bla.............." bah.gifbah.gif

    I`ve never heard the same moaning from Eastern european,hindu,sikh or buddhist communities in my country,they come here to work and try to settle in and know they are not entitled to any handouts if you not contribute to the society.

  6. Let all foreign nationals purchase firearms. This country would be a much better place. As it stands these criminals know that foreigner can not easily poses guns. So let them buy them freely. Good for the economy and takes the criminals edge away. This is the only way to curb the current trend. The only way......

    So arming foreigners will help to get rid of the tourist scammers?

    Brilliant...... Why haven't anyone thought about this before?

  7. As usual, the forces of evil are allowed to kill people with impunity. Was this reported in the west? Unlikely, as the mainstream media tends to protect Israel.If the man (the cousin of the arrested man), "spooked" the agents who got dressed up, did he deserve to be killed? Did the innocent public in the hospital deserve to be put at risk? After all, hospitals are 24 institutions.So if I get spooked by a man with a beard and a skull cap coming out of a toilet, or one of the haredem, am I now allowed to shoot him with impunity?This will be another case that will go to the ICC, among a long list of others.

    Correct, virtually ignored as was the incident involving the terrorist Dr Goldstein, Israeli/US who murdered 29 people in a mosque in cold blood. Many Israelis stil regard as a national hero, along with the Kahane lunatic, and would sing songs of praise, worship at his grave, have their kids dress as him.

    But still the U.S. press likes to paint Israel as pure as the driven snow

    "Many" isralelis does NOT regard Goldstein as a hero.Maybe the US press is painting Israel as pure,but you should come here to Europe and here it`s the opposite.In the European press Palestinians who attack people on the street is described as brave freedom fighters.

    BTW: Congrats to the brave members of the Duvdean unit thumbsup.gif

  8. Now what? They will make some peace marches, light some candles, tweet some pathetic peace hashtags and after 6 months…boom…another one!

    I think the next things is that europeans are going to rise up on their own to take back their streets….just watch.

    Its all building up to an us vs them confrontation.

    ISIS attack us with bombs, rockets and guns, we fight back with hashtags, Facebook profiles, candles and pretty colours on buildings. Are we hoping they die laughing? I despair for the 'Generation Snowflake' that we've become.


    The West is bombing, droning, supplying militants (including Isis) and fully supporting Israels illegal occupation and apartheid in he West Bank. Israel has already attached Syria following the French affair. Does that violence not register with you?

    Israeli attacks in Syria this weekend,really? That must have been a real secret black ops.You have indeed very good connections .......somewhere.

  9. Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:

    Agencies: At least 140 people have been killed in a series of at least six terror attacks across the French capital.

    My god... the bad news keeps on coming...... how evil can mankind be to just murder people for the sake

    of a different god and religion? who gave birth to those monsters terrorist? cursed be they father and

    mothers and the god they worship....

    Who gave birth to it? Try starting with the Crusaders, then the oil-hungry Brits and Americans 100 years ago, through to interference in the Middle East to this very day.

    What a load of tripe.Youre living in a dreamworld if you believe they lived in a peaceful and loving society before the Crusaders and the oil companies moved in.They have always been fighting between themselves(shia-sunni) and they have never had any respect for non believers of the Koran...............The thing nowadays is that we have invited them in to our society and they are able to travel.

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