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Posts posted by Yahooka


    Here's another one from a Phuket based oil and gas guy on Facebook... Slight twist..

    He's already here on a 30 day.. His work has been put back.. He went to immigration and asked for advice..

    They say he can't border run by land or air as he has loads of stamps and that will be an out in.. He can't go get a tourist visa as that will be back to back according to Phuket immigration.. So now he's going to be separated from his family and go wait in Laos until his work rotation sorts itself out.

    Yes his current stay going beyond 30 days is a special case, but that happens with oil and gas.. But when it does, what's the options then ??


    This would indeed be an "out/in"  and from what I can tell, that is what the crackdown is all about. I wouldn't do any of it and wait in Laos or where-ever, just to avoid more problems on his next arrival.


    Unfortunately that seems to be correct and it seems there will be problems going to neighbouring countries for a few days and then return with the visa excempt.A friend of mine on a 14/28 rotation experienced just that in Phuket in june.Been flying from Europe on visa excempts for 7 years without problems he decided to visit Malaysia for a few days with his GF.On return to Phuket he was almost refused entry,his GF got questioned for almost 1 hour.

    Finally he was allowed entry,but with an "I-O" in his passport and tould to get a proper visa when he returned next time !!

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  2. If you live near a busy road you will have a lot of dust and it doesn`t matter much how high up on the floors you are.I live on the 8 floor in Soi 15 near Second Rd and the amount of dust that has accumulated over the month I stay away is mindboggling,especially on the balcony.


    It's going to be the second wave of Chinese immigrants since the 1800s. Many will settle and marry the locals. This is interesting.


    What is interesting is how such a xenophobic nation allow another nationality to come and totally dominate (financially I mean) their society.  



    I guess the xenophobia started when the other nationality who was naively let in was firmly in control of everything here..........They even hate the Thai`s .

  4. I`ve read the thread the OP is refering to and I`m afraid he`s not the last one who will encounter this problem in the future.However : Why on earth would anyone purchase property or valuables in a country that in most cases will not issue you a proper visa for your stay or change the criteria for the visa due to political circumstances ?

    Please, now you're just being logical...

    Please stop trying to argue that visa rules changed because of the junta.

    These are just strict implementations -like in all sectors of Thailand daily life- of already existing laws.

    I might be one of the first member from this forum who have been denied entrance for having too many back to back stamps

    That was in April and the previous government was still in charge.

    I never complained about that...

    Opposite that opened my eyes and made me realize that -when putting my redtape laziness on the side- there are much better and stable ways to stay peace of mind in the land of smiles.

    Not just Methinks: facts!!

    Most of us knows that the proposed tightening of regulations came BEFORE the coup.However the military has made sure it`s now being implemented at a breakneck speed.....to fast for the Immigrations officers who in usual thai style has different interpretations of it .

  5. I would wager that embassy and consulates are processing higher a than average number of lost passport requests in light of the visa crackdown... A clean passport gives you a clean start at the borders...

    Not true at all. When they scan a passport, the history comes up. In fact a blank passport book is probably going to be under even further scrutiny.

    Thai scan system is not very good.

    Databases are not well connected. Someone spoke to office about it here already...

    There is a chance with new passport.

    Reading many of you guys looking to find a trick, a gap, to stay here, in a dishonest and illegal way, makes me nauseous, and wish the visa rules will be made far more stringent in the future, and of strict application. Go get a life, somewhere else, you sad bunch!

    I hope you`re the first to follow your own advice and that the "future strictening of visa rules" will apply for you too.You seems to be very bitter and twisted,and in your posts you don`t seem to be interested at all giving people some advice,except "Go Home !!" coffee1.gif

  6. I would wager that embassy and consulates are processing higher a than average number of lost passport requests in light of the visa crackdown... A clean passport gives you a clean start at the borders...

    No,a new passport will NOT give you a clean start at the borders Thai immigration entered the digital world a decade ago.

    You are right, AND wrong.

    According to my country`s embassy today, I approached them with that "what if"-question.

    They answered that they recently have had many examples that getting new passports are giving them clean sheets.

    In their opinion, they do NOT have a working and good system in their data bases, so getting a new passport should be sufficient.

    According to them.

    They also said that they are not even fully coordinated with each other, the immigration offices, so the system is definitely not good enough and up to 2014 date.

    The manually looking at one and each passport, is still the most important "tool" they have.

    That`s right.Not all the immigration checkpoints are up to date and not all entries to Thailand are being punched in to the system at some border points.

