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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. When I think of voicemail I think of phonemail which reminds me of ROLM.... The greatest company to work for!
  2. I would love to see Trump be the president again. Much better than that puppet Biden who is just slightly below that peanut farmer puppet Carter.
  3. Excellent! ...and congrats I am not quite understanding, did she get approval, or just scheduled for a phone call? I have my call 1 week from today. Looking forward to getting this all done. I agree, terrible service.
  4. Pointless....pffft..... I could care less if they send you off for a statement. (This is the Internet, how is one to know you would be truthful?) I would like to ask though out of curiosity, what IO have you been using for the past 17 years?
  5. Yeah, I never understood how those temples were able to successfully grow those money trees. Maybe I need a few more amulets strapped around my neck and car mirror... ????
  6. UNCLE!!!! (Good Luck!)
  7. Updating your bank book showing the current balance for THAT day does not show them that your account never dropped below 400k throughout the year, does it?
  8. What happens if one doesn't routinely update their bank book? Thus the 12 month statement requirement!
  9. That's why they require a 12 month statement. It's been posted before, two items are needed: - 12 month statement (which takes BKB days to provide) - Letter stating you have an account with them (which they can provide in a matter of minutes, depending on the queue that day you make the request)
  10. Yeah, I have the same problem. It seems that those money tree seeds I planted years ago don't want to sprout. Any ideas why?
  11. Please re-read my original post (slowly) as well as the one you replied to. Here, I'll quote it again for you, "..........unless some IOs are different than others" I included that statement because it amazes me how some allows Immigration to walk all over them. Like I said, if an IO states something different then show them facts (the laws and rules). 13 years 3 different IO and never anything different than what the rules state. I guess I am lucky!
  12. Pretty much what I said, wasn't it? (..........unless some IOs are different than others) I've been doing the Retirement extension for 13 years now and have done so at 3 different IOs, having various officers and every time it's been the same. If any officer gives me a problem or states something different I would just show them multiple places where it's stated:
  13. Why not take a Grab to the bus station and not have to worry about parking? ....or do you live far outside of CM?
  14. Not sure how to save crops however during that last storm in Chiang Mai that produced high winds and hail it was reported that there was a few million THB lost due to Tilapia fish being killed in the Ping River. The report said that the loss occurred because all the rain and hail caused sewage to be knocked loose from the pipes and out into the river it went starving off needed oxygen for the fish. ....and people eat fish from that polluted river....yuck!
  15. Finally, someone who knows the rule.... Not sure why some are saying 800k must be 3 months prior to applying unless some IOs are different than others.
  16. Smoking cannabis in public spaces, including schools and Shopping malls, is illegal. At least I thought that is one of the cannabis regulations.
  17. I think anyone who has been around the Internet long enough has a 'go to' email account they use to sign up for those 'not so important' websites...... I know I do.... I also use an easy to remember bogus birthdate.
  18. Yepper, reminds what I leant many years ago when I was first learning to program: 'Garbage In = Garbage Out'
  19. I asked ChatGPT a direct question last night about USA Social Security stats and all it did was refer me to the USA's SSA website..... what a lame reply.
  20. Thinking the same thing.....
  21. Until the requirement is having a special character included...... (which most are needing these days)
  22. Ahhhh, I forgot, it's a 3 day flight between Thailand and the Philippines. One wouldn't want to starve or try to find an alternative snack.
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