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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. Immigration authorities nation-wide are resurrecting a 2006 rule forbidding foreigners from obtaining back-to-back 15- or 30-day visas at Thai border posts. The renewed policy seems designed to weed out people living in Thailand by making regular trips to the border to obtain another two weeks or one-month stay.

    So could well be same occurring within pattaya well done immo if this is the case.

    Really? So they are closing down a main road so that immigration can check genuine visa excempts obtained at the borders ? Not a chance.

  2. I wonder if all the posters stating he should be blacklisted etc would be brave enough to say it to the guys face?

    Probably not ........

    Agree.9 years overstay its crazy and uncalled for,but as long as there is NONE (yet) regulation in Thai immigration that overstay will lead to blacklisting its laughable and tiredsome that the same TV membere cry out "Blacklisted " every time the subject is overstay coffee1.gif .

  3. It boggles the mind why such an extension of stay must occur before the permission to stay runs out.

    So you get into some serious mishap on your last day into the county, and if you are sensible enough to actually worry about the possible overstay and doing something about it, it will probably be too late.

    Apparently the term leniency is something Thai immigration is unaware off.

    To the person claiming extensions due to medical reasons are easily obtained, maybe imagine that these persons might be unable to obtain them due to their condition, might be unaware of them and quite frankly I don't blame them if a possible overstay isn't exactly their greatest concern.

    Thai immigration should tread these people with compassion and not fine them for overstay. It is quite frankly a bloody shame.

    stop moaning and get a proper visa

    Yupp,because you cannot overstay on a proper visa wink.png .

  4. I read one of you guys saying you don't get charged for overstaying if sick or in hospital, well sad to say not true! I had a serious motorbike accident week before my visa was up, I spend three months in hospital then two months before was aloud by doctors to fly out of Thailand. Immigration was noctiflied first week I was in hospital after 200,000 hospital I still had to pay overstaying fees. Why do you guys say time for tougher immigration actions against others its like the pot calling the kettle black there may be reasons why people overstay and this is mans law, when the earth belongs to us all no matter where we are born.

    Extensions of stay are easily obtained for medical reasons.

    Up to 90 days at a time will be given. Most private hospitals will facilitate this via their Patient Liaison service.

    The medical extension must be applied for prior to slipping into overstay.

    Not always easily obtained or given.Have experienced of the opposite myself.

    You fail to provide any insight into why you were refused and by which immigration office

    Were the requirements met ?

    1.Was a letter from a Hospital Doctor setting out the reasons you could not travel provided ?

    2. Was application made prior to overstay occurring?



  5. I read one of you guys saying you don't get charged for overstaying if sick or in hospital, well sad to say not true! I had a serious motorbike accident week before my visa was up, I spend three months in hospital then two months before was aloud by doctors to fly out of Thailand. Immigration was noctiflied first week I was in hospital after 200,000 hospital I still had to pay overstaying fees. Why do you guys say time for tougher immigration actions against others its like the pot calling the kettle black there may be reasons why people overstay and this is mans law, when the earth belongs to us all no matter where we are born.

    Extensions of stay are easily obtained for medical reasons.

    A letter from a Hospital Doctor setting out the reasons you cannot travel is required. Up to 90 days at a time will be given. Most private hospitals will facilitate this via their Patient Liaison service.

    The medical extension must be applied for prior to slipping into overstay.

    Not always easily obtained or given.Have experienced of the opposite myself.

  6. So Russia is part of AEC? crying.gif

    Sorry guys, but the Russians have mostly left as their economy is in the toilet. But if you want to teach tourism personnel a language, wouldn't English be a better choice? Most Europeans, including Russians, speak some English.

    Many Russians don't speak English. They have some economy problems but not that bad and when the oil price recovers Russia will recover.

    But Russian is a difficult language and many Thais fail to learn a simple language like English...

    That last line is a joke, right? Russian is far easier than English (I'm American and took Russian in high school). Regular spelling, learned alphabet and how to read in first few weeks of class. It is logical, consistent and regular. English is in no ways a simple language: try explaining go-gone-went and other such odd balls... Anyhow, learning Russian: better late than never, but really should learn Chinese....

    Im not an native english speaker and in no way is Russian an easy language to learn,except to a very lucky few youself included.

  7. Hmmm there are a number of reasons a person over stay's in a country and not all are simply people trying one on.

    So in case of illness or accident as often happens and still have the 20,000 baht fine, now they want to have a bigger crack,

    Welcome too LOS..............

