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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Coming from a cold and snowy region I remember we used to leave our vehicles always running in the Winter time as we sprinted into the convenience store for a coffee, soda, smokes, or whatever. Many would leave their vehicle running as they refueled as well as running inside to pay the cashier. Well needless to say that all started coming to an end when many unattended running vehicles started to get stolen. Matter of fact they introduced an ordinance that could fine a person if a vehicle was left running unattended, even for a few minutes. Of course there was no violation if there was a remote starter system installed or other security measures were taken.
  2. I ask them politely not to place that damn placard on my car's hood as I would like to keep my 1.2m THB auto scratch free for as long as possible. I worked as a 'pump jockey' back the days when there was no 'self-service' and before unleaded gasoline was introduced. There were as many as 12 gasoline pumps which were always very busy (interstate location), but the location was outside with open air so the fumes weren't all so bad. I am sure my numerous bong hits throughout the years did more lung damage than working for a few years at a gas station. I realize that diesel fuel isn't ignited easily like gasoline but having worked at a couple Truck Stops I saw truckers leaving their trucks always running. Talk about exhaust fumes.....
  3. I think there's a bigger chance of having a fire when your EV is in an accident. Potential??? What's the odds? How many vehicles ae refueled every day and how many fires occur? There's a greater potential you'll be walking down a sidewalk in Thailand and a scooter going in the wrong direction at night time with no lights on, carrying a family of 4 with no helmets being worn, the driver smoking a cigarette while his wife is talking on the phone and has a 3 month old child in her arms hits you.
  4. "I mentioned that to the person working the pumps.........." That was your first mistake.
  5. I was at a restaurant a few months ago and there was a Thai customer who was in her early 30s eating with her family (appeared o be parents and children) She was wearing what I will call very tight and revealing yoga pants. I found it difficult not to stare because I swear she was smuggling a yo-yo in those pants!
  6. I used to live in Chiang Mai where my house was pretty much in the airport's flight areas. I heard planes quite a lot but that doesn't mean they were full of passengers..... or even carrying freight Not so sure how accurate this is: "Only two percent or less of Thailand's freight is transported by rail, despite rail being roughly half the cost of road transport and cleaner environmentally." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rail_transport_in_Thailand
  7. I don't disagree with you, but what percentage is moved from the ports around BKK to the North and Northeast regions using the railroad system? I bet it's not too much.
  8. May I ask, were you wearing a helmet or just the typical, sandals, t-shirt, and shorts?
  9. Not sure recently but past years it seems to always arrive later than scheduled. But what would one expect with a train system that is so old it it barely runs? If Thailand would build a proper train system and perhaps use it to move freight the highways wouldn't be so crowded with slow moving trucks that do nothing but destroy the roads. And just maybe there would be less horrific road accidents causing deaths too.
  10. I have had acid reflux for many years and it occasionally seems to flare up. Needless to say about a year ago when I was getting it more often than normal and started getting pains in my chest I wrote it off as being GERD and tried watching what and when I ate. To shorten my story, I was rushed off to the hospital one afternoon when the pain became unbearable. I was admitted and 2 days later had a stent placed in my right pulmonary artery. I suggest going to the doctor and get checked rather than trying to diagnosis it yourself or seek answers from an Internet forum.
  11. The same folks who say a small screen has the same viewing area as my 55" LED TV..... ????
  12. You have a link for this plan as I don't see it anywhere.
  13. Not sure what happens now as I have an AIS recurring monthly account. But I used to get a 10 THB usage warning and then a 49 THB usage warning when I left the 'data' setting of my phone on. It used to be 49 THB was the max daily charge. Before getting the monthly recurring account I always turned my phone's data setting 'off' because I was around free WiFi service areas. I decided to sign up for the monthly recurring account when I was doing a lot of traveling in remote areas. Funny my recurring account name is MaoMao 239Baht 2 GB but the monthly charge is 255.73 Baht.
  14. An app called 'play store'....... Hmmmmm, sounds good, I'll download it. Thanks for providing a sound application that you have had good experience with.
  15. I'm hoping to find a good app as mentioned in the title. Looking for one that's totally free with no ads, doesn't need access to all my personal information, and doesn't take up a lot of memory where it runs slow or bogs down phone operation. Anyone have any recommendations? Listing pros and cons would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
  16. I stayed at the Sofitel in Ladprao a few decades ago when going to BKK for business. They had pigeon served at their dinner buffet. I tried it a few times and it was no different than eating dove. Dove hunting in the Midwest was very popular when I was a youngster. If I recall I think 30 a day was the limit. Understandably as one is just a few bites. My father used to raise and race pigeons. There was prize money involved but in actuality it was nothing more than a reason to sit and drink beer with friends.
  17. Racist? Too <deleted> funny! Why do you say that? I said 'most', not all..... And my decades of living here, traveling here. as well as direct observation with my wife's family backs up my statement. You ever look on the ground around your surroundings? What do you usually see? TRASH!!!!
  18. Seems that many have: "In just two months 15 foreign travellers have been arrested in Bali over marijuana they bought legally in Thailand, officials say." In the USA how many folks are found trying to board airplanes with guns or ammunition?
  19. Not even close.... I lived in China for 2 years and have stayed in HK so much it was like a second home. There's a huge difference between China and HK. At least it was back then as my travels to both places were over 8 years ago.
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