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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. Gotta love the posts applauding these new rules.

    I wonder if the same people will cheer as well when Immigration imposes further restrictions on marriage/retirement visas.

    No problems..........according to most of the applauders they usually have a "an packed suitcase under the bed and thus can leave within the hour should further restrictions appear in the future" thumbsup.gif .

  2. Pay the 20K go home and change your name legally and you're back on the Thai farm again. I know lots of people who are on 2 years plus over stay. They laugh at me for following the law in a lawless country. Things "I hope" will be changing. "Hope" is a useless word!!!!!

    Unbelivable.............People who changes they name just to stay in Thailand must be really desperate rolleyes.gif !!

    • Like 1
  3. US profoundly troubled by brutal beating of Palestinian teen who turned out to be American


    The US has condemned the beating and detention of a 15-year-old Palestinian-American by Israeli police after a massive social media campaign exploded in cyber space decrying the actions and hypocrisy of Israeli authorities.

    We can confirm that Tarek Khdeir, an American citizen, is being held by Israeli authorities in Jerusalem. [Tarek Abu Khdeir ] was visited by an official from the US Consulate General in Jerusalem today, US State Department spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said in a press release.

    The US is profoundly troubled by reports that the teenager was severely beaten while in police custody while visiting Israel on vacation from Tampa Florida, and strongly condemns any excessive use of force.


    Thanks for introducing this related topic.

    Look at that young kid, whats he all of 50 kilos? Laying on the ground with no movement at all while getting the crap beat and kicked out of him after he is cuffed.

    Where is the US outrage?

    Tell me again what was this15 year old, 50 kilo kid, an American tourist doing in the middle of the riots throwing stones and whatever else at police and IDF?

    Then you will ALSO note officer responsible for assault will be charged and and convicted.

    Strangely though there are 2 video clips, one made from across the road and one made from the roof of a building and in both neither party screamed or did anything to help.

    Why is that?

    Remember this? Palestine Arab propaganda stage fake Israeli “attacks” for media http://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2012/09/28/remember-this-palestine-arab-propaganda-stage-fake-isreali-attacks-for-media/

    Exactly.In most countries in the world "tourist" or others who engage in riots WILL get a beating by the police.I guess this upstanding US citizen didn`t read the travel advice who says "Do NOT engage or political protest or riots when visiting a foreign country".

    Sometimes a punk is just a punk !!

    • Like 2
  4. Sorry no sympathy for any over stayers for any duration unless its for medical reasons

    Even then medical reasons are not an excuse, there are provisions in the immigration law in case of medical cases

    The problem is immigration often ignore the medical extension refusing to give it and tell people to simply go pay their overstay at the border.

    If your in a decent private hospital they usually have liason staff, but in the case of doctors notes and the rest immigration very often waive it off with a 'too hard' attitude. Seen it myself where someone came into immigration after a head injury and hospitalization.. They didnt care in the slightest he was obviously in bandages, and had only just been released and had a hospital / doctors note saying he was unfit for travel. Just told him to go pay his fines at the border.

    In the above list, if he was apprehended before getting to the border he would face a 1 year blacklist. Hardly fair.

    So yes, fully support the crackdown, as long as the correct systems are put in place to handle the real issues, which immigration just sweep under the 'pay your fine' rug.

    I was admitted in Phuket Bkk hospital a couple of years ago with a serious infection.Was just about to leave for Vientiane for a new visa so I got the liason staff to get me an extension and I got an 5 days extension.

    But as my hospital stay was unfortunately extended, the liason staff tried to get me another extension and that was denied !! After the hospital discharged me I had to limp my way up to Ranong,still not fully recovered and with a 6 day overstay for a visa run.

    I`ve also heard the claims that a serious illness will always give you an extension of the stay which is certainly not always the case.

    • Like 1
  5. It appears Phuket has caught up with Pattaya as being a dangerous destination for tourists.

    I know that in Pattaya the Thais have strong contemptuous attitudes towards farangs, even more so over the last few years since the influx of East Europeans to that area.

    In my opinion the crimes perpetrated against tourists both in Phuket and Pattaya have now reached rampant levels and these resorts are best avoided. Anyone who decides to holiday at those coastal resorts do so at their own risk and discretion.

    "rampant levels"

    English isn`t my first language,so I just guess that you`re being ironic.............right smile.png ??

  6. I just have thoughts why people risk much by being on the road in the dark of the night. The Italian at 3 am, let him bring home by a female on a bike (bike does not necessarily mean motorbike). Why he didn't take a taxi? More safe I would say.

    Then the Russian woman decides to take a ride on her bike along the beach at 3.30 am.... dark as the night, why risk being attacked? Stay in your hotel or if you really have to be outside, take some safe transportation!

    Thailand and Phuket it still considered relatively safe,going out at late night here it`s not similar to venturing out in cities like Caracas and Lagos.

    Safe(and rip off prices) transportation.............right rolleyes.gif !!