    I my self just forgot my 90 day check in, normally on the calendar but this time no'p, paid the fine all good,

    if you sick you can get an extention, so no reason

    Everyone keeps saying this.. But I know for a fact its not that simple..

    Yes if you are actually in a private western type hospital, they can usually arrange a medical extension (often only a few days) while your an inpatient.. However they cant help when discharged and immigration doesnt give a shit about any 'doctors notes' I know I had one..

    I recently broke some bones.. operations.. plates pins and the usual.. I was discharged but was in no fit state to travel. At that point immigration would accept nothing. Despite me being in agony, with rods and pins sticking out of me.. I should just get on the bus and head to the border (I doubt any airline would have let me fly in that state) to walk across the friendship bridge on a broken leg ??

    The only time you seem to be able to get a medical extension is while as an inpatient at the hospital.. There are times you are unable to travel but are not also an inpatient.

    I have seen the same with a patient who had a multi day hospital stay.. get discharged and the next day come to immigration with all his pospital paperwork asking for just a 7 day extension.. No go to the border pay your fine.. No discussion, simply officer discretion not given.

    Those constantly saying how easy it is.. maybe should try it some time..

    WRONG! I had emergency surgery and then was laid up at home for a couple months and had an entry expiry coming up and I was able to get two 30 day extensions from Pattaya immigration for medical reasons no problem. All that was necessary was a note in Thai from my hospital attending physician stating my condition and that I was unfit to fly. There must other reasons they wanted to see the back of you.

    You`re sooo wrong in being so certain in your statement.I was myself admitted to Bankok Phuket hospital for more than 2 weeks just before my planned trip to Cambodia to get a visa.So the hospital managed to get an 6 days extension to my visa excempt,but when I tried to get the international coordinator to assist me in a new extension it was refused from immigration.Instead I was told to meet in person at Phuket immigration the day before my extension expired.Still hospitalized I managed to do so and was given a 2(two) day extension and that was it.

    End of story I was finally released from hospital and with a 4 day overstay I managed to get over to Burma from Rayong for another visa excempt.Everyone knows that Phuket immigration is bonkers and have their own interpration of the visa regulations,but to for those who says that you are guaranteed to get an medical extension,you`re talking BS !!

  8. good overstayers are nothing but trouble for the rest of us who abide by the rules, it's not hard.

    Please explain how a person overstaying affects you in any way at all. Total rubbish.

    It's quite simple. By overstaying and breaking the law, they tar "all" foreigners with the same brush, making it more likely that other visa restrictions/regulations also get tightened up in the near future rather than loosened.

    Don't worry....... They already tar foreigners with the same brush, overstayers or abiding ones. And a eventual tightening of visa rules will not come because many overstay.

  9. Typical of these people to attack unarmed and usually from the back or with a car.

    I guess not enough kahunas to man up, but then situation in Israel is no different to the rest of the world where these people managed to get their way in,

    I suppose one way to follow their religion of "peace"

    Maybe "these people" should do what's typical of the occupiers and drop bombs on schools and hospitals that slaughter hundreds of women and children. I guess that's how they "man up". bah.gif

    I suppose that's just expected from the "chosen" people. vampire.gif

    By the way, the word you're looking for is "cojones". gigglem.gif

    You forget to mention that these schools and hospitals where used as terrorist hideaways and also used to fire rockets into Israel.Radical islam do really have a twisted opinion of the term "Women and children first" bah.gif

    And whose propaganda has you been listening to for this information ? Surely not the same person who has just stated it was the Palistinians who caused the holocaust...

    You need to diverse a bit,just don`t believe everything mainstream media feeds you......................................and your last sentence doesn`t make sence coffee1.gif .

  10. Every single word that Irishman said was true. Yet all Israel will say is that "It has the right to defend itself". Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple. I don't think it really matters if they're doing it because they are trying to push Palestinians out, of if they just think they need more land. It's just wrong.

    They *are* depriving Palestinians of rights that are afforded to other countries and peoples.

    They *are* using violence and terrorism. And knowing Benny, this is probably to provoke retaliation, so that they can say "they are defending themselves".

    However, there may be an ulterior motive in Israel doing everything it can steal territory and to stall the creation of a Palestinian state.

    It lies out in in the Mediterranean in the form of huge oil and gas deposits, and Israel will do anything to prevent the Palestinians getting their hands on it.

    Which is why they have refused to ratify UNCLOS or go to the International Court of Arbitration.

    It's about time people started realising what a crafty ****** Netanyahu is.

