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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. I recall as a youngster back in the 60s my brother (3 yrs younger) and I was at the local grocery store with mom one day when we found out that touching two different refrigerated meat cases would provide a shock. Mind you the shock was not a lot but noticeable and was more than desired. We used to play a game of dare and see who could hold on the longest. NOTE: The two meat cases were not really close to each other as we had to actually stretch out to reach both at the same time. Some experience that was passed down to me when I first started working on tube type TVs and is fitting for anytime one works around dangerous voltages/currents. Only work with one hand and place the other hand behind your back looped in your belt. This is so that if you are shocked the current will not run from one hand through your chest (heart) area and out your other hand.
  2. It appears human waste and hazardous chemicals help limes grow to large sizes.
  3. I still have a scar on my forehead where I had the high voltage of a TV's focus anode (~5kV) arch over and zap me while I was working on it. NOTE: That occurred back in the 70s while working on tube type TVs. Mild stuff compared to what I worked on later in my career.
  4. Looks like they just used an old Super Glue bottle.... ????
  5. .....or you could send out free samples to all your AN buddies <wink wink> and have them report back the quality
  6. I remember the last time there was so much interest in a balloon...... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_boy_hoax
  7. When I took the required driver's training course (back in the early 70s) my instructor had a small traffic light with a suction cup attached to the rear window. The instructor had a wired remote he held down to his side out of view and would change the light color of that small traffic light at various times. As a learning student you had to tell him when the light changed colors. If you were slow informing him then your score could be affected. That there taught me at a young age to use the rearview mirror.
  8. Does it matter? Most Thais don't use their mirrors except for checking themselves out. Matter of fact, my experience tells me that most Thais don't look past the front of their noses when driving.
  9. No more than 30 minutes ago I witnessed a Thai (guessing in his upper 20s) coming out of a local noodle shop, whip out his vape pen, and started puffing away with little to no concern. Vaping in public is as much of a concern as driving a scooter down the road in the wrong direction. Which I thought was a point violation with this newer point system setup for driving?
  10. Driver did not lose control..... Typical Thai driver too lazy to stay in their own lane when turning or going around a curve in the road. Happens all the time, they cannot stay in their own lane.
  11. My longtime friend has since gotten married, settled down, and given up all his extreme adventures. The most extreme activity he does these days is where I met him 35 yrs ago, thrashing on a foosball table at the World Championship in Dallas.
  12. You do realize that folks die every year from bee sting, don't you?
  13. My friend is an extreme kayaker with Red Bull and he told me the first thing he and his close kayaking friends learned to do was to stitch up themselves.
  14. So in the USA when a university charges less tuition for a state resident than those from another state it's considered racism.... LOL
  15. Anyone ever hear of a person high on marijuana doing something like this? ......and some say marijuana is bad.
  16. Try looking at some of those 'Black Friday sales' videos.... and in the USA, if the fighting doesn't get to you then we'll grab the guns.... ????
  17. Like I always say, no applause, just send money! Now I can say, no badges, just send money!
  18. That was probably just a warm up for the beatdown the hooligans were giving out after the game.
  19. I was talking about entertainment, not how many minutes of actual play there is. duhhhhhh You do know that the biggest entertainment part of the Super Bowl game is the halftime show, don't you? Then probably followed by all the crazy TV commercials.
  20. Not necessarily, I have two jars currently chilling in my fridge.
  21. It appears that you obviously don't know the game so well.... IMO 3-4 hrs of good entertainment is much better than 90 minutes of crying for a yellow card with the game ending 0-0........
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