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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. Agree with Ping.....Bangla is not Patong.In Patong you can find quiet hotels,bars and good and cheap resturants if you just walk away from the Beach Road area.In my last 2 visits I didn`t venture down to Bangla once and I know several Patong expats who hasn`t been in Bangla for years.Don`t pay attention to the doomsayers ,Patong can be a lovely place thumbsup.gif !!

  2. The Sky News reporter who stepped in to her own story should be ashamed of herself.

    Yes and so should every expat who remains in Thailand for they all financial support such a regime. I hear so much about disgust and indignation and yet none of you really do what is necessary ... leave and ensure your money doesn't continue to fuel their corrupt ways.

    And go where? No expats is going to leave and this story will slowly fade away and soon be forgotten..... Like it or not.

  3. He could have been made to have an accident! Well yeah I don't know that.

    Yep so you go to a bar to talk to the the ladies, remain sober,have an altercation about the price of the tea or something, then on ya way home you have an accident. Case closed. Everyone wins.

    For once the cops are saying he "may" have been drinking.

    I wonder why that is?


    Or he could just had an accident, happens every day all over the world :rolleyes:

    • Like 2
  4. There is more violent crime in Thailand in two weeks than many countries experience in several months

    Be careful you don't hurt members feelings - remember this is Thailand ....

    Members feelings are not going to get hurt.... Just amusing that some members post ridiculous claims how dangerous Phuket is every time there is a tragedy or incident.

    • Like 1
  5. Hope the Chinese government strongly protest and demands for proper action against those thugs and I hope an example is set as for punishment- given to such criminals.

    Panda why the police not releasing the footage of the video clip ? Saving a face? What if was the other way round ? Of it would be the Headline of every news room and electronic media.

    Really ?? If the Chinese goverment should take diplomatic actions every time one of their citizens abroad comes in harms way they would be very,very busy.

    Neither will this case make headline news in China,same as 99% of other cases of violence and accidents involving foreigners never makes it in the news anywhere else in the world either...................and the tourists will continue to come here to LOFS in the future.

  6. Same as Jimi, I had just the dogs going nuts outside. I went outside just in time to see 2m monitor lizard slithered into the small pond behind the house then ran across the road into the klong. They certainly are fast! I don't recall ever seeing one in the wild in Phuket before. What a magnificent creature. A living dinosaur.

    I opened the door at 3AM the other day to get some fresh air. All four of our terrified cats raced inside. I wondered what was up.

    We had a 1 meter long river monitor in the courtyard.

    I killed it.


    It's abhorrent to think someone would want to kill one of these. Shame on you. You disgust me.

    He's probably Thai :rolleyes:

    But a shame it is that someone feels the need for a kill on wildlife.

  7. Thailand is going to lose its tourism industry unless it sorts out such situations and make Thailand, not just Pattaya a safe place for tourists.

    It needs to take action quickly as well if the redirection of tourists to other countries doesnt reduce the tourism levels to a trickle

    Incidents like this are also happening everywhere in the world and will not have ANY impact to the Thai tourism industry at all.

  8. 1.Bkk Pattaya,been there once and very happy with the experience.My 8 days there was covered through insurance and my insurance company said I should use only Bkk Pattaya

    (years ago I`ve been twice to Bkk Phuket.....same terms and same positive experience) thumbsup.gif

    What insurance u got?
    An insurance company in my home country(Norway). Covered for 10 million in medical expenses and also medical flight back home in severe cases . A good deal for 3.500 Baht yearly premium.
    But thats short time travel insurance nit good for long stays

    I`ve previously had longer stays on the same insurance.It then gets more expensive (3.000 baht) pr.month and the same coverage still applies,which is a small price to pay.What shocks me most is the big amount of longstayers down here who has a cheap insurance who in most cases implies that you fork out the money to the hospital and later gets reinbursed.The good hospitals here aren`t cheap and most people here doesn`t have hundreds of thousands of baht in tthe bank.

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