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About teatree

  • Birthday 06/05/1974

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  1. When Trump was elected back in 2016, we were told that he would be dangerous and unstable internationally, yet there were no new wars under his watch. What about Biden? He has just approved the use of US technology to fire missiles far deeper into Russian territory. Who is the unstable warmonger? Talk about poking the bear! Dick Cheney endorsing Harris speaks volumes. The Democrats are the party of the Neo-Cons.
  2. Ha...and so the insane, drama queen paranoia begins.
  3. I don't think he was being magnanimous at all. He is bitter about being forced out of the candidacy, and is happy that the democrats lost without him.
  4. When Biden dropped out, I was very surprised (and baffled) when the machine went for Harris. She has to be the most vapid, phony ever to run for president. Had they gone for Newsome, they may have had a chance. But Harris? The cackler will go on the garbage dump of history where she belongs!
  5. The point is that she sounds such a phony. Of course, she can speak however she wants, but I think a lot of people are put off by her being so blatantly fake.
  6. This wasn't how the country was established. It was carefully set up the way it is to persuade the states with smaller populations that their voice would still be heard. Otherwise, they probably would not have joined.
  7. Scraping the barrel when you have to start calling your political adversaries stupid. Why not just call Trump supporters smelly poo-heads?
  8. There is no visa to be transferred. Just an admitted until stamp.
  9. Does anyone know if you are required to transfer to a new passport (new passport received while in Thailand) at the airport, or can it be done at a land border? Thanks...
  10. Did the helper march you to the front of the line to wait, or were you just called over at the appropriate time to hand the docs in?
  11. It is a bit of a lottery. A friend of mine got his UK PP back within a month. I applied a week before him and got it a week later, so it was 6 weeks for me.
  12. Aren't PP applications from Thailand processed in India anyway now? Hopefully the strike won't affect things too much.
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