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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. Glad it happened, but can't ever remember hearing of a Thai getting life sentences.

    I can. A policeman who killed a Canadian tourist in Chang Mai was let off. But then he killed his pregnant Thai wife and was then sentenced to life.

    Should have been death

    Not for me to judge. He was tried, convicted and sentenced by a judge. I was incensed that he was let off for killing an unarmed young Canadian tourist, but to be released and then beat his wife and unborn child was even too much for the judge who sentenced him. A death sentence doesn't seem to be issued or carried out any longer in Thailand. Last was December 2002.


    The last known executions took place in Thailand on August 24, 2009


  2. This is all to common, and deters people from visiting Thailand,

    It isn`t common at all and even if it was,it will never deter tourist from coming here.For 99% of tourists Thailand is still the Land Of Smiles and the same 99% never reads news from Thailand................or participate on expat forums like TV coffee1.gif .......................

  3. I saw the facebook posting and and it made me sad to be a human being.

    If you own a business here, especially a higher end business, everyone will agree that Russian tourism has been a godsend.

    The "Russians are rude, arrogant, etc" comments are from people who run low-end accommodations, restaurants, and shops, or the tourists who frequent them. (Click their profile and see where they work) What do you expect? Especially with the language barrier.

    People hate on the Russians (especially the barstool sexpat singlet crowd) because :

    1.the Russians generally have a normal family, more money than them, and keep to themselves. Nobody likes people who talk to much.

    2. The haters hang around low end places and as such run into "rude Russians at 7/11" (what do you expect)

    3. The Russians don't need to pay for sex and the Russian ladies are fantastic.

    So, to the Russians coming here, please ignore the comments of the ignorant.

    You still believe in the barstool myth that the Russians here has more money than the Westerners??

    The rich Russians around here you will hardly ever meet and most of them will travel to other destinations around the world.

    And those well off Russians are more modest and polite, compared to most of their country men that travels to Pattaya and Phuket.

    • Like 1
  4. 1.Bkk Pattaya,been there once and very happy with the experience.My 8 days there was covered through insurance and my insurance company said I should use only Bkk Pattaya

    (years ago I`ve been twice to Bkk Phuket.....same terms and same positive experience) thumbsup.gif

    What insurance u got?

    An insurance company in my home country(Norway). Covered for 10 million in medical expenses and also medical flight back home in severe cases . A good deal for 3.500 Baht yearly premium.

  5. raro writes:

    "Those who keep bashing a profession that is harder to learn than regular MD (Dr Leoni in Bangkok has a comparison chart in his office) have apparently no clue what they are talking about."

    -It is not a real profession but just another branch of quackery. And it is shameful that you as a so called Global Moderator are using that position to peddle what most medical people (apart from a few cranks) know is fakery.

    You are a moderator NOT an advocate;

    Using your position to advocate con artists : now that really is unprofessional.

    Stupid remarks. In my country chiropractors is finally recognised as health professionals.

    Me and several others that I know has been helped a lot through regular sessions with chiropractors when regular doctors could only prescribe strong painkillers.

  6. 1.Bkk Pattaya,been there once and very happy with the experience.My 8 days there was covered through insurance and my insurance company said I should use only Bkk Pattaya

    (years ago I`ve been twice to Bkk Phuket.....same terms and same positive experience) thumbsup.gif

  7. They are there every night. Sometimes they head out for some special operation and then there is a reduced team there, I believe. The last few months there has been a huge police presence. Looks like regular police, tourist police, city police and that special unit "thapraya 911".

    I have heard comments from many friends who visited, why there was such a huge presence in Walking Street. I guess they must have many problems there. Better too many, then none. MS>

    "special operation",eeh ???


    • Like 1
  8. Come the high season, it will be interesting to see, or not see, who cleans up the garbage from the beaches. Tourists will have to bring all their own food and drink, and some will inevitably fail to clean up after themselves. I haven't seen one trash bin on Nai Harn beach.

    The sea will of course clean away all the garbage........................thai style thumbsup.gif !!

