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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. I am seeking to find a rental in or around Nan and with doing a Google search I'm not having much luck. If anyone has any websites listing rentals please PM me as I am unsure if this site will allow links of such. I am just wanting a furnished apartment or small house with no or short term lease as I will be buying after having time to look around. Thanks in advance.
  2. I'm fully aware of that but I chose not to do any online transfers to avoid being hacked. Strictly cash based with one exception, I use True Wallet to make online purchases with Lazada. I keep a minimal amount in TW so if hacked they won't get much. I know I could open up a separate bank account and do perhaps the same but choose not to. Do note, I have seen the QR scan and payment occurring in front of me at Makro multiple times and to be honest, sometimes it wasn't so quick. Mainly due to the customer's slowness.
  3. Thanksfor letting me know, we didn't know that. Have you ever tested their counting as many Thais are not good with math.
  4. Here's a recommendation: Don't use one, do it yourself....... easy peasy
  5. That's understandable and not an issue for me as the cashier can generally count any amount of bills as the slow a$$ printer is spitting out the receipt. The reason for those small bills is that many patrons buying in bulk are buying to resell in their smaller mooban stores so they are using the bills they receive from their business. We use small bills a lot as we have a small convenience store as well as a couple phone top-up machines, a beauty salon, and 2 laundromat locations. The real bummer is with all the coins we get (washing and phone machines). The bank will only take so much at a time and the coins have to be placed in small individual plastic bags with 100 THB in each. For whatever reason Thailand does seem to want to use coin counters like the US banks use.
  6. Just checking to see if the OP has attempted to get a rental car yet and if successful.
  7. What would help Makro would be to get some new LaserJet printers.
  8. Went to Big C. Other then the typical unattended shopping carts in the aisles and folks standing smack dab in the middle of the doorway on their phones I encountered the woman in front of me in the fast checkout lane (10 items or less) unloading her 23 items on the conveyor. After Big C was Makro. Having only 6 of the 14 checkouts open (3 were 20 items or less and I had about 30) I waited patiently behind 2 customers who had the large carts totally packed down. Ten minuites later the customer in front of me was up. Again waiting 10 minutes or more to scan all her items the clerk totaled the tab. The customer then scurried off to the ATM to get money! Must of been at least 5 more minutes because she had 2 others in front of her. She returned and paid the cashier. Finally my turn. Speaking in Thai I joked with the cashier about the previous customer's stupidity. He must of sided with me as he let out a pretty loud laugh while shaking his head in agreement with me. When he presented me my total I opened my wallet and again speaking in Thai I jokingly told him to wait while I go to the ATM. I paid, we both laughed, and I went on my way to drive back home avoiding all the stupid drivers the best I could. Gotta love Thailand!
  9. You better get going with trying to book a rental ASAP. From personal experience booking a rental can be difficult at this time unless you are near a popular resort and even then it's not too easy unless booking way in advance.
  10. I much appreciate the reply. I was beginning to think that nobody in Surin goes to the dentist. I know the area you speak of, I might check it out if needed before I leave Surin..... Cheers.
  11. Can anyone recommend a good dentist in Surin for doing a crown?
  12. I will be renewing my US Passport by mail and was wondering how long it took for those that have recently done this process (last 6 months). How long did it take from the time you mailed the application (w/old passport) until the time you received the new one?
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