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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Totally agree...... I cannot count the number of times I witnessed employees leaving the restroom without washing their hands. Also witnessed numerous times where the cooks/servers would go out back, have a cigarette, and then return in the back kitchen door without washing their hands. NOTE: I have only received food poisoning once in my life (so far...knock on wood) and it was contracted by eating some chicken at a buffet..... in the USA!
  2. Here are a few pics showing what neglect of routine maintenance and these pigeons can do. Like I posted earlier, most Thais don't know how to keep anything nice and maintained.
  3. I used to pan for gold occasionally around the Cripple Creek area but was just doing so to have a nice afternoon in the sun breathing in fresh clean air. We would occasionally find an itty bitty nugget but wasn't out to make any real money. However back in the mid 80s when gold was over $300 USD an ounce a friend and I set up a small dredge on the Arkansas River. We only worked it on the weekends after our real jobs. On a good weekend we would get a baby food jar or two full of nice shinny gold flakes (with a few nuggets). All in all that would equate to an ounce or two.
  4. I'm unsure the spelling, but my Thai friends call those folks that talk loud and excessively a 'nook ian'.... When first heard them say that I asked what it means and they merely pointed at one of those Myna birds. I immediately understood the connection.
  5. We purchased a townhome about 15 years ago. It was new and they had built about 50 of them in the area. Today most of those 50 are in shambles. Thais don't know how to keep anything nice and maintained. At first it was bats invading every nook and cranny to nest in the attic areas. After bat-proofing ours the pigeons seemed to have invaded next. The pigeons will actually peck away at the structures in order to make their homes. The buildings are starting to actually fall apart. I bought a couple of life sized plastic owls and put one up on my roof as well as gave one to my good Thai neighbor who did the same. Needless to say that has seemed to keep them away from our roofs but the other townhome owners don't seem to care. We have since bought a house about 8km away so the next time I go I will take some pics to post as it's totally appalling.
  6. The creators of South Park are genius. But what would one expect from guys that live around Fairplay Colorado. Have you ever been there?
  7. Sadly the only experience you provided me was a reminder that everyone has their own opinion about anything. Thanks for sharing yours.
  8. I don't think he had the issues as it was me who said at times some torrents had issues. However, as I stated I was downloading rare and older movies. And it wasn't an issue a lot but it did occur time to time. I had been downloading torrents for many years and my current 24TB NAS system has over 10k movies and that's not counting any of my music or TV series.
  9. I understand what you are saying and I had been doing it long enough to know which sites and uploaders were legit which made no issues when downloading current/recent movies/shows. But a lot of my downloads were for rare and older movies, so at times it was a 'hit & miss' success rate. Seeding was so limited for many of my downloads that it took days and weeks sometimes.
  10. I thought the post was about Carter? Why do you constantly bash Reagan?
  11. Not always necessarily true. At least for me, but it's been several years (3 or so) since I last downloaded a torrent. While most torrents are good and have no issue I have experienced: - Movie/show not complete - Video quality may have issues - Sound/video out of sync - Torrent not correctly labeled - Foreign language but description stated English - Other
  12. Skype.... LINE...... Facebook messenger..... What more is needed?
  13. Sorry to disappoint you, I'm not confused at all. "Carter took office during a period of "stagflation," as the economy experienced a combination of high inflation and slow economic growth." .......not mentioning the passive little weakling when it comes to the Iran Hostage Crisis. Regan - A mediocre actor but not a puppet.
  14. Hard to tell exactly as there were so many strings..... Let's just say, he is a wise and generous man but didn't have what it takes to be a good president. (IMO)
  15. I have no issues switching apps using my PC/TV. I have a wireless mini keyboard and mouse. While I don't use them too often I have used wireless earbuds while watching shows on the TV. Need glasses for your TV? That tells me you have eyesight problems to begin with. I take it you are then required to wear glasses (contact lenses) while driving. I have great eyesight other than the old age issue of needing reading glasses. (Unless the font is large enough.)
  16. I considered 3D years ago but opted not to for a couple reasons: - Big bulky glasses needed and costly for extra glasses on some models - Lack of media recorded in 3D Looking back, I am happy I didn't go with 3D.
  17. Upgrade your TV..... I went from Plasma to LCD to LED and now OLED...... sizes also increased over the years.
  18. Better control? Better control of what? Decreasing your eyesight?
  19. Are you for real? Please tell me you can see you little 10" tablet clearly from 5 feet away..... LOL
  20. Yes, my TV is connected online thru my PC. I use sites that are free and don't require any android APK sw or anything else for viewing. Been streaming for years and prior to that used torrents.
  21. I totally agree. A great human and American but a puppet for president.
  22. I lived in CM since 2009 and up until a year ago. I enjoyed the city and all it had to offer. I disliked the traffic, available parking, tourist areas, and air pollution. I have found Nan to be much more my liking.
  23. How can people watch TV shows and movies on small phone screens? (SMH)
  24. Found this pic I took back about 15-20 years ago while in BKK for business. The ad was in the newspaper. I removed the doctor/location information. Notice that the THB was about 40 to the USD back then as well as all will be charged 'Thai prices'.
  25. If you didn't have a poster of Farrah Fawcett on your bedroom wall as a teen growing up then you probably had one of Raquel Welch. RIP.....
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