    • Like 2
  9. Thais are obviously very hesitant to put a dog down so the only solution then is sterilization and it works.In Phuket there where hoards of dogs on the beach years ago and the Soi Dog Foundation among others started a sterilization project that dramatically reduced the numbers.

    Thais obviously has a great fascination for dogs,since every family "owns" at least one,but what I don`t understand is that loads of farangs also seems to be caught up in the fascination of getting a dog as soon as they move here....which then in many cases are left in the neighbourhood as a nuisance once the owner goes home or can`t cope with it.

  10. That's standard procedure for most airlines when checking in for a flight to Thailand.


    If, for some reason, they fail to check if you have a valid visa (or a return ticket if you plan to using a visa exemption stamp) and you get denied entry into the country, they are responsible to transporting you back to your original location.

    Must be most airlines except from Norway then.Im flying 5 times every year to Thailand and have never been asked about visa details(neither have they checked my passport).

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    I'm going to have to reply to this with a confused and puzzled question mark.

    Firstly ISiS seem to be animals and the Yazikis need help.....but so to Syrians, Palestinians and numerous other ethic groups around the globe.

    Someone tell me what make the Yazidis so "special" that the American President and the Vatican have recognised them. I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but the Yazidis seem to represent a minority religion that the US and the Vatican feel needs preservation. They live in a very ancient area so I'm asking is there any underlying reasons I don't understand here that makes them so valuable.

    America says they can't just look away, when in fact they do that regularly. I'm glad someone's helping the Yazides, but I don't know why they are the chosen people.

    When an group of people faces extinction most will think it`s needed for the world to help them.......Syrians and Palestinians doesn`t face extinction.



    This link has absolutely nothing to do with your actions on the night of your accident, despite what you would like members of this forum to believe. 



    Exactly."Reports of drink spiking in bars around Soi Bangla have been reported over the years...", but there is not any proof of it .Been coming here for 20 years and never heard of it,neither has anyone else.

  13. Good to hear you got thru ok, how long were you out of the country before you returned?
    Also a bit off topic, but coming from west Africa, just wondering whether they had you visit the clinic before passing immigration (Ebola check?),
    I'm starting up with a new employer this week so hopefully my years of rotating between LOS and W Africa have ended for the foreseeable future

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Just keep the Yellow Fewer vaccination card ready.....been asked for it twice.

  14. "Van Kirk said he had "no regrets" about the mission and defended its morality, saying it helped to end the Second World War."


    Booo bah.gif


    As much as I hated how the Japanese did the sneak attack, it was military to military. However, the bomb, is an easy way out of a problem at the cost of innocent civilian lives. Remember individuals are still individuals regardless of their nationality. It could have been any one of us, but we are not responsible for the pearl harbor attack.


    It's just like dropping a bomb in the south of Thailand because of insurgent attacks. A crime is a crime.


    The fanatical way in which the japanese military fought even on the brink of the defeat and the potential for 10`s or maybe 100 of thousands of american lives lost did make this 2 bombings neccesary.

    And don`t forget that the japanese military during WW 2 was the nastiest little bunch of war criminals of ALL the participating nations(as many others here on this thread has pointed out,too) !!

    • Like 1
  15. In Jomtien I made an offer of just over 50% of the usual monthly asking price for a 1-year contract in my condo, which was accepted and continued for a second year.

    I don't know about other parts of Thailand (and I don't care) but many asking prices in Pattaya are insanely high. You have little to lose by offering low as there are hundreds more empty condos looking for tenants.

    Insanely high is correct.I had 2 examples when I first tried to rent a condo here in 2012.After spending a looooooong time searching for something that I would be happy with,I contacted the property agent.

    In both those cases the landlords suddenly wanted 5.000 baht more pr. month when I showed my interest.Happy to say that one of this condos is still unoccupied 18 months later...........greed and stupidity !!

    Later this year I will be on a search again when my current lease is up,but I don`t hold my breath that the rental prices will come down,though.

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