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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Thanks for that but I probably won't need now (see my previous post). I called the number on the Manila Embassy website as well as other places that directed me to it. That number is 632 5301-2000. Just curious, where did you obtain those numbers from? I have looked all around and only find the one I list. I did however connect with both the Manila Embassy and Ambassador on Twitter.
  2. UPDATE: I tried calling for nearly 2 hrs this morning to contact the Manila embassy and as usual, I could not get through. Yes, I got the automated message system and after the messages were done it said it would connect me with the next representative and as usual rang and rang but no answer. Lo and behold, just now checking my emails I see a reply from Manila and they replied from my second FBU inquiry I made just last week (March 21st). I guess the first original FBU inquiry made on Feb 22nd wasn't enough. Anyway, the email said that they will be calling me on April 12th and provided a time of between 9am and 2pm..... NOTE: They did say that was Manila time. So hopefully after 15 weeks this might come to completion <fingers crossed>. 15 weeks..... so I guess their 2-4 week processing time stated was close.
  3. Let me ask this: When calling in on Tues & Thurs and get the automated message does the keypad work for you when trying to make a selection? I find it does not work for me.
  4. Not everyone has a pilot's license and owns an airplane. Lopburi....... amazing no monkeys were injured.
  5. Everyone argue and disagree where a soi actually is......555 .....can't get any free entertainment better than this.
  6. My recent post wasn't toward Pib as I responded to him months ago. And seeing that he didn't reply back then, even after I posed a few questions, I'm guessing he had no issue with my reply to him. My post was geared toward connda, was it not? Don't you just luv how folks like to 'stir the pot'....... yourself included.
  7. Did you even comprehend what was written or proof-read your post before posting it? Let me quote what Pib had replied: "You must be under the misconception that a U.S. Embassy/Consulate primary mission is to service American citizens." Pretty sure it looks like it was directed at me! (Hence the word 'you'.) (Geesh, why can't some folks refrain from posting nonsense? Do the really like to 'stir' things up that much?)
  8. Thanks for pointing that out but I was already fully aware of what is posted on the BKK US Embassy website. How can t hurt to give them a call and pronounce my disappointment with trying to contact the embassy in Manila? I have friends who have worked at the consulate in CM and made contacts there while doing so. I will be reaching out to those friends this week to see if perhaps one of their contacts can provide some direction with contacting Manila. I will ask again, anyone have any recent success with contacting the SSA section in Manila? If so how did you do it? How long did it take?
  9. Thanks for the direct email address, I'll give that a try. I do have a My SS account and checking it shows the same thing since I applied online just before Christmas. It has now been 3 months since I applied and I haven't heard squat. I was hoping to start receiving benefits March 1st but that obviously didn't happen. It's a shame a person cannot get through via the phone line. I feel pretty much I'm in dire straits. I think next week I'll try calling the US Embassy in BKK to see if they can be of any assistance.
  10. I've been trying for weeks now to reach someone at the US Embassy in Manila in order to find out the status of my SS Benefit Application and haven't had any success with getting through. It's extremely difficult when only 6 hours a week are allotted and from my experience there is no 'on hold queue' when calling in. It seems to continuously ring, continuously play the recorded messages, and the keypad doesn't work when trying to make a selection the recording had provided. What has been your recent experience and what have you done to successfully contact someone about the progress of your benefit application review? If anyone can give me some ideas or what helped you that would be much appreciated. NOTES: - I have sent 2 FBU enquires thru the Manila Embassy website. I waited until 21 business days elapsed before submitting the second one. - I have called the US 800 twice and while it did take me quite awhile to connect to a human I was able to get through both times but they said they could not help me and insisted I contact the Manila Embassy. - I have tied to contact the SSA International office in Baltimore but unable to get through to them on the phone (410-965-0160)
  11. Hmmmmmm, that shouldn't be an issue with the great railroad system Thailand has setup which hauls all the freight and consumer items throughout the country.. ????
  12. Geesh, it's good to know that some people cannot even follow requests. Can an admin close this thread please?
  13. I agree.... I have posted on here a few times my opinion, most Thais don't look past their noses when driving.
  14. I thought I read a tread where all the crazies who actually drive scooters say that scooters need to always be riding in the leftmost lane? (Some citing it is an actual law.)
  15. They also accept cash at those checkouts showing payment can be made with Not true. I have payed cash many times at those checkouts showing that payment can be made using QR Code.
  16. I did this hike several times but the last time was nearly 20 years ago. RIP
  17. This can't be a truthful article. I have recently read where 'Thailand is a very conservative country when it comes to skimpy outfits'. ????
  18. I hope you realize I was bein facetious in my reply as you were in yours. You are absolutely correct in regards to parenting. Family values don't seem to hardly exist anymore. Both parents are working so Little Johnny can have those $300 Nike or the latest iPhone. They have no idea what Little Johnny is doing. As for education, I've always felt that school is nothing more than a social event for many and don't take it serious enough. Then they go in debt in order to go to a prestigious university only to be partying and majoring for some Liberal Arts program but crying for the government to eliminate all student loan debt.
  19. It's the violent video games and playing all that heavy metal music backwards.
  20. There's already a few great threads providing details of recent issues and what folks did to address them so that is not what I'm wanting to see posted here. I am just wanting folks who have recently (past year or so, say Jan 2022) signed up for retirement benefits to post: - How long from the time you applied to the time approved (weeks, months) - Did you have issues (no need identifying them or what you did) 'No issues' or 'Issues' I ask because I am still waiting after 14 weeks. No known issues thus far NOTE: I would try setting up a poll but I'm too lazy... ????
  21. I had similar experiences..... and yes, also in PP nearly 30 years ago. I can surely say you don't find those kind of shows around anymore.
  22. Hmmmmm.... Maybe that was your issue. You hung out relentlessly in that little shanty they had for the 'pump jockeys' who whined because it was 'too cold' out. Then the exhaust would fill that shanty as you stayed snug and warm. NOTE: I hear Hong Kong has some good accommodation deals right now. You can get an economy room on the 46th floor with an indoor charcoal BBQ thrown in for free.
  23. 'No smog here' - Says the tourist from Delhi. 'They call those mountains?' - Say the tourist from Innsbruk Everything in life has it's relevancy. As a youth back then with good health, the fumes were not noticeable enough to make me complain and remember. Yes, I am one of them...... ????
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