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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. Walking Street only appeals to Sex Tourist, always has & always will.coffee1.gif

    WS is an tourist attraction nowadays (unfortunately) and because of that the majority of the crowd nowadays is NOT sex tourists........ Unfortunately :(
  2. The way they dispose of their garbage here in Thailand is shocking,after 20 years here I would think I`ll be immune to the garbage everywhere,but I still get angry when I see how the Thai`s are choking their own country with various garbage.

    A very important person(that can`t be discussed here) have through the years told his countrymen to take care of their enviroment........................Must be very dissapointing to see what little impact his preachings has had sad.png ........

  3. 4 long overstays. 3 times over 300 days each time and 1 time about 200 days.

    Deported 2 times, but "volontary deported", never been looked up, only 1 day at IDC each time

    Lost passport every time

    Blacklisting aside what I find amazing is the number of lost passports and the apparent ease it appears the OP has obtained new passports.

    In some countries lose one passport and its accepted as OK. Lose a 2nd passport within say 10 years, lots of questions will be asked and there could be restrictions on validity of the new passport.

    4 lost passports? Hmmm

    This is unfortunately enough not uncommon nowadays.Im Norwegian and in my country there are thousands who loses their passport every year for the second ,third or even fourth time.

    There has been talk about restricting the issuing of new passports to those who travels with their head up their arse and who doesn`t understand what a valuable and important document a passport is.......Let`s hope they implement it !!

    • Like 1
  4. they will just stagger over to a 7-11 to get more. if their lucky they might get hit by a heavy moving object to put them out of their misery or before they kill some innocent soul with their car or motorbike.

    Denying customers another beer when they're already stoned drunk out of their heads might be a good idea, but not so easy to practice.

    Apart from making less money, drunken customers tend to get mad when they're refused anther drink, and this might hurt other customers.

    Any experienced Barkeeper in this Forum?

    You need to lighten up a bit me thinks :rolleyes:

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  5. All this morning there has been a haze covering the city and it smells like burned industrial waste.In my 2 years here I never seen that much haze From my condo in Soi 15/Second Road the VT 6 and the new tower near Soi 6 was barely visible a few hours ago.Something unusal going on or is it just the wind direction bringing the haze from the industries to the North ?

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  6. Seriously, it is getting ridiculous. I know we're all focusing on this because of the Koh Tao case but does it seem to be happening more and more often? Is this the sign of the tourism money running low so more and more people are finding it hard to make ends meet? Is there an increase in anger towards foreigners or is it just our perception and the increased media awareness?

    Whatever it is this is not going to help TAT's case.

    There is no increase in anger towards foreigners. It has always been at this level.cheesy.gif

    Correct and like another poster said before social media brings these cases quicker to our attention.

    And the TAT doesn't need to be worried over incidents like this. Contrary to popular beliefs they are not gonna make Headline news in the West and the visitors will still pour in.

  7. Its a natural reaction. Every-time I walk on the beach I often pick up a stick to defend myself against the locals who I presume are there to beat me ………. what a load of cock - how these people concoct such stories is beyond me. Little bastard will be out on bail soon I expect.

    Not likely, he would still have a problem regarding the drugs in his possession ;)

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