    • Like 1
  7. For those of us that work offshore, whether we have Thai families or not, I really hope common sense prevails here and we are not classed as a visa "hopper" or working here in Thailand.

    Surely if we have contracts, visas for working outside of Thailand for 4 - 6 weeks at a time and a return ticket to go back to our country of work we should be granted entry on tourist visa for 28 days?????

    For those who are commenting of where we stay hotel or our own house, this should not even matter. We are all contributing to the economy one way or another.

    According to some of the most knowledgeable on TV, offshore workers will most likely not be affected by this.Just be careful not to visit the border countries around Thailand for a few days and then return on a visa excempt.....a friend of mine almost got denied entry doing this last month.

  8. Now we will here from all the cry babies who been living in Thailand with these tourist visa. Either get a proper visa or go home.

    Any advice for someone under 50 that isn't married with no Thai children, that working outside of Thailand on a 6 week on 6 week off rotation, that wishes to spend his time off in Thailand??? Any suggestions???

    Alternate with another country,

    Thailand, Philippine, Nepal all have a great climate.

    What's so special about Thailand?

    I really don't understand the desperation foreigners have to stay in Thailand, it ain't that great a place.

    There are dozens of countries that offer the same or more, for a similar price.

    Can you tell me which other tropical countries that offers "the same or more" for a similar price ?? The reason many likes to stay in Thailand is the location,prices,easy to get to neighbouring countries,an aboundance of western household items and a relatively chrime free and safe enviroment.

    Nepal ?? A dirt poor country..........give me any West African country any time instead..........including Nigeria.

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  9. Wonder what will happen to all those foreigners that are married, have children, but don't have enough money to get a Non-Imm visa based on marriage.

    Will Immigration start splitting up families?

    I hope so.

    These guys should have thought about the correct visa before getting married and having kids.

    A little forward planning/saving may have helped them here.

    You hope that families are split up??

    You are a dreadful person.

    What about the kids losing their father.... their fault as well eh????

    Your bitterness is unique and I m glad I don't think I have had to suffer meeting someone with your thought process.

    Maybe one day we will see you back on here whining because your own category is being rinsed by the xenophobic Thai immigration.

    My personal opinion is live and let live, these people are seldom terrible people whom probably do no harm to anyone, and you wish them a downfall??

    More like Thailand needs rid of people like YOU!!!!

    Cry me a river.

    It's simple. Stop breaking the law and get a proper visa and then these people can live with their wife and kids.

    If they don't get the correct visa, no mercy.

    How is border running breaking the law ? It`s in many cases circumnventing the immigration laws........If they where breaking the law people would be in jail.

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  10. i stop being suprised here years ago....whistling.gif ..buy a legal visa from a THAI consul (WHO HAVE THE POWER TO REFUSE) and then be refused entry at teh border...idiotic to say the least

    It's again worth remembering that possession of a visa doesn't guarantee the holder admission to a country, it's the Immigration Officer at the Border that has the final say, this applies to most countries in the World, including the likes of the UK, the Schengen Area and the United States of America.

    I just wish the USA enforced their immigration laws like the Thais do.

    The difference is, The USA needs migrant workers, much like thailand needs burmese. Thailand does not need budget farang pretending to be here as tourists and in most cases working illegally.

    I know plenty of farangs living here for long periods of the year........except for a handfull of business owners none of them is working.Would be interesting to see if there is some "hidden" statistics somewhere on this since every second poster here mentions that farangs staying here and using border runs or multiple tourist is working illegally in most cases.

  11. ^They pay blind lip service to their country. Then go chuck shit over the nearest wall; (that is usually the limit of their consciousness). The littering and fly-tipping around these parts is getting out of hand into a serious problem now. A few Thai television public awareness ads wouldn't go amiss, imo.

    I don`t think any televisions adverts will do any difference at all,unfortunately.For many decades now a certain person which we cannot discuss here,have been telling Thai`s to take great care of their enviroment and sorroundings.......hasn`t helped much at all.The way thai`s behave regarding garbage and pollution angries me...........and it`s all because of stupidity and laziness,nothing else !!

  12. My passports full Toady, going to the UK isn't an option

    you have a British passport and you say because it's "full" you cant return to the UK ?Duhhhhh? So you say Thai immigration wont find a space on a page to let you exit?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    It is FULL.

    There is no space. Duhhh!

    Have you confirmed with immigration that you will not get a stamp on exit? My passport was also full on my last trip,but there was no mention of it either at exit or arrival.

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