  7. This is the opposite, eyesore removed.

    Eyesore RIP Villas signs that used to line the road on the way to Nai Harn, 8-10 of the same in a row, have been replaced by nice alternating Thai flags and yellow flags.

    attachicon.gifRIP Villas signs gone.jpg

    And the RIP Villas signs................well..........RIP Villa signs crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

    attachicon.gifRIP Villas signs RIP.jpg

    Was the name of it RIP Villas, seriously ? Unbelievable if it was.... And RIP :(

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. This specific letter has been issued to all Diplomatic/Consular Missions and International Organizations within Thailand.

    It targets those people who enter on a "Visa Exempt Entry" which is for the purpose of "Tourism Only" but use it as a means to work in Thailand which is illegal.

    It is also a veiled warning to those organisations above that if they want to employ foreigners then they must see to it that the employee has the correct visa to enable them to work in Thailand.

    It is also a strong warning to anyone who is using any kind of tourist visa to work in Thailand not to do so or else. If you can show that you are a genuine tourist or are coming here for family, medical reasons etc, or purposes other than work then you will not be penalised.

    Good.This is my understanding of it too.Now let`s see if I can continue with 4-6 yearly visa excempts from Europe after August.12.The only bummer seems to be potential problems to doing short visits to neighbouring countries anymore without possible hassles at immigration....................

    • Like 1
  9. If you re-read the OP, there were violations in two venues found.

    Hi. I wasn't replying to the OP but to irishsmile who want to close all places.

    Many police raids recently, and still more than 40 agogos open on Walking Street area only.

    Most offense you cited are exceptions, not the general case,

    and I a happy that such places are closed when found guilty of not respecting rules.

    PS: There is no more nudity in many agogos now: coyotes invasion sad.png

    I meant clean up the image of the city by closing all sex related premises! It's about attracting and creating a more family orientated resort.

    Both of them go well together IMO.

  10. Tipping make sense,after all the baht bus drivers are very poor,living in a extremely poor country wink.png .

    Dear Mr Naive

    I have only been participating in Thai Visa Forum for a few weeks now and I think it has been put together fantastically.

    But reading some of the posts I can’t stop rolling around my house laughing cheesy.gif great entertainment every day.

    People living and working in Pattaya and surrounding areas are not poor people including the Baht Bus Drivers.

    The majority of girls here are earning good money each month many have more spare cash to live on then many of the expats living here. Some of the girls choose to rent a small dirty (outside of building the inside is normally kept clean and tidy) room but they rarely stay there they are always with boyfriendssss staying at their hotel, condo or house their room is to “lay their hat” as the song goes and they enjoy their work not many people can say that these days.

    Back to Baht bus drivers and we have one that plays for our local pool team earn and live very well and are sending home as much cash as they can (thats what Thai people want to do) and that’s a different story some of the people at home receiving the cash are living a very nice comfortable lifestyle nice house with Rai’s of land animals any Farang at home in their own county with a small holding like that would be very proud of owning. I asked him last night when playing pool how’s work? the answer was “very good job I like” and I asked him why do you take wife and baby to work with you and after a few beers which I paid for he answered “good for tips wife and baby get more tips than me”.

    Please don’t feel sorry for Thai people they are a proud nation and they don’t want your pity they want your money just like any business person the world over.

    It is all business here and to enjoy your time as I do you have to accept that and take it for what it is and I am sure as I am you will be happy living in PATTAYA.

    Again.......Irony doesn`t seem to go down well by some BM`s.Been coming here for 20 years and been living here for the last couple of years so I know the things you describe above.

  11. Civiised country? bloodthirsty killers more like !

    I do feel pity for Mr.Marcus Wellons....in my country he would have got 20 years max,guaranteed to be let out after 10 years to roam the society again.

    Bless those countries who does execute the worst of the worst or lock them in and throw away the key,some criminals are just evil !!

    • Like 1
  12. Tipping make sense,after all the baht bus drivers are very poor,living in a extremely poor country wink.png .

    Stupid is as stupid does.....

    By the way thailands GDP is 28th in the world not so extremely poor after all.

    Ever heard about irony :rolleyes: !!

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. this man is 42 and what he did was distributing-

    but little more disgusting than all those western male tourists who go to pattaya and seek out young uneducated,poor young ladies for sexual services.

    Yes, they may be over the legal age.But lets remember this is thailand .

    Most female apx 16- 20's adult still have the mentality of an underage girl and even if not so taking advantage of their situation to me is almost just as bad as what this man has done.

    The people really blame are the goverment whose total failure to provide a correct alternative means of survival.

    When I see man of 60 walking around happily with 18 year old girl I cannot help feeling he is just as guilty as this man.

    This guy was fiddling clearly underage boys and in your book it`s only a little bit more disturbing than an foreigner seeking the sexual services of an person of legal age ???? Can`t belive what I just read.

    FYI information the 16-20 year old catering to farangs here are VERY few and far between.............Most of them you find in karaoke bars,massage shops and places for the Thai clientelle.

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