    And if you don't believe me, take a look at where the nearest large gas field off Israel is located.


    Let`s all pray that any Palestinian "authority" never get`s their dirty hands in any oil-or gas revenues,we`ve all seen the the way they squandered away billions in foreign aid !!

    Partly true but then again they keep having to rebuilding what the Israelis blow up don't they?

    But they don`t do that either.The only things that the Palestinian "authority" has build up has been their own luxurious mansions thumbsup.gif .

  11. Every single word that Irishman said was true. Yet all Israel will say is that "It has the right to defend itself". Building settlements on land that belongs to Palestinians is not "Defending itself", it is territorial expansionism, plain and simple. I don't think it really matters if they're doing it because they are trying to push Palestinians out, of if they just think they need more land. It's just wrong.

    They *are* depriving Palestinians of rights that are afforded to other countries and peoples.

    They *are* using violence and terrorism. And knowing Benny, this is probably to provoke retaliation, so that they can say "they are defending themselves".

    However, there may be an ulterior motive in Israel doing everything it can steal territory and to stall the creation of a Palestinian state.

    It lies out in in the Mediterranean in the form of huge oil and gas deposits, and Israel will do anything to prevent the Palestinians getting their hands on it.

    Which is why they have refused to ratify UNCLOS or go to the International Court of Arbitration.

    It's about time people started realising what a crafty ****** Netanyahu is.

    And if you don't believe me, take a look at where the nearest large gas field off Israel is located.


    Let`s all pray that any Palestinian "authority" never get`s their dirty hands in any oil-or gas revenues,we`ve all seen the the way they squandered away billions in foreign aid !!

  12. Typical of these people to attack unarmed and usually from the back or with a car.

    I guess not enough kahunas to man up, but then situation in Israel is no different to the rest of the world where these people managed to get their way in,

    I suppose one way to follow their religion of "peace"

    Maybe "these people" should do what's typical of the occupiers and drop bombs on schools and hospitals that slaughter hundreds of women and children. I guess that's how they "man up". bah.gif

    I suppose that's just expected from the "chosen" people. vampire.gif

    By the way, the word you're looking for is "cojones". gigglem.gif

    You forget to mention that these schools and hospitals where used as terrorist hideaways and also used to fire rockets into Israel.Radical islam do really have a twisted opinion of the term "Women and children first" bah.gif

  13. The Putin fanboyz need to get realistic:

    February 25, 2015

    Russia Can't Beat NATO--But Putin May Try

    By Tom Nichols


    Can Russia defeat NATO? The answer is “no.” Vladimir Putin’s armies cannot prevail in a direct contest with the NATO alliance.

    This, however, is the wrong question. The West’s more pressing concern should be whether Putin, for his own reasons, will force Russia’s military into a clash with NATO regardless of the consequences. The Russian president is a neo-Soviet nostalgist who not only craves revenge for the collapse of the USSR, but who still harbors old-school Kremlin fantasies about the weakness of the decadent West.


    Konstantin Sivkov, the first vice president of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems:

    "Statements claiming that Russian Armed Forces are ready to repulse any attack after the so-called reforms are nothing but nonsense. They are capable of settling a small conflict, in which not more than 100,000 men would need to participate. If there's a larger, local conflict, which requires the participation of up to 500,000 people, then the Russian Armed Forces would not be able to deal with it, not to mention a large-scale war with NATO or China."

    - See more at: http://english.pravda.ru/russia/politics/15-12-2010/116217-russia_war-0/#sthash.F7Gqpes6.dpuf

    Putin does not seem to grasp that NATO’s members, once invaded, will fight according to their training and their experience, and not by a snap poll of people in New York or Nebraska. They will fight with very real and very modern Western weapons, rather than with hashtags and selfies from chipper spokespeople back at the State Department. And in the end, if Putin orders his forces West, the Russians will lose, and will lose badly.


    "For the time being, Russia is capable of showing resistance to such countries as Georgia. Russia will not be able to win a war with China or NATO," Alexander Khramchikhin, deputy director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis told Pravda.Ru. "As for nuclear weapons, NATO is much stronger than Russia, and China's nuclear arsenal will soon be just as powerful as that of Russia. It will not be possible for Russia to conduct offensive operations against NATO members, because the strength of the Russian army has declined considerably."


    True,but haven`t NATO spent the last 15 years ruining most of it`s forces that once make it a formidable deterrent,NOBODY would have dabbled with the thought of getting in to an armed conflict with us.

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