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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. The issue is not if people are "cheap charlies" or not if they pay 10 baht instead of 20.But when when you many times every day,365 days a year are overcharged even with a small amount of money people will not accept it.Added up it will be quite a big sum of money in a year.....................................It`s refered to as "being nickled and dimed to death" wink.png !!

    • Like 2
  2. stand your ground next time an show some strength not weakness..

    It is easy to say that, but when you are in OP position and the possibility is real tgat he could get refuswd entry amd have to fork out for a quick return flight home the situation and thought process is different. Immediate thouts are that ur holiday is screwed and you have already spent money on fligths and other bookings such as hotels.

    So it is easy to sat Stand Your Ground but in the Land of Scams sometimes you gotta pick your battles

    Good post.I do wonder what will happen if you "stand your ground and not give in to extortion" like many of the TV members here says? Are you guaranteed that you will see a superior immigration officer that would listen to your complains and then let you in ?

    If I`m in that position I would do whatever to get in the country.......

  3. Only went to Pattaya once with a group of friends, never again thank goodness. Anyone going there is asking for trouble in one way or another, it's not just the ladyboys, there's also thousands of hookers hanging out at the bars and on the streets with their pimps looking to steal your gold necklaces and pickpocket.

    All the people I know who is regular visitors to Pattaya never had any problems.And there is much more to this city than "thousands of hookers" coffee1.gif ...................

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  4. Over The Horizon radar, by both the ruskies and the yanks - surely one of them saw something?

    If the Flight ventured too close to DG; either:

    they were being led there, or

    they were downed because they were not.

    Hopefully, if someone independent finds wreckage, some serious Serial number hunting will be undertaken.

    (like the Titanic vs. Olympic swap)

    "Over The Horizon radar, by both the ruskies and the yanks - surely one of them saw something?"

    Soooo - you think these OTH radars (or any radars, for that matter), are pointing in all directions all over the world all the time ?? I can just imagine some terminally bored watchstander staring at a radar screen for hours waiting for things to happen in the middle of the south Indian Ocean... What would you have to be guilty of to be assigned to that?!

    AND you think DG shoots down anyone who "gets too close"??? 'Hope they don't make a mistake and shoot down a gooney bird. That'd get the animal rights groups all stirred up and THEN DG would have REAL problems on its hands! And THAT''d be a scandal Obama probably WOULD have to resign over.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Please, you're killin' me here! 555555555555555555555555 You write for Letterman or Colbert or one of those guys, right?

    Yeah, there's gonna' be some serious hunting alright, but I think it's gonna' be guys in white suits....

    thumbsup.gif .I think people have been watching to many Hollywood movies.The world aren`t covered by radars and even if they where a radar doesn`t pick up everything that flies(One of the reasons airplanes have transponders).Many factors contribute to the effectiveness of a radar.

    Same as with a Stealth airplane or ship.....The press and Hollywood refers to them as "invisible".............they are not,just difficult to spot on radar.

  5. Malaysia Singapore China Iran, death sentence to all drug traffickers, Thailand should follow

    and the epidemic will cut in half within one year....

    China & Iran are two of the largest producers and exporters of meth and increasing. Doesn't look as though the death penalty is making any difference

    Exactly. Drug use in Iran is on a all time high despite the death penalty..... Not a solution.

  6. Well if it isn't against the law it should be but for the reason of taking such a beautiful animal from it's natural habitat to be paraded around Beach Road, bars and the like. Disgraceful. I am sickened by the the people that do this with snakes, cuddly marsupials and the like. Where's PETA when you need them? As one poster remarked, Who's he hurting? Well, he's hurting the wonderful bird that's who.

    That's my rant. Good-day!

    pretty sure the bird still has wings and isnt chained up, can fly back to its natural habitat when ever it wants

    Yeah, but I bet it won't make the journey all away to South America.

  7. "He claimed to be walking along the beach when the suspect approached and embraced Mr. Jin which distracted him enough to allow the suspect to snatch a gold necklace from Mr. Jin and flee the scene."

    That is the only reason these thieves are standing on beach road, walking street and elsewhere. As the saying goes, not all thieves are ladyboys, but all ladyboys are thieves.

    Silly generalisation !!!

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