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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. I can totally understand why there's a price difference between citizens and non-residing foreigners for the entering a national park and other national monuments/sites. But having different prices for restaurants and hotels should be against the law.
  2. So happy I could make you day..... (...and yet you still provided no answer - 'Why not?')
  3. I have an answer and didn't provide it as I'm assuming you're just a typical 'cheap Charlie' and have no idea that tipping can boost your experience of services provided. Here's a 'tip' for you: 7-11 is not the only location that sells Leo beer.
  4. I am also willing to bet that she didn't provide a single baht in the form of a tip.
  5. Now if they would only retire the girly game of football in the USA called soccer. ????
  6. You are correct, my mistake. ignore my post please
  7. 100% right.... I lived in China for a little over 2 years and traveled there for business on numerous occasions over a 10 year period. My most fondest memory was during a trip from Thailand to China I was at the Hong Kong airport queuing to catch a ferry to mainland China. Crazy me, it was just after the end of the Chinese New Year and things were jam packed more than I ever experienced it before. At the ferry terminal the Chinese folks were practically trying to duplicate The Who stampede disaster of 1979. All of a sudden a Chinese woman in her mid 30s or so started yelling at the top of her lungs. It definitely got everyone's attention and things quickly quieted and settled down. Since my Mandarin was not so great I asked one of those near me that spoke English what did the woman say. Needless to say, she basically yelled to the folks that if people didn't stop pushing her and her children someone would soon be feeling her wrath.
  8. Queuing and Chinese = oxymoron....
  9. "The simplest method is simply to hammer a nail through the drive, which will shatter the disk."
  10. Tree trimming in Chiang Mai isn't too much different other than they don't use ladders and they appear smart enough to attach a rope to the tree they are downing so it can be pulled away from doing any property damage.
  11. For the life of me I can't remember who my wife is. Am I even married? Hmmmmm.......
  12. If not mistaken, you can do whatever you want with the money in your account because it's YOUR account. The only requirements are: 800k must be in the bank 2 months before applying for the retirement extension. The bank balance cannot go below 800k until 3 months after receiving the retirement extension. The bank account can never go below 400k ever.
  13. I agree, destroy it physically yourself to ensure data doesn't get in the wrong hands. I have successfully destroyed numerous HDDs using the 'ye ole hammer' method. Reminds me of two stories: One where the Chinese were buying up old copying machines by the boatload. Seems that many of those copiers had some amount of memory which stored the document information that was scanned for copying. Little did anyone think about removing the data stored before selling them. Then there's the story where one of the early bitcoin investors had forgotten he put his 'wallet' information on a HDD he replaced in his PC and sent that HDD to the dump. If memory serves me correct bitcoin was worth very little (around 1 USD) when he originally setup his wallet on that HDD but after he tossed it in the trash bitcoin started to ascend into hundreds/thousands of dollars. I think it tossed out a few million dollars and tried searching the landfill to no avail.
  14. Reminds me of my Subaru 4x4 wagon that I had years ago. It was great on gas, big enough for me to lay down in the back with the back seat down, and with 4x4 it could go nearly anywhere. I used it for many years traveling throughout the beautiful Rocky Mountains and doing some high country camping/fishing.
  15. Is that something that occurs in your home country? I know where I'm from there would be no news (in most occasions) about someone dying days later from an auto accident.
  16. You should do that regardless of your current issue.... It's called generating a back-up. I find it humorous (and sad) when I hear that someone lost all their personal data due to their hard drive crashing and they had no back-up. I use Syncbak and generate two back-ups, one to an external HDD, and another (off site) to my NAS.
  17. As often as they run new lines for Internet there would be digging everywhere all the time. FYI, the poles are not the problem. The problem is stupid driving or lack of driving skills.
  18. Impressive bong but how does one go about cleaning it? Soak it in a bucket of alcohol or perhaps boil it in a large pan? This is why I don't care for those fancy glass blown bongs. I'll take just moderate sized (10-14 inch) straight tube bong. Using a bottle brush and some alcohol, followed by a hot water and mild soap rinsing it's easy to keep clean. I also agree with the other poster, use ice cubes to help cool and filter the smoke. Listerine... hmmmmm
  19. Folks are still buying and using HP products? I gave up on HP years ago..... HP laptop ran hot and slow. HP digital camera lasted just a little over 1 year and then the sensor died. Bought an HP printer in China and when I moved it to Thailand I could not find a replacement ink cartridge for it that would work. HP had encoded a 'regional' function to them. I could buy the exact looking cartridge here in Thailand for it but it would not work. I'll never buy an HP product again even though I did work for HP many years ago.
  20. Nan has a lot to offer and is sort of a hidden gem (in my opinion). For the most parts most of the mountainous roads are in good condition but be careful of other drivers. Thais are known to pass on blind curves and cut across the line when making turns or going around a curve. There are tons of coffee cafes throughout the mountains where one can stop, enjoy a drink, and take in the fabulous scenery. Take a trip to Bo Kluea, visit the salt wells, and travel the infamous '3' highway going there. Or perhaps venture to Pua and visit The Mushroom Farm to have a great pizza lunch. Personally I enjoy the Nan area much more than Chiang Mai.
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